
Pi—The Full Circle: Completion in All Things

16 Feb 2018


I AM THE REAL BLACK PANTHER. And I am Ragnarok.. The Great Wolf, the Great Serpent .. the Giantess. 1072 Facebook Friends 9:23 p.m. 2-16-18…. AH….!!! I see… My bed numbers full Circle at Delta Manor. 2016 I was moved into Room 4B Bed 4-016. 2018 I was moved back into Room 4B Bed 4018. 2O 2O 16 18…. Full Circle 4 0 16 .. 4 0 18… 20 20 Vision.. 2-16 18.. Date… 2 2- 16 18… 4 4 […]

16 Feb 2018

Fact and Fiction… Fantasy…

Fact and Fiction… Fantasy… Three Posts on three Snakes… THIS IS A RIDDLE I AM SOLVING…. It has to do with the Movie Black Panther which is coming out tomorrow. Black Panther is me. B.P… Beautiful Pride 2 16… Beautiful Planet… Beaute Plan-E.T. 2+16= 18… 1 8…A H… = 9..I… Infinity… So much of this play, just as is the Human Existence in this World, is based on Comics, mythology… imagination…. Fantasy… From Greek Mythology to tales of Gods and […]

15 Feb 2018

Michaël Trahé Shared my Post…

Michaël Trahé Shared my Post… Link the play with Peter Nyarkô… and my covering letter.. And the Chess Match in the Harry Potter H.P.. Story…. The Philosophers Stone… P.S… I noticed that I had shared 17 images of Sacred Portals… 9 of them were liked by Prince Cromwell and Susanta Nayak P.C. S N… P. I C. K… E S I. N. E… E P.S…Philosophers Stone… P.S… See the meaning of Prince and Susanta… Susanta means…Susanta meaning – Astrology for […]

13 Feb 2018

Facebook Post..

9:03 p.m. 2-13-2018. 93… I.C. B.M.T.R… B.M.R… I C … I See the Being of Manifestation is TRUE… 2018. Being Manifest Radiance… B M R/ R M B… The Room in Being. Hello… I have reached the end of just how far I am wiling to go. Last night when I wrote the impassioned equation of Let It Be, and there was the immediate response, I felt that my refining and aligning through post Expression and solving linking everything about […]

12 Feb 2018

5:30 p.m.

5:30 p.m. E C O.. 2-12-2018. The Human Race has no alternative but to Evolve. There was never a Choice. It is unfortunate the Script and Play used to highlight this necessity and the necessity for the Extermination and Extinction of that which can not evolve. It is my greatest sadness, beyond words that this is what the Posts and Scripts of the most beautiful, plan E.T was transformed into… The sheer wonder of what the Human Being is able […]

10 Feb 2018

MD Nur Hossain.. 1064 Facebook Friend.

MD Nur Hossain.. 1064 Facebook Friend. 10 64…. TEN… Sixty Four.. S.F, Stephen Filgueira code… 1O +64… 65.. Coffee at Starbucks 605…. F O E/ E OF… Eternity Infinity Consciousness… FOE Of the Unnaturals… Without Heart Compassion who place Value on Moneies Numbers more than Human Life. MD Muktur Hossen MD Nur Hossain… M.D… Medical Doctor….? Manifest Destiny… Manifested Destination Hue-manity… MD… M.H M.D N.H. M.D M D MM DD.. MN…M O N E… Not Money… MON E…Y… H H… […]

10 Feb 2018

10:01 p.m.

10:01 p.m. 2-10-2018… 10 01 1001 is actualy translates from Binary to 9…. letter I. Just as 1011 As in E GA LA XY 1O 11 C I…. is B… I wish to pause to make a brief note. I saw that the the numbers are called Hex Numbers… The hexadecimal numbers are 0-9 and then use the letters A-F. We show the equivalence of binary, decimal, and hexadecimal numbers in the table below. … Two hexadecimal digits can represent […]

10 Feb 2018

11:21 p.m.

11:21 p.m. K.U.. 2-9-2018… B-I-T R ….U…E …Contd. A COCK… That is what the man placed on the Table next to me. His Hat had a Cock on it… Rooster… Cock same thing… Both Rise instinctively at Dawn and Crow…. Francis Frick arrived a moment after I did to sign the Bed Count list.. Dee was the only one present… D..E.. F… F D… I let him sign before my because I had to control the energy moving through me.. […]

09 Feb 2018

Facebook Post..

At 8:22 p.m. Manion Cock… Man Ion… COCK.. sent me this… I dislike these things… but it was the codes and the expressions which captured my attention… 18… And 4… R…D… Yes I am at Room 4 B.. Bed 4-O 18…D O R/ R O D…. DR/ RD…. They Doctored the Road..? Don’t I know it… by blaspheming consciously and intentionally the Name and meaning of God… Yahway.. Yes hues Ah… Christ Chrystal .. Clear…. It is so obvious that […]

09 Feb 2018

From Facebook menories…

From Facebook menories… O.K let me quickly align this… I am bed 4-0018… Linked to bed 17.. Francis Frick who as of last night mimicked my schedule unconsciously.. going to bed at the same time… staying awake most of the night.. going down for breakfast and then coming up for a nap… all as if he were mimicking me.. Right down to my coughing… The code here is R.Q… the Numbers revealed 18 17… R Q… D E… R Q… […]