
Pi—The Full Circle: Completion in All Things

25 Nov 2018

8:37 p.m…

8:37 p.m… 8:38 p.m. This is what it is all about Victoria Jackson. It is about Ascension of the True Sacred Feminine Donna Lady Warrior .. Divine Feminine I.Q as the masculine principle not being masculine. Intelligence Quantum… To Jump from one dimension perception in a blink of an eye and yet still create such a perspective which is clear to Every one Hence Air Space A.S . Is Clarifies- Kelsie Bissell line where she creates order out what may […]

24 Nov 2018

7:47 p.m

7:47 p.m Just outside my window with a view, I took this picture from the ground Landing Concrete. It shows Snow Flakes. S.F. Sensational Feelings Code Stephen Filgueira brought me here (6th Sense Supreme line of E Sixth Sense ) Landing of the Unique Individuals Pure Refinded The Being of Eternity. I know this Scene .. I am peering from my Room with a View as the Whole world and the streets of New York are crying laughing dancing.. In […]

24 Nov 2018

7:17 -18 p.m.

7:17 -18 p.m. I just had a chat with Stephen Filgueira.. He is with Shambala- code of the young dude he went to pick up, and whose code I read by a synchronicity play from Tibet Himalayas Tibet, Nepal to my arriving here to see on T.V a documentary speaking about attaining Shambala.Paradise The Boogie Which he literally manifested. And then to an expression about Sweat Lodges and the purification of the American Indian truths of cleansing purification.. Same as […]

24 Nov 2018

1176 Facebook Friends…

1176 Facebook Friends… to 11 83…Facebook Friends. 76 is Sacred Portal The 123 Cocksure Of the First Dawn Awakening 83 is Sacred Portal 83 ‘Chilled Going going home with the Full Circle and the Crossing… 7 6… Crowning Chakra Sixth Sense Vision linked to Reason… and finally 8 6… Harmony Fact. 83 H C.. Hartford Connecticut. Harmonies Consciousness is here,,, This is what the code reads.. The Awakening is confirmed and begins.. began here when I was moved to the […]

21 Nov 2018

From David Powers.

From David Powers. 5:29 p.m. I.am not sure where to even start with the Harmony of this post, so I will just start from where it is anchored. Right here in the present. And the present is linking my own last post, Busayo Alonge posts and my liking it with the thread represented by Stephen Filgueira Anastasia Hart A.H. Rebirth of the Heart. Harmonies Art. Rebirth Erection Regeneration. What I had just woven was that I am now at Connecticut […]

21 Nov 2018
21 Nov 2018

This is sacred portal 13.

This is sacred portal 13. 12+1=13. This represents the concept of Manipulation. Using others, especially ones children, to manifest an Agenda which could be pure- say revenge for an injustice, or to help save the Human Race.. all by casting a spell on them. 11:22 a.m ( So we all know now, to whom I am addressing- the principle which went too far… 11 22 is my Mother Cecilia and her male version David) And a spell can be cast […]

20 Nov 2018

Sacred Portal 72…

Sacred Portal 72… G.B… K G B… Green Point Brooklyn… 11 7 2… Face Book Friends where I am right now… I AM A FREE MAN… No Ones Slave.. Nor Do I enslave others with guile Words and then Denial spinning Webs of Deception Manipulation, Threats Rage.. to get my way… I give Choice and Freewill.. To chose even to go out of Existence… which is cool with me, because it means it was not real, Remorse and making amends […]

20 Nov 2018

Sacred Portal 80.

Sacred Portal 80. S.D.. to Isabelle Ilic I I.. to Kelsie Bissell and Victoria Jackson… S.D… Santana Dharma… ( Lotus Santana) I and I Robert Nesta Marley and Peter Tosh.. R M P.T… Isabelle means V.O.W… W O V… E… Double V… O Full Circle in Perfect Symmetry Victory… Emeka Kolo February 23 · Sacred Portal 8O.. Apex of Self Love.. Freedom from Self Awareness Re-unite your Two Natures Day and Night… D A N.. Brown… D N… E Awake […]

20 Nov 2018

5:41 p.m.

5:41 p.m. From Busayo Alonge B A… 11-20-2018… K.T.. .. Kasien Thompson born under the sign of the 13th Astrological Sign. A S… 29-11- 28-11… 22 98… 11 11… 22 17 22.. 22 Quantum Leap Year Jump Man 2016 Leap Year.. Jump Man… 22. 22 8 22 V H V… From 17.. 1 -7/7-1 To 88… 8/8.. 8… 1… Harmony… H.A! A.H.. HA-A-H. Star to Star… Family Master Lock… Master Key… LOCK And Key… M M K L… *See the […]