
Pi—The Full Circle: Completion in All Things

23 Mar 2019

It was Grace Pimmel .G.P who caused me to share this.

It was Grace Pimmel .G.P who caused me to share this. I wrote this March 24th, 2016 ( 3-24-2016. C-X-T.P… C-B.D-T.P Creating Consciousness is Being Doing ..The Point. 3:50 pm 35 Sacred Portal 35. C.E The Point But she liked this today and I Saw that and read the post I wrote 104..45 Atom..Ah Tom So I felt, I am being impulses to share this.. We are at Grace.. Amazing Grace.. Ag Silver Moon. Original Facebook Post: Click Here

22 Mar 2019

2:22 p.m

2:22 p.m 3-22-2019. B.V. C V T S. Being Victorious Being of the 5th Dimension. Curriculum Vitae The Script. C E T S. . Consciousness Extra Terrestrial Supreme. Hello.. I am not sure exactly how many times In have stared that which is so obviously demonstrated on my page, That this is not a Human Play or Script. That it is a Script designed by your Eternal Selves which they have moved all of The Chosen ones- the Potential activated […]

20 Mar 2019
15 Mar 2019

6:15 p.m.

6:15 p.m. 3-15-2019…. At 1243 Face Book Friends… 6 15… F O… 3 15… C O… T S… 12 4 3… L D C… Life and Death is C… Hello… I got up vexed and irritated, when I realized I was still in the Script of Woman as the Creator versus Male. Still… ? After all this… I was suspicious after the play on 3-12- 2019…with the British Embassy… How much further.. I could not take in of how once […]

15 Mar 2019

From Cree Santiago.. C S…

From Cree Santiago.. C S… Consciousness Supreme. War and Peace…? W.P…Wave-length and Particle is the true equation B Q P W… The Transformation… Linked to the Transformers I saw on the homes I was invited into from 268 Generation X Gardens to Delta Manor Transformer B Q P.W To John Mack at 217 B Q.. P.W… 16 23… It was never about Prisoners of War…P.O.W… But W.O.W… A W E… This is the True Nature of Humanity… Beautiful Youth…the Courage […]

12 Mar 2019

From Arinze Umeano

From Arinze Umeano Devina Nund. D.N…E Yes… It only.creates conflict War.. it destroys It does not Create. 12:29 pm Ah why should language be in codes Why must we communicate this way. Of course, I know why. It’s the Tower of Babble where most really cant understand what is being clearly said. So much interpretation misunderstanding forgetfulness .. anger frustration inner rage. When you no longer trust even what your eyes are telling you. Smh.even if it is spelled out […]

12 Mar 2019

8:25 p.m

8:25 p.m 3-12- 2019. Harmony Y Chromsome Created. C L T S Created Liberty Liberty C Liscomb. L.C.L T Thomas Lang The Twins Language Tongue. 12 20 32/ 2012. 32/32. 1..5/5 1 A A E E in 1.Awareness Freedom Liberty True Love = Equality. Transparency is Supreme .. Truth Shades You from the Dangerous Rays Glare of the Sun. It manifests physically as Day Evening or Night all is Transparent including Shade Transparency comes in all forms and hues, it […]

12 Mar 2019

12:56 p.m

12:56 p.m @ 12:48 p.m John Mack sent me this… Express Your Soul with Style.. Code E.Y S W S. S W S. Y E…A.H.S .. To Fashion and Craft .. Link Ogonna S Omocrafts and his arrival on my page and the code I translated. Ogo Nna.. Friendsip of the Father Omo ..Valley..which was the book from which Tom Truman’s friend Drew. drew a portrait of me from a book on the Omo Valkey in my birthday 11 28, […]

09 Mar 2019


122.. A.V. A Victor Alexander Victorious Code today which came from Source Energy 1222.41… A V B. D.A L V ..D A. L O V E. D A. V I D.. E Black Panther Recall the first few days I arrived where I was placed in Grant Moor Motel where I took a photo of the Black Panther which appeared outside Panera.. I came through this portal with quiet rage of Destruction. This post- the Female Castrati Being is identified […]

07 Mar 2019

From Stephen Johnson S J…

From Stephen Johnson S J… 19 10…29… See my last post just before S.J arrived… John Mack Stephen Popiotek… at time 10:19 p.m. Now merged into one person… How did I link that at 10 19 p.m as the Cataylst and then while doing it receive a new Facebook friend J S… As you all know I never send out Facebook request except the few times the script indicates it… All had to come on their own free will and […]