
Pi—The Full Circle: Completion in All Things

16 Oct 2019

3:55 p.m

3:55 p.m Abaddon is called the Angel of the Abyss. A.B. A.DD. O.N. E. Abba ( Father ) Yoseph is DON. ( 82) E. Found myself decoding the story of the One True God called the Truth. ( The Visionary whose Word Manifests) I had just watched the first episode of the Dark Crystal with Liberty and her 5 children. The Dark Crystal ( is Purple) Purple Red the Highest Frequency within the illusion. Ourubus.. Purple Red. P.R. Propaganda or […]

16 Oct 2019

11:11 a.m

11:11 a.m From Stella Antley S.A. Based on the Evidence of my journey of investigation for my Father Son, of the Beginning and End of my journey, This is true. This is the Mentality and Intention But it concerns all Humanity, Why Because the First People are Black Brown Forest people from which all Matter Based Humans are from. All Human Dna originates from Black/ Brown people, and so to iniate this program, is to enslave all Humanity. Smh… Silly, […]

15 Oct 2019

4:52 p.m

4:52 p.m D E B. 10-15-2019. J O. T S A O A E.T S A-F-A T S.. Alien Father @ S. Alien Father Alpha The Script. * Alien Father is the Head of the A-Lien Council Representatives in this world is the Consciousness of Babies. Please link 7 Month old son of Liberty C Liscomb and Thomas Lang. Others call Him/Her The Full Circle’ Big Bang.. Really the First Orgasm. O.H His Feninine aspect is A.H. 158 1- 8. […]

14 Oct 2019

Via Liberty C Liscomb

Via Liberty C Liscomb There is only one reason I have lived through this play of passing through people’s portals. And that is because of the Blue Print of the Evolution and Awakening of Humanity, And providing them the intel to see the evidence. There is no other reason, despite people seeking to make it any other reason but that. I have provided enough evidence of that and I have seen and witnessed the response. Watch my response to the […]

12 Oct 2019

1:36 a.m

1:36 a.m So once again we see the play theater. Esteban Miguel Filgueira once more proven to represent a play. Recall, he once used the Black Hole as his facebook emblem, depicted in the Human head. Mind. The Human mind as the black hole. In 2011, a man Marina Burini discovered, had aurgued with me about a Universal Mind, which I had refuted, saying there was no such thing as the Human Mind. H.M. But that the Universal Mind U.M […]

05 Oct 2019

And the View.

And the View. MAN 7 7 7 7. 4 4 4.. 28. 12. 10 3. J C 13 M D IS E. M.D. M.E. 5:20 p.m E.T. 5:21 p.m E.U. When a suggestion a power of suggestion Gestion Gestation Is not in Harmony with your Truth. Its a Spell. And that is the pulling of your strings. There must always be the A S. K I N G And Confirmed Response. That is the True Power of Magic There is […]

05 Oct 2019
02 Oct 2019

1:43 p.m

1:43 p.m 11: 43 pm. Stephen Johnson Blame Me. If some one has to bring to your attention what he is doing for you. Has to proove and defend his meaning and being which, is a role that One is not meant to proclaim. To shout out I am Love I am Beauty I am the warrior of your most beautiful truth. I A.M Does that not defeat the purpose? Does that not mean that it is too late, That […]

30 Sep 2019

5:23 p.m right now is

5:23 p.m right now is E.W 9-30-2019 I C O AT… V Passed Valerian. 1405 Facebook Friends N O E Nature Full Circle Of E A D O E. Alpha First Note Doe a Deer. The First Awareness who did the First Note was E. 1. Y. 1O. T E N. E Who now were E E. 55. Expression Energy. E: E E What do you get when two E E as Expression Energy; Ethereal Elementals merge into One E? […]

26 Sep 2019

Revelations Unvieling Understanding

Revelations Unvieling Understanding R U E.. I have never truly understood how people could make such irrevocable stances.on Beliefs, When facts are continually emerging, redefining these beliefs. To destroy peoples, cultures, nations.. the worlds true spirit, based on a continually unveling story and blue print. I suppose, this once more highlights the true level of insanity, of current members of Humanity, who truly believe that their opions inform and form reality. 4:10- 4:11 p.m Original Facebook Post: Click Here