
Pi—The Full Circle: Completion in All Things

26 Aug 2019

10:51 p.m

10:51 p.m There you go.. Now at 13 79 Facebook Friends See Sacred Portal 79 J.M.1979 Blue Print of Existence Two.Men Who are One. Loveth Melanie L.M. Link Lynne McTaggart The Field given to me by Jesse Macias as well as the T- Shirt with 68 on the Label Linked to the words painted on the Foyer He Rises with the Morning Sun ( Sum Songe Son Brother Equal 8 88) in the City which never Sleeps. Phi 6:8 2012. […]

26 Aug 2019

1:58… 1:59 p.m.

1:58… 1:59 p.m. 4:33 p.m 8-25-2019. Hello… A Portal has opened up for me after a play took place with Jesse Macias. Was about me standing up, speaking up for the Eternal Actual Truth, of what is really taking place in the world and in each persons life. I have had to do this for 18.5 yrs, 17 of them consciously. And since I said no to Susan Train in Paris, editing my journals. 26.8 years ago. * Yesterday, after […]

22 Aug 2019

From Manny Vik Rebel Guevarez

From Manny Vik Rebel Guevarez 10:28 p.m The always startling beautiful truth of the HEART of Man Warriors Spirits. Sensitivity is Not wrakness its havving Extraordinary Sensory Perception Feelings It very hard for True Men to Speak from their Hearts because Beautiful.Pride guides them and they will rather stay quiet than have some one misunderstand, transform and twists this most sacred Truth and Trust… And use it against them.. Calling it everything but it is Strength and Existences most Beautifully.Perfected […]

22 Aug 2019

From Luke Sky Wallace.

From Luke Sky Wallace. L.S W. W A.LL A. C of E. Expression Energy Eternal. I recieved 5 New Facebook Friends one after the other in just a few minutes.. Bringing me to 13 64 Facebok Friends which is where Luke Sky Wallace is at L.S W. 12 is A-Z South Whitney Spirit World. Luke SKY. Walker is not Luke SKY Wall. A C E.. Which explains my taking a Walk and seeing A car License plate 93. 115 Please […]

22 Aug 2019

Feom.Ravyhel El

Feom.Ravyhel El I Instantly recognized his Profile.. His Energy.. From another plane Original Facebook Post: Click Here

21 Aug 2019

See the Etymology of the word Security.

See the Etymology of the word Security. Which the majority of the People of this World denied thier Revealations of Truth for, past and present. SE. CURE.. Secret Energy. C.U. R. E.. It means without care or worry.. Supreme Energy Supreme Expressiom. Spirit E. Sacred Portal 90. I O / O.I Babatunde Odi Isreal B O I.. Mircale Cure is the book under my Altar as well.as Lynne McTaggart: The Field From Jesse Macias Lucas Roca Lucas Maximillian Roc.. L.M. […]

20 Aug 2019

9:48 p.m

9:48 p.m 8-20-2019. John Filmed and Recorded the play today.. Which was spectacular because I asked some question which led to a conversations which led us to see how both of us were being directed by a Presence unmistakably present directing this scene. Which led us to solve and explain the riddle of Symmetry and Phi the Golden Ratio. Which John Mack noted Aaron as well as his Father had asked him about Aaron just before he arrived. While I […]

18 Aug 2019
17 Aug 2019

10:07 p.m

10:07 p.m 107 See Sacred portal 107 Code mentioned by Esteban Miguel Filgueira today. Venom. 8-17-2019. H.Q. The Script. Hello.. John Mack came over today to film our conversation so we could share it with you. Instead a Play took place aligned to Communication and Beautiful Expression is Harmony. John Mack linled with Lucas, Jesse Macias friend. They connected through Alkaline Water, A W, just as he and Jesse had. J M.J.M.= 1.A. 23 23. 46. 10.. J A S […]

17 Aug 2019

3:37 p.m right now is

3:37 p.m right now is From Busayo Alonge I have already transmutated mine.. But this Pain given, especially through this Play will never make sense to me. I wake up each day muttering this.. That this play is too.evil. malucious and cruel.. I have spent the last 14 years reflecring on this.. How this journey of Evolution Awakening is founded on Pain…and suffering. I understand it, and that is why perhaps it will never make sense. It was never necessary […]