
Pi—The Full Circle: Completion in All Things

10 Feb 2020
31 Jan 2020
27 Jan 2020
27 Jan 2020
12 Jan 2020
09 Jan 2020
07 Jan 2020
24 Dec 2019

7:16 p.m

7:16 p.m G.P. 12-24-2019 L.X T S … 50 10. The Script. 510. 60. Expression in Balance J E A.. Energy Atom Full Circle Sixth Sense a Fact. Arden and Ferrel popped by yesterday. All day Arden and the Ferrel came to my mind and quiet contemplation in every dimension of my knowing them and the line of John Alexander Yeshua represent. J.A Y. And just like they had appeared as if summoned or answering. I had solved this science […]

23 Dec 2019

From Memphis Charlie

From Memphis Charlie M.C. 1:20 p.m Mood of The Waters M O T. W.. O M B M W. Primordial Creation. The Story of Water. B’ Eau Ti! Full. When The Source could not contain himself any longer, keeping what was within had to be expresses and he gave birth to him Self and Son Song, Songe. Beauty and Creaton and within this bold and endlessly Beauty Atom Arden Adam was the Quiet Quantum murmer and whisper.. This is my […]

19 Dec 2019