
Pi—The Full Circle: Completion in All Things

23 Apr 2019

Machu Picchu..

Machu Picchu.. See the Etymolgy of the meaning of the name. Old. But more importantly Multi Colored Cone… Link Jennifer ConeCone J.C. Now let me show you the Organite stone John Mack placed on McKayla Rays Angel Messenger Statue. .. I will post it now. Mayan Atzec Inca M.A I. / Inca Aztec Mayan I. A.M.. Dawn E M.F Clean set for F A S. T. S A K. E. Original Facebook Post: Click Here

22 Apr 2019

9:22 p.m.

9:22 p.m. I.V I Vie I Victorious Individuality Vincent. D-V-T.S. Hello Just to be clear, I go Home when All go home. That was the condition of being able to End this Story of this world forever. No one is Awake. and even I the Awakened One, was given to full Circle is Total Amnesia to equal the equal the playing field Recall during 911 when I was staying at a person’s place called Donald who had suffered Total Anensia […]

22 Apr 2019

5:31 p.m.

5:31 p.m. 4-22-2019. E 31. Sacred Portal M87. Hello.. I just had a pleasant conversation with Tree Sage and Serenity. It was a beautiful play in which fboth father and daughter were in the Natural Instinctive and Intutive wave of the E .S P. His daughter 3 yr old Serenity suggested coming up in Harmony with me, and Kim who contacted me. * Both of us .. looking or Johnny Newman For different reason but nevertheless in Perfect Harmony. J.N..M. […]

22 Apr 2019

From Gavin Inti PachaGavin

From Gavin Inti PachaGavin 3:31 p.m. I recognized Gavin the first day I met him, at 29 the Sacred Portal represented as Esteban Miguel Filgueira space. I knew him from the E.T or Espirit realm… But I am finally to exhausted and Tired of explaining and proving how I know who each are and proving it true to the Unseen. So when Tree Sage connected with Gavin yesterday and suggested he link with me in Face Book , I sighed […]

22 Apr 2019

3:15 p.m

3:15 p.m C O C E A.. From John Nelson J N 10 14.. 24 24..X B D.. 6 F / F.D.B. Fifth Dimension Being.. Source of Being. H 2 O B’EAU Ti! Full Completion of the Play of 69/96 96% Dark Energy 15 Atom from Energy Expression Created The Full Circle AH-TOM. 51. Original Facebook Post: Click Here

22 Apr 2019
22 Apr 2019
21 Apr 2019

From Tree Sage. Chiefys Art.

From Tree Sage. Chiefys Art. He did this he said in Friday/Sat .. Light Blue.. S K Y. B L.U.E. S B Supreme Being War in Heaven B S 2 19 See what it says… a message of predestination and already determined and a war.. A Voodoo war in which has been going on in.the Astral Plane.. The Playing Field which became the Killing field… E.M.H Heart E M.P. Pulse E M F C… Full Circle… The E.M.F is in […]

21 Apr 2019
21 Apr 2019

2:45 a.m.

2:45 a.m. Easter April 5th 4-5-1969. 4-7-1985. 4 is the Heart first. The Heart hears the Truth. It’s a a note. Age of the Earth. 4,500 people liked this. 5 images Coming out of Plato’s allegory of the Cave The same Cave the tried to contain Jesus The True Men Show and Tell. He rose on the 3rd Day because he was E.T and his body was wounded but whole for he had passed the test of Death – Earth […]