
Pi—The Full Circle: Completion in All Things

06 Mar 2019

From Disposal Binniz

From Disposal Binniz God as E MANUAL… Talking to people of this World… 4:19 p.m. D S.. Dharma Santana… Eternal Law… E L.. F NnamdI Emmanuel… N E… Natural Evolution… Natural Expression… Christopher Filgueira… Emmanuel Kerema.. E.K. Disposal Binniz has currently 1031 facebook Friends.. See sacred portal 10 and 31… And the States – order in which they joined the Union of the Universal Simulation Awareness Matrix..Script Play… U S A..M… S P… Virginia… Link Birth place of a Nation, […]

02 Mar 2019
02 Mar 2019

From Busayo Alonge

From Busayo Alonge Breathe Rest Shelter Yoga… Esteban Miguel Filgueira Working on the foundation of Human Consciousness grounded in this reality Requires Breath Umeano! All is Breath and to understand breath is to gain the rest The square root is to sit and breath Air. That is the riddle of the Buddha. The Stillness Breath Air.. Space. A.H. .. Do you really think I care who believes me the Source? Do you not know that I am perfectly aware of […]

01 Mar 2019

8:55 p.m

8:55 p.m The Universal S ensie School Breath Rest Food Water Shelter is complete. Esteban Miguel Filgueira He gave me all 5 of these things. As well as Space Time Friendsip Luxury Devotion and Love as Faith a Feeling. And thus through these simple items Using Natural Magic- the E have manifested the New Schools to be built and manifested all over the world. Nothing can now stop it from manifestation This is Ancient Wizardry Which is what first inspired […]

01 Mar 2019


Meaning. Convergence of facts Link the meaning Particles Anchored Meaning = Understanding Silence Is Contemplation M U S I C. Gold. Sarah Kaizer Athena came at the end at my behest Esteban Miguel Filgueira in the Beginning Both have no clue as to what they were saying but E steban was a aware making a point to state that on the can of Beer was a code a message And it was because of that and our subsequent conversation that […]

27 Feb 2019

The Case of the Golden Baby Shoe in front of Tisanes..

The Case of the Golden Baby Shoe in front of Tisanes.. Herbal TEA Master… T E.A.. MAST.ER Truth Manifests T M.. T O M… Marina Burini T M… 20 13.. 33 6… F.. Into F A C T..E E T C A. F…ACT ION I Sing I Dance I Sang I Danced Every Thing Into Existence As A Light Blue Man… I am the Light Bringer Bringer of True Clarity A NEW ERA IS BORN.. Called The Truth.. The Beautiful […]

22 Feb 2019

I went to get a massage from Mikki and for the first time since last year, I passed though his portal at number 29- A truly warm and comforting space…

I went to get a massage from Mikki and for the first time since last year, I passed though his portal at number 29- A truly warm and comforting space… I went to the massage room- The Elephant Room and was astounded by the Beautiful Altar Stephen- Esteban Miguel Filgueira had created= it is absolutely beautiful piece of Creative Expression, that I had to take some photographs of it- it tells such a passionate story of the realm of the […]

16 Feb 2019

4:49 p.m.

4:49 p.m. 2-16-2019… 4:50 p.m D D I… B P T S 4-5 O… D E O.. D D -Balance of Heart Chakra…H C… 44=8.9.. H.I.. Harmony Infinity.. B.P T S… Beautiful Pride True Source Being is Perfect Timing aligned to the SUM/ SUN. Planet Earth 4-5 Billion years old 1969.. Neil Armstrong… The Physical representation -Mirroring in Ignorance- the Orginal source of the plays on Earth, the difference between the Reflection Mirrored Rays is that the Original and Original […]

16 Feb 2019
15 Feb 2019

7:32 p.m

7:32 p.m I Dont Care… How liberating to really finally reach the true meaning and source of that phrases frequency. There is no Anger, Rage, Bitterness… not even acceptance… It simply is… I.S. 7:47 p.m… The Truth. I suppose, that ability to feel no heaviness or anger bitterness at the prolonged grievous journey – A Mission m i 5 comes from having not only done your best, but also discerned and finally attained the Point and the Goal.. The True […]