
Pi—The Full Circle: Completion in All Things

20 Apr 2019

7:43-7:44 p.m

7:43-7:44 p.m 4:20 p.m Hello…. At 2:27 p.m during a conversation with John Mack, McKayla Rays and Olivia Burgos and myself, John was saying something and in Harmony of Perfect Timing he paused and noted the time. 2:27 p.m His Birthday, and at that exact same time Olivia Burgos was confirmed as my 1250 Facebook Friend Friend. I have 50.00 u sd. 7:49 p.m And then after a conversation with one close to my Heart, I saw I had returned […]

19 Apr 2019

11:03 p.m

11:03 p.m Change is Gonna Come From Ikenna Iheanacho. Responds to what do you read from the codes of yesterday.. Change 1.31 U sd New Money on the E.M F New Currency N.C C.N. 3.14 Newington Connecticut. J.M. S E E… Well done.. See the meaning of his name They wish to see for themselves the Strength and power of the one father manifest before they do they correct thing I knew this and this young man is my witness.. […]

19 Apr 2019

From. Pamela Stefaniotis

From. Pamela Stefaniotis 10:11 ..12 p.m Happy Birthday my cool and loyal and intelligent Facebook Friend.. Must be at least 5 6 years. Today is Dharma Santana D.S You and Andrey Klebanov. Are the only ones whose birthday is Today. A.P.. P A. John called out on our way back from Trader Joe’s. T J John Thomas Sacred Portal 21 4-21-2019 is Easter Sunday. D U T S /S T U D … Viriile Manly Man. See the meaning of […]

18 Apr 2019

It’s Insane…

It’s Insane… 9:35 p.m I C E This Exquisitely Beautiful True Script. 4-18-2019. Linked to McKayla Rays and Tree Sage To continue the unfolding Enders Game Read Player One.. I had 5:00 u sd left. 5:39 u sd to be precise, Which aligned to the The Script but as I have made it very vocal and clear, that it is not in Harmony with me. That this not my Script, it is Nnamdi’s aka Nnamdi Naturalness. Awareness Manififested 4 9. […]

18 Apr 2019
16 Apr 2019

See Gay-Marie H

See Gay-Marie H And Michael Trahe.. Arrival at the almost the first but I posted Gay-Marie Bradshaw H. Post first Gay Marie H Michael Trahe.. G M. M H. T Making a Male my 12 51 Facebook Friend Despite they both being Doppleganger Twins. 11:15 ..16 p.m right now. K O K P Knock Out ! 11 Perfection Paris New York Paris Philiadephia P P P.N P P N 16 16. 32. 5. E.8. 2012. P N. 16 14. 30 […]

16 Apr 2019


7:16 Bags Field Barracks.. Being Field Body. The E.M.Field.. Rep in the Reflection of Space as the True Mirror and Mira-Cle. Esteban Miguel Filgueira Bags are the load, LB. Pounds Beatings Hard Knocks..P..T.S D, Burdens, Emotional which we carry. It’s a Laundry Bag.. L.B/B.L Cleaned laundered restored to as good as new by washing. Field is the World the Earth and perception E M F Electro Magnetic Field What we attract and are the aligned as Busayo Alonge post yesterday […]

16 Apr 2019

4:46 p.m.

4:46 p.m. 76 USD In my Wallet… 51 usd in my wallet yesterday… 1967 L.I.. Limitlessness Infinite… The Knight Templars Cross and the letters B.K.E 67 Red wallet bought by Christopher Filgueira. at 29 address E C E C… Burgundy wine red color… Bacchus… Terracotta… Mine is Perry Ellis… P.E… Planet Earth, same make as my Suitcase gift from Jonn and Donna… 18 Mountain View, who gifted me this H P Computer, Whats in Your Wallet. Capital One… C O.. […]

16 Apr 2019

From Gay-Marie Hollingsworth

From Gay-Marie Hollingsworth A ..DOM… AD..OHM… M O D A M O D E.. Common Sense…Harmonies other name. In the Family of TEN… Mother is Harmony and her name is Style… Father the O.1-8 Is Class… Spirit E..First of the Children of Creations Expression and sum of the Family of TEN.. Is the One Creative Expression ( You call them Creator Gods in this realm..) which brings All things Bright and Beautiful, all creations great and small.. he is the […]

16 Apr 2019

From Gay-Marie Hollingsworth.. G.M.H…

From Gay-Marie Hollingsworth.. G.M.H… It must be Nourished… Beautiful Light Energy…called the seed of Harmony- called Naturalness- Being yourself H.N..Which fueled by Awareness of Synchronicity Harmony,which moves brings you to E..Evolution. H.N To E.. To forget that you have this Light which creates memory access, can send you out of Existence- since everything in Existence Creation has to be acknowledged.. and praised through Being Doing.. / Doing Being.. 2 4/ 4 2… 6/6…1 A 12..L…3 C… To not acknowledge and […]