
Pi—The Full Circle: Completion in All Things

26 Feb 2018

Towering Rage…. T.R… 20 18

Towering Rage…. T.R… 20 18 Tower Inferno… T.I.. 20 9…. Responding To… R.T.. The WAR… In Fer…( Iron..I Ron… Saun-Ron)….No…! See Sacred Portal 50 and what is written below… I am War!. No More War… Zebulon Ce a Nous.. The Raging Bull, Bule Boil, Bull- Lion Ego Oge… E.O… Eri-c…Oduduwa… Otzs Odu O O 7 I just shared a Table with 17 year old Leo… ( Cliff BossKing Leo)… Bull see the Inanna story and the Minotaur ( Salvan Inna […]

24 Feb 2018

I am finished… it is Ended in Completion…

I am finished… it is Ended in Completion… Harmoniously… To Sacred portals 58… and 23… What is required now is manifestation… for unless compelled to add more expression, I have no desire to post anything else… It has completed with Dawn… Let it now pierce through the fog and the fragrance and perfume of the Awakening Manifest… Now that the ground work has been laid and the FLOW E.R.S..Have blossomed wafting up their Scents in Waves through everything as the […]

24 Feb 2018

From Egorushka Chaiko E.C…

From Egorushka Chaiko E.C… LYNN…See meaning of the name Lynn.. Waterfall.. Pool.. Link sacred portal 5… Blue Lagoon.. The Creation for the Blue -Black Lagoon.. ( Night and Day… Transparent Water.. T.W…O..) As I was leaving today, from the Shelter.. the play with Dawn Piercy and Kemi Sara aligned… Linked… To Allen Murray his four sons… M.T.M.D… Murray Tyresse.. Maurice.. Daniel.. Yes..Daniel was the last person to sit besides me after Tyrone…and Micheal ( Connect) behind me… / D.M… T […]

23 Feb 2018
23 Feb 2018

Facebook Post..

Dawn Piercy sent me this photo when she pulled up with at Walmart to change the Western Union she sent to a Ten Digit- the new code, because Walmart uses a different Western Union code than the other Western Unions- which is nine digits instead of Ten. The New code is 86 93 03 80… 8 69 30 38 0.. My coffee yesterday was 690…Nnamdi…( Father is Present) 30…( Peter Ny-ark-O..Paris New York P.N…16+14…30… Add I…Istanbul.. P I N.. It […]

23 Feb 2018

From Gail Degrasse

From Gail Degrasse G.D. 7 4… 11 28..B H.. 39..C I….12..L. 3..C Cleveland C…The play last night… computer terminal…Jeane…Yale.. Race Car..R.C… Royal Child Meaning of the name Anubis. Dee and Blair….sitting together at the Table. Dee the Female is back… that is where I stood and Blair and Thermo appeared in line behind me People equation formed.. E….D..B. R….O.E… The Blair joined with Dee (Male) D. B equation formed .. I am in room 4 B. D.B..bed 4-018…D.O R… Raheem..who […]

22 Feb 2018


A.H!… P E..T.R U.E…. E T R U T H… E F R E E…. E F R E E D OM… If One Evolved Hue-man can affect Time, Weather and the Full Circle of Existence and Evolve Every-Thing back to the Eternal Realm -Origins of Humanity, through the worst conditions, while fighting the Spirit of Jealousy, the devastating destructive force of Humanity, led by A.I- Artificial Intelligence.. Can you Imagine what an Entire Evolved Species, An Entire Family of […]

22 Feb 2018

From Anna Hines… A.H.

From Anna Hines… A.H. Ah there is nothing like an Alluring Attractive Woman.. ( or man) Seduction…. I had 22 usd in my wallet plus 33 usd from Dawn Piercy though Allen Murray was ready to go and collect it, I could not get up, or move… my body was so exhausted from the stretching and aligning, and though not shocked I was truly incredulous and so so sad by yesterdays play and set up. But when I saw sacred […]

22 Feb 2018
21 Feb 2018

From Rocha Jay

From Rocha Jay Love this…. The Question is what do they do Better… Rape Pillage Burn Jump move write… And who are White People… I have never met a white person.. Pale complexioned people sure.. Tan Black… Unless you mean as the ancients called them Spirit People Mmuo… From the Spirit world… And then I would be inclined to agree because Energy must pass through the realm of Motion E Motion Expression- Doing before it can manifest in the Physical […]