
Pi—The Full Circle: Completion in All Things

27 Apr 2018

1130 Facebook Friends

1130 Facebook Friends 1 =A. 13= M O… O… 15 6 F. Fact. Time 22:05 pm V O E 8:05 pm 85 H.E I am trying very much to loose my patience with what has been done to my Equation… I woke from my siesta ( yes, still plagued by this insomnia..).. I awoke with intel – the words bursting forth in a quiet voice, almost a whisper from my mouth from my return from H.Q. through Sleep They were […]

26 Apr 2018

9:02 AM

9:02 am. 92.. I O B.. 4-26-18… 2018.. D B F R … D B F T R.m. Room 4 B FR .. Code links to FR E E.. add 55.. E E. Lelo John Jim Mowat Muruga Velan. 3 Face book Friends A B C from 1126.. 1 person came yesterday and 2 persons today. The Sacred Portal 14 Evolution of Consciousness C is the Facebook memory which popped up today. Yesterday was sacred portal 55 after the play […]

26 Apr 2018

2:02 AM

2:02 am 22 V All the computers at Delta Manor are down and I stopped going to Starbucks because the play there is over. I was at 1126 facebook friends which was the bed number of Quanma’e Lewis who I moved to bed 4-004 ..proving that it is I who brings the end. Luke Wilson just sent me a message The Shelter Sucks L W.. W L Flip.. Wave Length I wrote the post equation of which I realized was […]

24 Apr 2018

22:53 p.m.

22:53 p.m. V. E C… Victorious Emeka’s Expression of Clarity. The Time now is 11:17-18 p.m. I started this Post on my phone when the only computer at Delta Manor was suddenly made available to my Surprise after I saw the news and felt, I had to at least make you the public aware of a pattern I have been noticing each time I move victoriously through this P W Q B… Particle Wave Quantum Beings. I have left Starbucks, […]

23 Apr 2018

10:51-52 am

10:51-52 am Ah! I See.. I get the equation I was figuring out and decoding on the last post from Lady EC H O. S P 20…Letter T 2O B She is saying Yes U Are C H R I S T Christ Consciousness. C C.. Ah The C C on Jace Horsfords Shoes Coco Channel.. I am not your Yeshua. I am Christ Waves Music SUM Of the Infinite Cee C V S C Speed of Light Consciousness Victorious […]

23 Apr 2018

9:07 a.m.

9:07 a.m. 97 4-23-2018. D. W. R…. D W T.R.U E. Hello… I had the confirmation of my work sustaining the beautiful truth of the World. I am fully aware of the Amazing people doing amazing things quietly, most not being complelled as I was to come here, to this viscous script to prove our truth. These are the Naturals and they are the notes on the Wave which I have been aware that I have been powering life time […]

22 Apr 2018

2:12….2.:3..4 a.m

2:12….2.:3..4 a.m As I left the T V Room because it closes at 2:00 a.m (Yes 10:00 pm and 2:00 am curfews…J B…) mareveling with incredulity of the distortion of our Clean Version of The Eternal Truth and Eternalaw89 landing here. The Fear and refusal to Clean up your Mess and show appreciation that The ENEGETIC Feelings Sensational- real energetic stardust. Beam me up Scotties.. Merkabah Elevaator… ..that your predessors are The Beautiful Ones, your True Orgins… so so clean […]

21 Apr 2018

From Jace Horsford

From Jace Horsford This is also a response to Valdrino Meta who was correct.. Aligned to his expression.. And also to Dawn Piercy whose expression represented V.M was aligned correctly to my See..I am Enki E N K I… Emeka Nnamdi Kolo… Ikemefuna.. I… Nnamdi Nnandi David… Sumerian…. D.P was correct because she represents the Story… One is rep of the Physical and the other Spiritual… All are the same.. they are Energy 9:45 p.m I D E Original Facebook […]

17 Apr 2018

My spirit does not meet someone and then when I go to sleep and hear that person speaking to me in the spirit realm! Hi I have acknowledged source through you, and have seen the magnificence of what spirit can do in any part of the world

My spirit does not meet someone and then when I go to sleep and hear that person speaking to me in the spirit realm! Hi I have acknowledged source through you, and have seen the magnificence of what spirit can do in any part of the world 7:58 p.m Unbelievable!!!! My Coffee at Starbucks from Chris 58. * See Time… Second Coffee 4… *Delta… Arab Bodega.. 54.. Randall Michael Wiltz.. R M W.. 18 13 23 =54 ( Double V […]

16 Apr 2018