
Pi—The Full Circle: Completion in All Things

18 Jun 2020

8:36 p.m

8:36 p.m I put this on for the first time today. It was a gift from Liberty C Liscomb Designed by Ardens God Mother Charleen Johnson I did ny laundry and found this and put it on. I just finished to my chagrin, a post comnent on one of my facebook nemoeies Blacl White Raven Dove Which was my proving time is not linear but a Time Machine with Numberic codes as E Q E Quantum And as I finally […]

18 Jun 2020

Good Lord,

Good Lord, 12:12 p.m L.L. A.L L. = 24 6-18-2020.. F R. TT. Dishes Left in The Sink. The Curse one. The One who left me the dishes in the Sink is The Cursed one. Yes, this believe it or not is part of the End Script. Love Conquers All. And those who do not respond to Love but take advantage or use it, or see it as their right and entitlement, who thus enslave others. Justify enslavement. Slavery. Black […]

16 Jun 2020

3:42 p.m

3:42 p.m 3:43 p.m right now. C D.B. C D C. 6-16-2020 F P T T * Recall intel: 6 16 222 AL. Hello I have two new facebook friends. Abbey Jones Sabrini 7:55 p.m G E E. Yes, that was a long break, I went upstairs, and Arden was there, I had wished to speak to him sometime later, because you will not believe it, but my body and being told me so. My body was so tight today, […]

15 Jun 2020

9:09 p.m

9:09 p.m 99 99 Episodes. I went upstairs after Liberty C Liscomb and Seth Goldfarb had left with Jeron Arden Leander and Fred were in the Kitchen.. I came back down and couldn’t stop myself from seeing their initials spelled out ALF I had some inkling what it meant… And found myself looking it up.. Alien Life Form. Then I read the codes and the date of release… 9-22-1986. 3-24-1990. Royal Mayan Rodriguez Santana was born 9-22 2010. R M […]

15 Jun 2020

8:02 p.m

8:02 p.m 82. 1982. Codes from Liberty C Liscomb today. 97.82 usd American Spirit. 1982 Nnamdi 13. 33:65 / 56 33. Art Magic. A M I A.M. I. E I Art Magic Expression I E I A. M. E. 8:06 p.m I Infinity. Original Facebook Post: Click Here

15 Jun 2020

From Matthew Christopher Slater

From Matthew Christopher Slater June 13 at 6:20 PM · AFK Arena · Emeka Kolo. I just saw this today- posted on my Time Line by M C S. Arden. A F K G Natures Voice. N.V. A N V MM 626 Date: 6-13 F M…Time: 6 20 F T. Arden is known as “Nature’s Voice” for a reason. His relationship with mother nature is very intimate. If the forest needs to communicate with the mortals, they channel their feelings […]

14 Jun 2020

8:49 p.m

8:49 p.m Harmony Sacred Portal 49 Fork in the road. Northern Lights Nome Alaska. The 4th Kind 9:09 p.m I have been sequestered in my room. I could not see Arden, despite the In Synch of our Harmony making the Self Evident obvious. 9:11 p.m But since yesterday and the 12th his 17th birthday, I realized that from the moment of my arrival I have been in battle, a battle which took all my focus and attention, which turned out […]

13 Jun 2020
13 Jun 2020
17 May 2020