
Pi—The Full Circle: Completion in All Things

18 May 2019

12:29 a.m

12:29 a.m How could it have gotten so far. Become this bad… The state of Humanity and the world And now I know why… That was the one truth which Father wished to show me, which he knew of my love for Humanity I would not believe. It’s True I was correct and the one who played my Father, my younger brother made a Terrible mistake believing that the Illusion of you, you as a work in progress as Matter […]

18 May 2019

11: 38 p.m

11: 38 p.m Yes, I know this is a Script of something which played put before in the beginning of time repeated full circle. But through time and space grew to something monstrously worse. But the number of number of people who did not take this seriously. Me This work The Proofs and Facts.. The amount of disrespect to the I ntel, and the non stop seeking to lay blame at my feet. And denial of responsibility l. The way […]

18 May 2019
17 May 2019

Fascinating meaning of the etymology if the word Zion.

Fascinating meaning of the etymology if the word Zion. It means Highest Point Sepulchure, Monument Raised up.. Jesus Statue in Brazil..? More the C Consciousness Highest Frequency Wave Particle.. But I know it meabs Perfection. The Highest Point And that it links to 5 11= 16. And 55 Perfect ion at 55 I am currently at 1255 Face Book Friends S B A Suprene Being Awareness. Full Circle. 88 to 58 85. 55 88 5/5 is 1 O 8/8 Hermen […]

16 May 2019

7:51 p.m

7:51 p.m Because you have the right to know.. I received Intel from my former case worker Rene ( Rona) concerning my passport application. She sent the emails immediately and spoke with the people at the British Embassy about my state and having my lack of I.D and physical condition being the reason I sought the umbrella of the Shelter to at last get my I.D. But they ignored her telling her that they would only speak with me. And […]

16 May 2019

3:52 p.m

3:52 p.m This is the Equation of J.M Jump Man confirmed by the person representing Supreme Sixth Sense Stteohen Esteban Miguel Filgueira Of that which I had been staying and forced to prove that expression comes from out if the blue, and creates Energy which creates the Quabtum Leap Jump of Man Kind. Please look at the codes The Year March 1989 – May 1993. The Dates are number codes C- S H I – E-S C I Eternal Spirit […]

16 May 2019

2:18 p.m

2:18 p.m B R. O 5-16- 2019. E P. T. S Energy versus Money Energy = Money… New Money New Men Epression Energy = Money= My All Seeing Eye.. Money Energy Manifestation Expression M.E F M.E / E M F. Hello 5:28 is the number which began appearing everywhere last night and today 5 :28 Hrtz – The Love Frequency. I am sitting here at the apartment, no one has been here apart from McKayla Rays dropping in for brief […]

16 May 2019

12:18.. 12: 19 pm

12:18.. 12: 19 pm L.R L S My Equation for Infinite limitless Energy Source works. And is the Answer and the Cure. I did this equation in 4 languages or Expressions. The last was from 0 1-8 in the language of Art and Science, Ancient and Pop Culture beliefs in an unfair Challenge and Defiant Scriot in which it was less about my.Equation I so longed to share with the works- that extraordinary source of Energy Being Human Beings linked […]

15 May 2019

See the meaning of the name Neil.

See the meaning of the name Neil. Cloud Passionate Champion . Neil Armstrong N A See the True Tree of Life Cloud 9. Truly Truly See I. Not Emeka Kolo as the personage but what through my Being and Doing, what I represent No Doubt Just Doing From true state of Cloud 9. C I. With humongous balls and impunity before the Entire World, ( incredulous, in disbelief and in doubt) The manifestation into being Cloud 9 frequency and wave […]

15 May 2019

Via Roberto TodaroRoberto

Via Roberto TodaroRoberto The Gift which Esteban Miguel Filgueira.and Sarah Kaizer brought me from Peru Macchu Picchu has on one side an Owl. But I placed the Pipe on my Altar which the owl as the Back and a long beaked Bird in the front. As some of my older Facebook Friends such as Brooke Elizabeth Banwer, Edward Eceinco and Andrese Harris Burton will recall the Owl play rep by Donna O Sullivan at 18 Mountain View M.W to John […]