
Pi—The Full Circle: Completion in All Things

13 Jul 2018

Facebook Post..

K Q Q…. From Greg Dollins G.D. 7 4. You know, one of the most difficult barriers to communicating my Forced of Drawn- Pulled.. Dragged out of the Recesses of Memory) of the Eternal ( U.S) was that wall of Gravitas, Intensity, seriousness and weight to the thier search for Answers by people of this world ( and not seeing it right infront and within) Is the E Story though of Supeme Importance… Father who played the Idea of Death.. […]

12 Jul 2018

8:58 p.m.

8:58 p.m. 7-12-2018. @ 1159 Facebook Friends. I am fed up.. Fed up with this play, this Script and having to go through this process over and over again of passing through a Script i which I am used as an example to obedience of the Eternal Laws- to inspire others, who simply take advantage of it. Humanity has to evolve, and I am so sick of this script trying to bring me down or trip me up, by creating […]

12 Jul 2018

From Dawn Piercy

From Dawn Piercy I am amazed by those mocking this is without first investigating it just as I am amazed by those calling it God without first having some evidence… What I see is a being projected onto a viewing screen on a Universal Simulation onto the awareness of people on Earth- Alabama is the 22nd State 22=Letter V. Montgomery Alabama … A.M… Alabama ALA B AM A… Bam El Lobo Vega Here we rest and To Gather to Clear […]

07 Jul 2018

12:32 p.m

12:32 p.m 1157 Facebook Friends… Now, I wish to bring something to your attention. On July 5th exactly 6 years ago to the day that Billy Hung text me yesterday at 6:29 p.m and 6:31 p.m. Exactly 6 years to the Day…. I met Mr Hung at Queens after speaking to him by telephone through his friend Ravindra Singh. Dina Singh Pradeep Singh. D.P. Dawn Piercy. Exactly 6 years to the day. B.H… 2 8. Patrick Okolo 28 years later […]

06 Jul 2018
05 Jul 2018
04 Jul 2018
03 Jul 2018

7:06 p.m.

7:06 p.m. 7-3-2018.. @ 1161 Facebook Friends. 1172 was the Apex of Facebook reached which links to yesterday and the conversation I had with Kyle Murphy and Artie (Aturo T) and the Mergovian Prophecy and the Prior of Sion. Which calls the Womb of Mary Magdelene the Room which is called the World or the Room with a View. Sacred portal 72 is a man coming out of a Womb. 11 72… was yesterday Robert and Artie… Kyle in the […]

03 Jul 2018

The codes of the play which were recorded in real time on my page through posts and codes I was decoding, aligning the E version of the Story distorted here in this reality of the Fantasy and the C.G.I… Virtual World which most of Humanity now live in.

The codes of the play which were recorded in real time on my page through posts and codes I was decoding, aligning the E version of the Story distorted here in this reality of the Fantasy and the C.G.I… Virtual World which most of Humanity now live in. Hela is the first born of Odin who is kidnapped by Angels… This links to the Blue Print of my Sister ( Who First appears as Male Nnamdi and as Cat.. The […]

02 Jul 2018

So I was at 1163…. And this was a battle for my Sister line linked to Nnamdi…

So I was at 1163…. And this was a battle for my Sister line linked to Nnamdi… At 1164 Facebook friends again. The Blue Print is my Life… ( Our Lives) and I have been finding myself being interrogated on the full circle of my Life and my entire Existence spanning this life right to my Inception as E. Page 6…. 8 22 5 11 3 is the line up of the Spanish team of the World cup who lost […]