
Pi—The Full Circle: Completion in All Things

28 Aug 2018

1:08 p.m.

1:08 p.m. 8-28-2018… Hello, I just had a quiet and elegant text conversation with Chris Inabnitt. It is him. He is the last eqaution portal to E GA LA XY 1O11 C.I. He sent me his code address… A-A.H E… I C… I just stared at it… I am a warrior.. a warrior of Spirit and being, trained my entire life. Recall my mother stated sadly that I cam out of her womb having to fight.. and have been fighting […]

27 Aug 2018

8-17/18 p.m.

8-17/18 p.m. 8-27-2018 From Dzidula Offiong… D O… 2:40PM Your Energies are Powerful, they Sustain you in your Physicality, they are felt in Unity, they are the Healing Aspect of yourself and this Planet. So never feel there is nothing you can do, because you are as long as you keep that Loving Balanced Vibration Flowing in each moment. ? ? ? ? ? Link his initials D.O. to Bed 4-015… D O O… And the time 2:40 p.m… 24.. […]

27 Aug 2018

1:12 a.m.

1:12 a.m. A.L… 1.13 am… A.M. Reality…. Mine is Victorious…. ? Yes… I know.. I always knew… why would I go so far..? I knew that this world was not real. I knew that… but I did not know that that I would spend the rest of my life till this point being the one to prove that it was not real. The experience of it, Yes. But the Actuality of it … No. To be sentenced to proving that […]

26 Aug 2018
26 Aug 2018

Flip it… Edward Eceinco said in comment to my post.

Flip it… Edward Eceinco said in comment to my post. and Dee Marie liked it. E E D M. I am at Delta Manor and the portal which we seem to be stuck on is 55… The Back. Spinal Chord 31 vertbebra/ M.D.E.E… There is a young woman here called Dee who works here. The Truth is, I do not have much patience for these riddles any longer. I know we, or I am at the gate way Represented by […]

23 Aug 2018

9:01 p.m.

9:01 p.m. 91… A.I… Amoza Born Isabelle Ilic… S A I D… M… S D M… The S is represented by Sarah Lagrange in the feminine aspect of the play.. M is MANN… Represented by Me as Mann who as the Movie Dune is able to enter into the Sacred Feminine… D is DeLores Spratley… D S… D S.. = 4-019/18… Represented by the Bed I am in…= 23.. E M E… 5 13 5.. = 23.. Double U.. 42… […]

23 Aug 2018

9:19 a.m.

9:19 a.m. I S. 8-23-2018.. H W ( V V ) T R. Hello… I just wished to make a brief mention of what happened when I did go back to the room to sleep at 3 a.m. It was as quiet as Bliss. The room spelled of Perfume.. P.S… That is the other meaning of the name Ghandi… Origins… Grocer, Chemist.. Perfume…. linked to Joshua… ‘Salavation It means, that I got the equation correct, that I had been manipulated […]

22 Aug 2018

1:30 a.m.

1:30 a.m. 8-22-2018. 1. 13 is the number on my page. Enoch and Edward sit together at one end of the T.V room. E E. I sat reading the New York times while observing the television screen at the movie Bean had put on. To my left was Robert Munoz… and to my right Donald Derrick and Bean.and Bean… E E .. R… D B… The Film he put on was Ip Man 2.. Yes I P MANN…. 9-16… the […]

21 Aug 2018

Finally after fighting for this portal to open for 7 – almost 8 years..

Finally after fighting for this portal to open for 7 – almost 8 years.. posting it over and over again.. Perhaps it has finally been achieved. I know it has but I say perhaps because it has not manifested – exploded into Human Awareness yet. That a play of the Entire 1-4 Dimension to evolve to the 5th was played out in a Micro Cosmic Scale in a place.. – A Mental Health Shelter in the Bronx in New York. […]

21 Aug 2018

From Axel Love… Axel Anderson.. Code A-A.. ( A-Z-AH)

From Axel Love… Axel Anderson.. Code A-A.. ( A-Z-AH) My sisters British name is Joy. Link the from the Face book pool of friends – Joy Jane.. J J…Makes one link Janet Jackson and her album Control which is the song I entered New York into 17 years ago. I link it to Sacred Portal 1A… Being A-.A. And Generation X Gardens and A.L… ( Albert Santana – Link Aturo Snow A.S who reminds me of Axel Love) But most […]