
Pi—The Full Circle: Completion in All Things

19 Nov 2019

3:14 p.m

3:14 p.m C.N.. Pi Consciousness Naturalness 3:58 p.m C E H There was a pause. 11-19-2019. K S T S.. 11 is Full Consciousness in Symmetrical Perfection. Hello, Sarah Kaizer is S.K. / K.S. Anstasia B, Liberty C Liscomb friend came over today. She had begun braiding her short Caucasian hair in streams of braids in the spectrum of rainbow colors. It looked quite eccentric and cool. Yes, you may have referenced my post and play yesterday with Liberty. I […]

14 Nov 2019

9:19 p.m

9:19 p.m I.S. Hello.. I just wished to make a comment.. Don’t you think it fishy in this play of how few are loyal to me or the Truths they witnessed. Or to a set up, which limits finds ways to limit my expression by placing me in homes and portals I have to pass through, people I have to live with, and post from their homes and correct and clean from Impuse Stimuli of situations which I have to […]

12 Nov 2019

5:46 p.m

5:46 p.m 11-12-2019. E= Sacred Portal 46. D.F. K- A-A L T. S. Hello I am no longer at 1479 Facebook Friends, after days of expression to move it to completion, which instead of going up, it went down to 1478. This is in Harmony of M.W 87 as M.W 78/87. Please see Aki Thunderpaw ( A.T) post. I shared of the interconnectedness of the most far flung universes and galaxies which is mystifying Scientists. See Liberty C Liscomb Kitchen […]

10 Nov 2019

B.E. Q.U I E.T.

B.E. Q.U I E.T. B.Q. Being Quantum. T S E Tze.. Pause. Reflect. That has always been the formula. How else can we percieve Change and Transformations C A T. There is a Time when all Conversations must end. Because The Point has been made. Liberty C Liscomb has recorded most of our conversations. As John Mack did, but my conversations with Liberty went to places which I never attained with John or Tree Sage ( Kim Arthur Hines). Along […]

09 Nov 2019
09 Nov 2019

3:49 p.m

3:49 p.m C:D I. Please adjust your Frequency to the 2nd Chakra or note of Re. MI Conscious Imagination C of a True Clarity or Harmony. Now see the two figures formed by the ruffles on my unmade bed. 3:51 p.m Its the bed I am sleeping on, at Liberty C Liscomb home. See the Figure to your right: a skull with a Knit Toque hat.. And the female with a 18th century bonnet.. Lavender Sheets she gave me.. Her […]

09 Nov 2019

The Wall.

The Wall. Nearly impenetrable See sacred portal 115. Rainbow colored. Link Auriela Gemino. Gemini A G 1 7 Rainbow Twins. 11-5-2005. Arden Gemino. And Ferrell Gemino born 7-7 at 11 11 7 11 7 11 14 yrs old. N Nature- Naturalness. Once again proving my equation that Humanity are the representation of all the pieces of the jig saw of the Quantum structure of the Universe, itself a literal mathematical Equation of which numbers and function are represented by Human […]

07 Nov 2019

9:29 p.m.

9:29 p.m. I B I I A MAN. I A.M. AN N A. There is Nothing more Terrible than the disintergration of Trust. When even Naked, Transparent and Tested Checked for an astounding 31 years, and 64 portals in the U.S.A. People are not able to trust what they feel, sense, intuit, recognize and know at first glance. A Betrayal to believe the worst, to test check and challenge from behining to end. If no one is sure of what […]

07 Nov 2019
07 Nov 2019