
Pi—The Full Circle: Completion in All Things

03 Feb 2018
8:27 p.m.

8:27 p.m.

8:27 p.m. 2-3-2018…. H.B G… B-C-T.R…. Harmony Blair G… AN-D.R..E.VV.S. Before Consciousness Creation Christ-Followers of the WAVE.. TR..E? T R U E…? Hello, As you are well aware, I am rather bored and disgusted with translating and transcribing this Script from the sum total of Book and Mind, expressed through out Time by Humans and all other Unseen Beings who have existed in Earth. That I can read it, is obviously apparent by the efficiency of the response. But the […]

03 Feb 2018
From Angela Dawn…

From Angela Dawn…

From Angela Dawn… I am not sure about this statement, perhaps one can change the way you perceive how your story ends but when the factors of cause and effect of the Laws of which brought you in Existence, and made you a character in a Destiny or Destination which you did not write… they only way you can end that story already …not pre determined but manifested by an Author who sees you so clearly that it already knew […]

03 Feb 2018
8:27 p.m.

12:01 p.m.

12:01 p.m. Contd… You know, I just read a post, which I had written earlier, and I could not believe the number of syntax and gramtical errors was in it. I write a million times better, but I realized that not only am I too tired, my body over used and over worked, but most of all, I am indifferent, uninterested….which is the reason I knew I had to stop.. stop everything. But what I am dealing with, the persistence […]

02 Feb 2018
8:27 p.m.

9:08 p.m.

9:08 p.m. 98. I.H… Infinity is Harmony. ..You might have noticed that I am now at 1056 Facebook Friends. Brittany Angelornah… B.A. Tochukwu Abafor.. T.A. Pepi L’Faith P.F. Nkasi Sainti Chukwumgborie N.A.C. B.T.P.N… A A F C…. Beautiful Truth Perfection Naturalness… A-A. Awareness Attained Full Circle First Contact… Brittany means The name Brittany is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Brittany is: Originally the ancient duchy of Bretagne in France. Celtic Bretons emigrated from France […]

31 Jan 2018
From Ogechukwu A. Okoro

From Ogechukwu A. Okoro

From Ogechukwu A. Okoro Elf and Fairy Folks… the Live in Stories and were created from Stories… Of Nature and Naturalness… seeking to comprehend their Origins and Truth. Original Facebook Post: Click Here

31 Jan 2018
Facebook Post..

Facebook Post..

I am posting this because I had a conversation with Ray down stairs and he mentioned a man here called Phillip who is of a Beautiful Blackness… I wrote about my continued interaction with him and how he is the only one I will give a rollie.. whenever he asks.. And found that Ray did the same…. We were both moved by some thing in him… something which was more than just his Beauty… his complexion… He is from Cuba.. […]

30 Jan 2018
Facebook Post..

Facebook Post..

37 year old Joe Kennedy…. 737 Code from Amoza Born…373… 37-3… 42 00 112… Is it in the true script…. Joe Kennedy… J K… 10 11… E Ga La XY… This is what is playing on the T.V right now… the speech of the state of the Union. In my script, I was not allowed to pass through the portal out of this dimension without first ensuring that If the E Harmony I represent is real and true… that it […]

30 Jan 2018
8:27 p.m.

From Jeffrey Carbal..

From Jeffrey Carbal.. I hope you do not mind me sharing this, I always share an image from any new facebook friends page…. And this is a great image of what I consider the Weary Heroic warriors of Life’s battle grounds…Heroes… True Hero’s warriors of Spirit…. Yes, they do exist these mythic Beings, but you do not hear from them, you do not see them in the news. or in the Movies… Instead caricatures of the ideas of hero’s. 3:45 […]

30 Jan 2018
8:27 p.m.


Hello… Over the next few days, I will begin to move away from what has been my Focus for the last 17 years in New York. It will be a relief to no longer have to focus my attention on Evil and Horror…. I never expected anyone to belief what I was stating that I am, was being put through, but I had at least felt that people would pay attention to the Facts, the sequence, the echo response which […]

29 Jan 2018
8:27 p.m.

1047… 10 11…. 21… 3…3 3…9.

1047… 10 11…. 21… 3…3 3…9. 1O 11 C.I… E Galaxy. This is not a play of this World… It is the landing of a Eternal Consciousness into this World through a play and script which challenged Humanities right to evolve based on their natural leaning to Evil. I was made to prove that the True Humans- the Naturals not only fight to preserve their Eternal Truth…- hence the Facebook Friends each arriving in a perfect symmetry and perfect timing […]