
Pi—The Full Circle: Completion in All Things

09 Mar 2018

12:25 p.m.

12:25 p.m. L.Y… ( 3 7) 3-9-2018… C-I. T.R…U E… L.Y C .I..T R U E. A.B.B E..C.I…B.O A.H…C E… It seemed somehow fitting that I complete the Equation of the Y-Male Chromosme with my First Cousin Charles Tochukwu Umeano ( C.T.U… 3 20…21) He was born in 1986. And i have felt the pull of the script at which he had figured prominently, his code. In fact, I felt for years that the meddling in my personal script linked […]

07 Mar 2018

This was completed yesterday…

This was completed yesterday… S P… 36… Night and Dawn… Knight- Flip… Dawn- E David Dawn Llama Knights Dawn Piercy Kemi Sara Original Facebook Post: Click Here

07 Mar 2018

Sacred Potals…

Sacred Potals… 37… My Version of the E Lady is Victorious.. Sophia Oscar Lauren … Dejeuner Esther Alexa Renee… S O L… D E A R…. No more SO L D I E R’S.. OF War.. Nickel.. we are clean… Kemal… Perfect… N.K… Nnamdi Kolo… Flip and Nickel… Sha-Ron and Nickel… F N… I F U N… E.. S N… S I NE… CO-SINE Original Facebook Post: Click Here

07 Mar 2018
04 Mar 2018

6:33 p.m.

6:33 p.m. 3-4-2018… Reginald age 26 is sitting to my extreme left. Rahul age 32 is sitting to my immediate left.. he is watching Ragnarok…. I am sitting at Starbucks. waiting for Flip J Hendrixs. I woke up from a nap and for some reason I called him. I say for some reason because I had left a text earlier stating that it was getting just too frustrating getting to meet up with him the second time to complete the […]

04 Mar 2018

9:55 a.m.

9:55 a.m. 3-4-20 18. Universal Simulation Awareness. I had been stating publicly while navigating through it, that this reality is not real. That it is a Universal Simulation… a Test of Humanities right to Evolve by Meriting it and Earning it Themselves through a testing… Of Awareness. A non stop test of Awareness-running through a guantlet of Ilusions, projections, fractuals and moving through the correct portals while gathering the fractals and pieces, then weaving and linking them together to form […]

03 Mar 2018
28 Feb 2018
27 Feb 2018

8:58 p.m.

8:58 p.m. 2-27-2018 H. E.H.. Full Circle… B-B.G-T.R…U.E. Hello… So yes, we have moved from 15.. The Full Circle to the 6.. Which is the video which Flip J Hendrixs showed me.. A Scene in a short clip he shot. It took place when he down from the 6th subway stop… And I observed what had done to the portal of the 6th Sense.. The Human Subconscious…. 9:04 p.m 94.. I.D. I already knew… I lived it… And rose from […]

26 Feb 2018

Towering Rage…. T.R… 20 18

Towering Rage…. T.R… 20 18 Tower Inferno… T.I.. 20 9…. Responding To… R.T.. The WAR… In Fer…( Iron..I Ron… Saun-Ron)….No…! See Sacred Portal 50 and what is written below… I am War!. No More War… Zebulon Ce a Nous.. The Raging Bull, Bule Boil, Bull- Lion Ego Oge… E.O… Eri-c…Oduduwa… Otzs Odu O O 7 I just shared a Table with 17 year old Leo… ( Cliff BossKing Leo)… Bull see the Inanna story and the Minotaur ( Salvan Inna […]