
Pi—The Full Circle: Completion in All Things

30 Jun 2020

20:14 hours

20:14 hours 8:14 p.m. H N. My Ass! Ha.. Its really Dante’s Divine Comedy Refusing the Script of Dante’s Inferno. Tree Sage Anirbas Lem Stephen Johnson Dina Singh Ji Do you see the red and yellow darts in the back .. ( I share some clearer views in a sec..) I just realized that as Big E, Tall E and Small e in one, goes.. that these are Nuclear Nuclear Missiles.. Ha!!! BABY. Jeron of the A-lien Council have their […]

29 Jun 2020

22:38 p.m

22:38 p.m Intel from Liberty Liscomb. Fort Knox.. Inside me ..he is Treasure. Kim Aurelia K A 22:39 p.m 22.. P.S Pysche 16. Eros Psyche and Cupid. 16 P. Between Juper and Mars. J M. 5th and 4th planet Jump Man. 54. Intel Jeron Mardi Gras Lavender Beads. 22:43 p.m Original Facebook Post: Click Here

29 Jun 2020

22:05 hours

22:05 hours V O E .. Tree Sage Benjamin C. Krajewski Stephen Johnson Etc… There are no words to describe the Fury and Hatred which rose in me, from the Hells Kitchen to the Deck today. Jason Williams share A Gathering of Dragons ( G O D.. ) made it understandable I had noted to metal containers left outside But still it has been with with me but today I found myself being compelled- pulled to tender these two vessels. […]

24 Jun 2020

5;11 a.m

5;11 a.m E K. I have proven A MAN can move you.. I.have face book friends from more than 72 Countries.. I.am on Public Acesss Have been on Facebook 8.6 years Yes, Liberty C Liscomb Thomas Lang A whole world is reading watching deciding for themselves,.making up and yes, judging And this is the Alien Council of this world. Your famous.. All of the players Say Cheese. That is God and the Source of power tis.not you but people and […]

24 Jun 2020

Bull Fighter

Bull Fighter Of Bull Shit. Remember this John Mack? Seth Goldfarb Olive Oil OO White Mail Box 900 South Road You see, my Espirit knew exactly where it was taking me… of course, I did not wish to be lead. 4:59 a.m Sacred Portal 59 Original Facebook Post: Click Here

23 Jun 2020

Who planted The Seed Of Doubt.

Who planted The Seed Of Doubt. Which grew to be the greatest evil and threat to Ecistencce itself. The Seed which grew from indescion, but was really turned out to be a weapon. 16:34 p.m 4:34 p.m 6-23-2020 Battery at 49. Message delivered to Liberty C Liscomb completed at 11:49 am. Sacred Portal 49. 6-23-2020. F W TT. F Double V. At 14 79 Facebook Friends 14 Evolution of Consciousness 79 Blue Print of Existence. I woke up, so twisted […]

23 Jun 2020

Facebook Post..

J .. A M. AL. Its means BEAUTY Not JA. MAL. JA. EVIL Mal in French LA.! M 6th Note A J. 11O No Jeron was me as Beauty. As was Arden.. But Arden is now my I The Beautiful One And Jeron is now E. I am Mal. The D. EVIL The truly dangerous one… Evil. ? It is Pure Evil That is the Truly Dangereous Me. Evil as you see it it.. I walk through Do it But […]

22 Jun 2020
21 Jun 2020

1:48 a.m

1:48 a.m AL S Code 222 616 A L S Intel was via Liberty C Liscomb Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. A M Y. O. T.R. O. P.H. I C E L. AT. E R A. L. Infinity Lies down and never gets up… smh. S. CLE. ( KEY) Yes 6261 intel Drive Lu ray with a 3 o Key As the one I found from Ferrill and the one on the French Made Hologram Computer Simulation on Sacred Portal 12 ( […]

20 Jun 2020