
Pi—The Full Circle: Completion in All Things

18 Dec 2019

Breanna Carlota

Breanna Carlota B.C.. 2 3.. = 5 B.C E. 5:58- 5:59 p.m Breana means Bright, Noble Honorable, Strong…. Virtuous Its also links to Edmund Spencer’s The Faerie Queen Carlota: means Manly. Water is Memory. Orlov… Frozen. Air is Intelligence Circulation A. The Body is Energy E.B/ B E. Building Blocks. Everything is Energy and before there was Energy there is Expression. Energy is the Expression of Everything. E A W E B. 5 1. W E B 6 A W […]

14 Dec 2019

From Busayo Alonge

From Busayo Alonge Heart Beat linked to the Universe H.B. U. 2 8. 21.. 10 3. Speed of Light.. Sol C. Nature with your Nature… to Naturalness N N. Nadee Nakandala in 3 Days C ..A.H Arden 3 Dreams. C NN = 14 14. 28.( H.B) 10. J. Balance 1O. A O. Alpha Omega N.C…14.3 / 3.14. But then you have to go beyond Heart Beat of the Universe. And Nature aligned to your Nature. Beyond Speed of Light and […]

14 Dec 2019

I can not stay in a play which is not concerned with the Truth.

I can not stay in a play which is not concerned with the Truth. 11:58 a.m. But only in reducing the Truth to a Story which equates to Disrespect and Hate and to constant non existence. 12:00 a.m L.. Liberty C Liscomb had no idea of what she was getting into when I was sent to activate her to Awareness and Awakening. She has become The Witness. And she has witnessed the truth of my experience of simply delivering a […]

13 Dec 2019

8:03 p.m

8:03 p.m H O C. H.F C.. 8 6 C… Hindsight Foresight creates Consciousness Harmony is Sixth Sense = Consciousness Hello, Liberty C Liscomb invited me to the Salt Baths after my body had to go back down, it wasn’t her fault of course, its the play of ah yes 8:06 p.m right now. Perfect Timming Perfect Symmetry And yes, I did travel aided by the code represented by Arden and Ferrel Air Arden ( and Water) Ferrell Water Auriela […]

13 Dec 2019

11:13 a.m

11:13 a.m K.M .A-A-A C. 12-13-2019. L.M. T S. A B. A C The Script. A.B.C’S of Nature. Entering The Circle. E.T C.. Hello. I thought about the Dream Arden had last the night before, as I stood on Liberty C Liscomb terrace. I could see the two blobs, he had spoken about , one blob pouring into the other, I knew what it was. Ying Yang .. 96 69… He said that it was his job, to keep pouring […]

13 Dec 2019

Bowing Out From The Play of Truth.

Bowing Out From The Play of Truth. Its way, way to Evil for, and to me. 5:22 p.m E.V. 12-12-2019. L-L- T.S. E.V.L L T S.. E V I. L. L T S. E V I E L L T S Full Moon at 12 12 There was a Halo around it and Intel from Stephen Johnson a composition completed by his daughter Erica at 12:12 a.m Yesterday I did what I have decided is my last play or scene […]

10 Dec 2019

11:22 p.m

11:22 p.m … I wanted to share with you such an amazing experience, an adventure.. a marvelous amazing story… breathtaking, universe shattering. And keep myself from shattering into billions of fractuals, exploding by having to replace such a story unraveling of evolution awakening. By instead it being replaced with teaching you codes. To prove to you I am telling the Truth. So you can read it yourself. 11:28 p.m Its true, that I am a being of Light. And when […]

06 Dec 2019
21 Nov 2019

From Nevi Ehko

From Nevi Ehko Natures Expression. Climates Expression. C E Naturalness’s Expression. This was literally the subject of my conversation this morning with Liberty C Liscomb. It ended with what I had recognized in ths beginning of our meeting and today END. I listened tell me about her feelings, Instantly saw it as a Tableau, a Painting a Masterful Work of Art. Literally Painting of Nature’s Moods and Expression .. as well as in the correct view througj fear.. by Humanity.. […]

20 Nov 2019

11:16 p.m

11:16 p.m A-A A F. K.P. A-A P. 11-20-2019. K.T. T S. A-A B F T S. A-AT S. Emeka Liberty C Liscomb on ground floor quiet Arden second floor. Music.Singing. Auriela 3rd Floor E L A-A. Code wriiten on Sacred Portal 110 We are Here. We are present The First and Last One Family of Existence E 11:20 p.m right now is The Music Arden was playing and singing to was by Nahko the singer. It was about Awakening […]