M.O I Sacred Portal 90 1309 Facebook Friends. M A C ( K) O I.. See sacred Portal 90 Spirit E John Mack Tree Sage Esteban Miguel Filgueira Jesse Macias Benjamin C. Krajewski.. Sarah Kaizer Brenden Velez Kim Arthur Hines Serenity Alexa Vertefeuille Stephen Johnson rep of my Sacred Journey and the example I was made to demonstrate for you, so in your turn you could have a guide and blue print when we are gone. The insanity was people […]
From Joey Pizzolongo. J.P. Morgan… J Planets Manifestation 5D Original Facebook Post: Click Here
Sent to me at 1:11 p.m By John Mack He wrote the words Grace Kennedy Brandon Kennedy B.K Kennedy Black. K.B Yes I was used as the Rag To clean up Earth Milky Way. Bodies and Beings. Supreme Clean – the response to my post yesterday and my leaving as I promised my Mother As a boy, I will give you the World.. J A. K V. 11 22… ( 33) Cecilia David. In John, Tree Sage is her frequency.. […]
9:22 p.m I went to buy some stuff 19:19 u s d.. S S And 3 69 u sd As I walked up Free Man’s Avenue I literal almost bumped into this parked car.. I looked at it.. M A C. 369.. Yes.. Nikolai T esla He who solves the riddle of 3 6 9 Has solved the Riddle of Existence And yes, the Play with John Mack and his room.mate Ian Patrick Stewart. And the code he was wearing […]
10:48 p.m For John Mack J. Beautiful Death the Transformer Representation of The Truth – A.K A God.. And Kim…Arthur Hines. Representing: The Script of The True Source. 10:51 p.m J E A… John gave me the Intel of the Sign erected opposite his home with MAC Congratualtions We are at 13 O.O 13= M 1 = A 3= C.. He later came back to me to state that it was not Mac Donalad as I had written. I had […]
From Angela Marie Alexander 5… Jupiter Mars Saturn Venus Mercury J.M S V M… 4:00 p.m John Mack / Jesse Macias Stephen ( Stephen Johnson) Victorious Messengers… John MacDonald is the Victorious Messenger of E.. Number codes from the Sun. 5 4 6 …2 1.. ( 18) 4 5 3 8 9 from Outside. E D F B. A. Emeka/ Eros/ Erebus/ERI David Fact is Being Aware. Face Book. D E C. H I. ( Chi is Quantum Quan ) […]
Sacred Portal 124. 12 4.. L D Lifes Death.. Played out with Alexa Vertefeuille her Highest Espirit and I today .. Code 12 4.. Do you see the Cosmic Black Panther in the back ground…? I .E. have no interest in those who do not learn through Love and Desires But only through the power to bring them Pain and Suffering.. Give them what they asked for… Extinction …through true suffering savagery and violence… 11 22 p.m. Mother of Dragons […]
From Laura Walsh Absolutely no Remorse Respect Responsibility And this expressions I have heard and observed every where I go. So why should there be any forgiveness by the people’s who endured this.. Do you think they are Dead That the mess created perpetuated just vanished because you say Nah, we paid out debt.. This arrogance and conciet of a society which writes in its money In God We Trust ( Truth) and then break bend distort all the sacred […]
From Facebook Memories Today 5 years ago. 3:20 p.m 3-20-2001 This was confirmed 5 years ago to the day… 7-8-2019.. 8/7/2019.. M W 87.. 69 Tree Sage.. Imagine my own shock that day 5 years ago and not knowing that it would take 5 more years to manifest… And align.. That’s the Play.. The Script. And the play today of Brooke, is why I despise this world Mentality and say Kill Then all.. Let in my the Beautifully True Evolve.. […]
1:30 p.m Evidence Facts Proof. 29. Alexa Vertefeuille Tree SageTree Brooke Lee Lemery Stephen Johnson Axel Love Chibuzo Okolo Eunice Oviawe-Jones Esteban Miguel Filgueira Nathaniel Thomas Bywater Josh Bywater A White Raven Hello.. I woke up this morning, and with a serious light feeling, I was moved by my Espirit, while at the same time fully aware of my Espirit moving me, while pausing as my Hue man rational and emotive self to examine if I was in agreement what […]