
Pi—The Full Circle: Completion in All Things

29 Nov 2018


P.S.. A G. Is Silver.. A U is Gold. A G A V E.. Kim A H.. is Gold. Tree Sage Thus A G A V E.. A U M. OHM Gold and Silver.. A-G.. 1-7.. Is Silver but also Gold. 1-7 Rainbow Pot of Gold at the End of the Rainbow is C.C Crown Chakra Vision A G. The code of Y C.. Yeshua Christ is Yellow Cee.. 3rd Planet Earth 3rd Color Yellow.. It evolves through one full […]

29 Nov 2018

From Ariana Gradow AG….

From Ariana Gradow AG…. Add Alex Vidaud… A G A V …V= 5 Roman Numerals Rome O- 5 is E. A G A V E… Shaggy- Nugahs Ramuk Nahdarp Peter Bragino Stephen Filgueira. Kim ( Tree Sage) The name Agave is a Greek baby name. In Greek the meaning of the name Agave is: Mother of Pentheus. Brilliant Noble Good Agave is a genus of monocots native to the hot and arid regions of Mexico and the …. Common names […]

28 Nov 2018

From Jude Lucas…

From Jude Lucas… Ofo Igbo means The Truth of the Forest People.. First People of Earth Matter… Igbo actually means Forest or people of the Woods.. Spirit Beings, Elves Fairies in the West.. 9 9 9…. C I… 27 G,B..O. A-A… Ariana Gradow ( AG..Ag… :Gold…) Akil Apollo Davis A-A… Full Circle… 9…I.. G B O I C A -A… Resurrection Ofo Igbo… I A.M The Truth of the Forest First People… 11:34 p.m. 11-28-2018 1 8.. A H… Anastasia […]

28 Nov 2018

10:22 p.m.

10:22 p.m. I went to Manhattan today, so much took place. Last night Stephen Filgueira had an experience with the other realms, a realm above this reality and one in which he experienced the Ancestral Pangea story of the American Spirits as the Moors as well as the Taino Arawak conflict and of course, the True First American Spirits The Eternals or the Evolved First Contact. As he articulated the experience, I knew he had met Death as Fear. We […]

28 Nov 2018

10:10 p.m.

10:10 p.m. Yes, its a code.. 3 hours and 10 mins I have been waiting now to meet up and go to New York to sign papers for a passport. Through 57 Human Portals- and through each, I have been forced to wait. Waiting for them, waiting for my equation formula to manifest, waiting for my body to stop, moving, waiting to be free of this cursed script which makes me wait, tosses me about from one place to the […]

27 Nov 2018

X-Men First Class..

X-Men First Class.. It is on T,V Ion T.V… L ION Te! Vie.. 10:11 p.m. Yes, this version is the Graduation First Class of the Family E X.. i played Professor X… Xavier I met him and passed through his portal with as well as David Roman and Filipe Arkadiusz in 2002/3. Yes, it was true.. 2004, 57th and 33rd Street Wrote The story of the Family of T E N… Because they literally rose in me. But this i […]

27 Nov 2018

From Kirsten Roberts.

From Kirsten Roberts. K.R. Written by Peter Bragino. I present the evidence of my code Planet Beauty Reflected and Embodied by Line of P.B. But I have one correction in ths Beautiful Expression of the Two Reps Supreme of the Humane Hearth. Planet Earth as Father Nature Voice Alive in his twin K A H Tree Sage Is that we did not come to serve, teach.. He just sent a message .. getting better more refine, almost there.. We came […]

26 Nov 2018

From Tree Sage

From Tree Sage The Golden Ratio… Enter the Dragon, align all the projections of who you really are as Ego-Spectrum Rainbow color, to painting a picture of your life in True Color.. a Beautiful True Story which aligns with music and art and which you have broken down into a SCIENCE.. and rebuilt reconstructed into the truth of who you are… After Smashing all the Mirrors, of what others defined you as as well as the false ones you created […]

26 Nov 2018

From Dana HawkinsDana

From Dana HawkinsDana 2:25 p.m Literally It knows how to simply Be. And that is why it is so Chill and Beautiful. T B 20 2 22 V 2:26 p.m B V Always Victorious Victoria Aaron Aaron Victoria V.A E VA A V E! N . U ..E. 14. 21 5M.. 5 3 5. A V E. 5 3 5.. 8 5. H E.. 13. M…D.. M.D. Donna M. Mother. Stephen Joshua. S.J. 39. C.I. A Lien Father Alien Motherb. […]

25 Nov 2018

Sacred Portal 84.

Sacred Portal 84. 8:58 p.m. See this image Link to 84 Represented by Myself and Stephen Filgueira. Do you see the Demonic force shaped like a phallus in the background Sex is not the the Demon. It is the Force which drives the Demonic force ( see the origin of the word Demonic) It’s a Passionate force … Sex Drive Pistons on full throttle Beautiful Fucking. Can’t Stop now!. -Locomotive!. Oh Stop stop!!… Don’t you dare stop!. Ah… Neil see […]