
Pi—The Full Circle: Completion in All Things

05 Jun 2018

11 65 Facebook Friends

11 65 Facebook Friends Meaning from what I have understood is that the 65 code was still being contested. And was won when Brittany Bertin became my 11 65 Face Book Friend. B B Code as B O D Y AND BEING Linked by I.Emeka… The post that crashed had the detail expressio and break down of the true reason why numbers were allowed to come into Existence and Zero as he Counting System ( AB AC US) Came into […]

04 Jun 2018

9;14 p.m.

9;14 p.m. I just completed a 3 hour Post which just crashed … I sensed the importance of it and that the computer would do that… But I was not bothered, I retain the equation in my Memory… 9:14- 915 p.m .. the time was all that remained and the moment I I wrote the time linking it to my post this morning at 9:14 a.m… I am content… It was in the subject of Zero versus the Full Circle… […]

03 Jun 2018

AT 1164 Face Book Friends..

AT 1164 Face Book Friends.. Time 12:43 a.m See Sacred Portal 64… Link Micjeal Belle..V U E… 22 21…( 43).. E… 5.. 48/84.. 1984.. Big Brother is Watching…. M.B… Lookinan Crepein L C… code LOOK IN NA.. Liam Wright L W.. Wendy S…. L L … 12 12… 24….X.. 6.. F.. C W… Cecilia Wiebers C Double V.. C D V… C V.. S LOOK IN NA… IN is the 9 14…/ 149… * Billy Hung organized for me to […]

01 Jun 2018

A Play Not Human….

A Play Not Human…. 12:45 p.m. Sacred Portal 45 Throne of Existence 1161 Facebook Friends. Today right now it is 6-1-2018…. 11 61… 2018….( sigh why do I have to put up with this? ) Yesterday, Theo who works here aligned with Randall Michael Wiltz which formed the equation T R and E… represented by me.. *Tre Shawn was the person in the bed I am currently in but it was called bed 4-019, I was in bed 4-016…. I […]

30 May 2018

7:22 p.m.

7:22 p.m. G.V. There were a series of Cars in front of me as I sat in front of Taylor Ave. one.. 7:27 p.m. ( yes code of the Giants and Titans whom you call Elementals or the First Primary Principles of Physical matter which make up the Equation and dynamics of Physical Reality… Universe Creation.. such as Gravity, Matter, and the Chemicals…) Today I just noted them, why… I did not know or seek to know why. but I […]

28 May 2018

6:32 pm,

6:32 pm, From Elaine Benedic. E.B… Yes the Billy Hung play yesterday… Popes Benedict… John Paul ..Benedict Francis… She has 131 Facebook.. I noted that I was at 131 text messages with Billy yesterday and now at 153…. ZTE Phone… ETZ Phone Home… ETZ is a Chinese Company and was on the News Paper on the 26th th with Donald Trump… Meanwhile I was on the computer day before yesterday and yesterday 26th and 27th in a play where with […]

27 May 2018

1 13 is the number on my page.

1 13 is the number on my page. Billy Hung hesistated to meet Kyle Murphy and I took note of that, having informed Billy that I was reading the script and that he had a choice. Today, I came back from Starbucks with the number 6 21… I had the Q… Taken back from Jacqui Quanma’e Lewis as well as the K as the 11 from Kyle Murphy. Repant Murphy.. I asked Kyle what he was meant to repent of, […]

26 May 2018
25 May 2018

11:06 PM

11:06 pm. A Three year old boy called Messiah was killed today beaten to death in the Bronx-Sound View No one stood up for Messiah the reporter announced. 11:01 p.m was the time. 11:10 p.m right now.. What is the relevance of this..? Messiah means Messenger Billy Hung.. Sent me a message today.. After a conversation in which he allowed me to speak through my point of view. -The point of view I could never really share about my point […]

24 May 2018

9:04 p.m

9:04 p.m I O D. I D. 5-24-2018… E X T R … AH!.. I have just figured out what it spells out… in sum of the codes and Intel from the Lord and Lady and Family of E… E X T R…..A.T. E R.R.E S T R .. I A L… E M E K A …. O K.. O L… O… O.K.. EMEKA KOLO Is an Extraterrestrial… Ha, I could have told you that…? Though few would have […]