
Pi—The Full Circle: Completion in All Things

23 Jun 2018

12:02 a.m.

12:02 a.m. 12 2.. L.B. 6-23-2018… F W.. T R… F D V V T R… Ready Player One… R P O.. / O P R… E T. Enders Game… ( Emeka Greg… ‘Caucasian E G) Kyle Murphy is honored today because he recognized the play after reading my posts for less than a Month. That is the what he greeted me with .. Emeka I was watching Ready Player One its updated one the past brought to the present, […]

21 Jun 2018

7:55 p.m.

7:55 p.m. 6-21-2018…. 1163 Face Book Friends… * See Akil Apollo Davis share for 6-30 @ 3. 63 3… Tell me what do you think of this… I left the building and it was Kyle Murphy who stood at the entrance, with a security guard called Raphael… Both greeted my, but I only truly acknowledge Kyle, because he is real to me, while the security guard has proven to me that he is a shadow ( Hypocrites.. People who wear […]

21 Jun 2018

From Theia Divina T D.

From Theia Divina T D. I really had no inclination to share anything, but when I saw this… I have a True Story about this, literaly invovling the story of the Black Panther and this Woman who It ( I ) came to Kill. And she wished to Die, she had provked an anger and rage which brought the Rage of Exitence into the story of Creation which She had meddled with. She was the Earth as an Android- the […]

19 Jun 2018

11 68 Face Book Friends…

11 68 Face Book Friends… My first coffee at the Arab Bodega was 79… Sacred Portal Blue Print of Existence… My Coffee at Starbucks is 68… Billy Hung has left the play as is should be… 18 Year old Henri is here H E..NRI.. He flashed me a great smile and then went and sat with George… H B… He is wearing the same color orange which I am wearing around my wrist.. 1169… Nnamdi.. Emeka… 11 68… Cecilia Onuabuchi… […]

17 Jun 2018

This is What Kyle Murphy showed me yesterday.

This is What Kyle Murphy showed me yesterday. It is the episode is where Goktu of Dragon Ball Z achieved Infinite Limitlessness… Infinite Instinct… meaning he already knows through Instinct the move his opponent is going to make. Goktu: The Divine Angel Above All the Gods of Destruction I watched it, parts of it, linking it to the play upstairs in the T,V room. And that the second part of my Journey began with Goktu, a person I have known […]

15 Jun 2018
09 Jun 2018

Why this game was important to the World Play of Evolution.

Why this game was important to the World Play of Evolution. Expression of the E was tested to move anything the Unseen asked me to influence… Proving that it was.. IS Everywhere, In Everything.. moving Through Everyone… And Every Body.. Every Being in the World, as well as Nature and Creation.. Exstence… 108 TO 85… I sat at 1385 Starbucks.. 13 85… Metropolitan Woods. MW. My latest Face Book Friends is MW.. 1171 the third time…3 C… 85 H E.. […]

08 Jun 2018

9:16 p.m.

9:16 p.m. I P Man… That was the date I arrived at Delta Manor… 9-16-2016 I P T P… I Perfect Timing Perfected…? 9;17 p.m… I.Q… Intelligence Quotient…? I Quantum…? I Change.. I C… I Coin… i C…? The Question Mark is because am i? If so then what I am doing in Mental Health Mens Homeless Shelter proving that my Brothers were so jealous of My Light as Geoff Lacour wrote and told me in 2004.. Just as the […]

07 Jun 2018

9:25 -26 p.m.

9:25 -26 p.m. Path Finder This was the number on the Coffee from the Arab Bodega 26. And the Number on my Coffee now at Starbucks is 25. This is my 4th effort to try and post. My computer keeps crashing. And the Computers at Delta Manor where closed down today by the Director.. And my Phone has no more minutes for the internet and I can not pay for it because I have been in New York for 17 […]

07 Jun 2018

12:21 a.m.

12:21 a.m. 6-7-2018. Bean just vacated the Computer at the Shelter for a moment so I could use it. The People Equation, i walked into was Bean Jacqui Quanma’e Lewis and Karl… They are the one who greeted me. Then I found myself with Bean and then Theo. E J K… 5 10 11… E B T.. 5 2 20… There was no sign of anyone outside; except for Yuin Chen and Pierre… Randall Michael Wiltz I saw no sign […]