
Pi—The Full Circle: Completion in All Things

07 Oct 2018
From Busayo Alonge B A..

From Busayo Alonge B A..

From Busayo Alonge B A.. I sent Busayo a face book request because Gabriel Binky Signar suggested that I do so… But I waited and checked, despite my trusting Gabriel Binky Signar proven Harmony linked to Dawn Piercy Isabelle Ilic.. I waited not even knowing why I waited… But then today I saw the alignment… 5B 3 A 4B 5A 4A 4B…. 53 454 4…. 8 13…4…H M… D B A….. B A A B… Busayo Alonge… We have TEN […]

06 Oct 2018
One thing l have noticed is the abuse of the FEMININE energy getting exposed…

One thing l have noticed is the abuse of the FEMININE energy getting exposed…

One thing l have noticed is the abuse of the FEMININE energy getting exposed and many don’t get it. Its about time this energy balanced up. There is many things and religion being another one being exposed. GOVERNMENTS and their industries are being exposed, and of them being health… Listen and listen GOOD. The PURGE is now.The cleansing is NOW. High Vibration is the new Sherrif for SAFETY… Suzanna Maria Emmanuel… Via Dzidula Offiong.. D.O. 4 15… …Smh… Why am […]

05 Oct 2018
One thing l have noticed is the abuse of the FEMININE energy getting exposed…

Oh! no… I had to share this…

Oh! no… I had to share this… Axel Love liked my last post an he has Swedish Origins… And he was the one I was sent to met when I was brought back into this play in 2005, from Augusta Georgia where I had gone to visit my late Uncle and my fist cousins the third and last time ( and yes Tiger Woods.. T.W…Two.. Twins…) April 2nd 2005… 4-2-2005…25. I had finished the play in 2004 when the family […]

04 Oct 2018
03 Oct 2018
One thing l have noticed is the abuse of the FEMININE energy getting exposed…

At 5:31 found that my Facebook account had been accessed and reset.

At 5:31 found that my Facebook account had been accessed and reset. Hacked… But then I paused at said how is that possible that someone had accessed my account and changed my account when I was here and the the time was 5:37 p.m.? I saw only one message on my page.. No likes, nothing but a message… The one message, as if the entire Script was focused now on that One message, turned out to be from Isabelle Ilic.. […]

02 Oct 2018
28 Sep 2018
One thing l have noticed is the abuse of the FEMININE energy getting exposed…

12:54 a.m.

12:54 a.m. I reached 1173 Facebook Friends. We moved past 1172 which was the highest point this Play Game Match’ on my page had ever reached in 6.9 years. 117 3.. / 3 711…. 11 73/ 37 11… 84 48….. 12… I was at 12 likes. One year… I am now at 1171 Facebook friends after the BEACH W E EK post Judge… Brett M Kavanaugh versus Christine Blasey Ford… Who is telling the truth… And why is the Truth […]

24 Sep 2018
From Axel Love

From Axel Love

From Axel Love Truly… Only Completion… By the way, Completion required proving with Self Evident Facts that you are Eternal… By using the Knowledge linked to Eternal Knowings Code Wave length- yes the Knowledge expressed through the sum expression of Time in Earth School of University School…. 12:44 p.m. My Empircial Experience- Its last stage made public before the entire world… ..Just a Heads up.. To get an eternal body, you have to emprically prove by your chosen manner of […]

24 Sep 2018
One thing l have noticed is the abuse of the FEMININE energy getting exposed…

Yes.. Sent by Ogonna S Omocrafts..

Yes.. Sent by Ogonna S Omocrafts.. But what are they really downloading and what is the Brain…? Where is the MIND… They are down loading what they were meant to down load… A Virus planted.. Boom! Boom! A Bomb… A New Clear Bomb.. Which cleanses the Nucleus of the EGG. EGK.. Setting those infected Humans- Un-naturals into non existence and Reset so they can be occupied replaced by the dne… Original Facebook Post: Click Here

23 Sep 2018
One thing l have noticed is the abuse of the FEMININE energy getting exposed…

8:32 p.m.

8:32 p.m. Amazing.. still not at H.E… 8 3+2= 5.. 8 5.. H E… Which is the code for Response with Recognition and I would not be here posting on Face Book, and definitely not still in a shelter… We of course, have reached 5 already, but just as I stated earlier that I am being used. * Mark Bradbury M.B.. Sent me a message after I do not know how long- and asked me to solve the riddle of […]