
Pi—The Full Circle: Completion in All Things

06 Nov 2019

6:52 p.m

6:52 p.m F.E.B. 11-6-2019. K F. T S. Hi.. I am not sure, how much more surreal things could get. Liberty C Liscomb has guests for Dinner to celebrate her daughter’s 14th Birthday. Its a charming Family Affair. Each have their friends, from Bun, to Aureila to Arden and Farell… Liberty with friends J.M. I feel extraordinarily out of place, not able or willing to join them, to explain my condition or have some responde unexpectedly from me. Its a […]

06 Nov 2019

12:59 p.m

12:59 p.m L E. I 11-6-2019. A-A-F. T S. We Don’t necessarily get what we want. But in this play and The Source Script, I have ensured that all get what they deserve. I have made sure of that. Programmed it all myself. To be Equitable and Fair. 1:02 p.m That all get what they really asked for… 123 A.H 123 The Element of Surprise But on Hindsight and True Reflection, Ones discovers that there is no surprise, and that […]

04 Nov 2019

12:55 p.m

12:55 p.m L.E E. 11-4-2019 Happy Birthday Day Tree Sage T S. A.K.A Kim Arthur Hines. 1:04-5 p.m. May you rise to being that which you have been selected by your own actions and expressions to be, elected by your own Eternal Spirit, As the living book of Elijah- Eli Jah. Remember, how you incarnate this new destiny as the living embodiment of The Book, was up to you, and by the way you recieved the amazing grace of The […]

26 Oct 2019

From Busayo Alonge

From Busayo Alonge See my most recent facebook friend Tony Chinweze T C E.T.C…. Born 5-28-1969. 5 28 Hertz. D.N A. Yes Anne McHugh. Cellular regeneration. See sacred portal 31. Original Facebook Post: Click Here

24 Oct 2019

5:06 p.m

5:06 p.m 56 E.F. 5:17 p.m E.Q. 5-18 p.m E.R. 10-24-2019. Jay-X- T S. Eternal Family .. Express Facts= Truth. E Quation E Quantum. E Reflections. Express Radiance Balance is Jay Joy Happiness is The Script. Hello.. Yes, I am being used as a Medium. This is what yesterdays play was about. My playing a Medium and Transformer and a Bridge between the 3 D world and the 5 D world. History and the Hi- Story. The merging of two […]

21 Oct 2019

From Doni Doni..

From Doni Doni.. 5:10 p.m I escorted Liberty C Liscomb to Bristol with Baby Jeron. It was to replace her 24 49 phone which was misplaced. We talked on the way about my descion today which I was posting but hit contd to escort her to Bristol. Once more there was a conversation two points of view of the Wreath. I called it Death Symbol based on my experience of it, She said, she did not see it that way […]

21 Oct 2019

From Brooke Lee Lemery

From Brooke Lee Lemery Even a small presence. Every Thing and Everyone Reacts and responds to the Element of Surprise. E O S. Me First Room and bed at Delta Manor Homeless Shelter 5:019 Rm 5 B. 9-16-2016. I -P- T.P./ PT. P.I.. Story of Pi Tiger in my Locker Altar. 3:41 p.m Original Facebook Post: Click Here

21 Oct 2019
19 Oct 2019

From Akil Apollo Davis

From Akil Apollo Davis Nahko Bear And E Fenri Grey Wolf. N E Nnamdi Emeka N.E. Victorious I. N E. V I. 6th Sense. The play Last Test of Nature. John Mack Espirit Identified me as Grey Wolf/ Flow. Benjamin C Krajewski brought A Bear and Wolf blanket to South Whitney I used both. Liberty C Liscomb indenified and witneesed Bears present before my arrival. Esteban Miquel Filgueria ( Stephan Filgueria) gifted me Bear brand boots. Thus, I wished to […]

19 Oct 2019