
Pi—The Full Circle: Completion in All Things

20 Jan 2014

Facebook Post..

Across the abyss Emeka to Kasper linked across the Great Divide…Linked Grandmothers. Alberte and Albert Einstien. Child of Royale line Connection OINRI people able to remember past lifes. Daughter of my mothers youngest Brother Nduka.. Meaning life is Supreme… Daughters name..Ifun nnanya- said to be the incarnation of my Grandmother Lucy (very funny like Lucille Ball..Dezie Arnez D.A.) Her Name Ojugo.. Meaning Dove. No Ah’s Arch (N.A.) * New Covenant with God and man never to flood the word. Birth […]

19 Jan 2014

The Light of Existence is E Bright.

The Light of Existence is E Bright. The light of Nature Xistence is was a Conversation btw E and A.E. Interfernce came from S.R.M. The Womb of Woman as the Black Hole…(Not Lady O Echo) that her Womb was the room which controlled the World and that it was she who gave Birth to Existence. And because of her stubborness to concede her illusion of power it brought great suffering to the world and delayed Evolution and Awakening because Father […]

19 Jan 2014

Weaving and linking tutorial 101.

Weaving and linking tutorial 101. As may perhaps it is obvious to F.B friends, I am literally connecting the Dots, to illusrate how the consciousness in the Future now present works. In which I am using energized exptession to link or explain the connectivity of each expression through Act ion. But if you noticed I first began weaving from within myself directly to Existence. Of my understanding and knowlrdge of how Existence abd Creation began, in which ppl. became my […]

19 Jan 2014

We Are at YI.

We Are at YI. Yi Means Light. First.Born.F.B. and Leaf. Proof.of A.C.T. explained. We were At Goat O… G.O Full Circle. And I found myself to.my amazement writing and linking from sleep straight to my phone. With Kimberly and Seble..while watching my own non steady flow and stream or fountain gush from me onto post after post. To ascertain where it was going before taking the oars to begin linking and weaving. The Full Circle of the Goat O… Represented […]

18 Jan 2014

A Conflict of Interest.Harmonized in the End

A Conflict of Interest.Harmonized in the End The Story of King David K.ID (Child of the.Goat Capricorn Devil C.D) Moves to the Story of E.K. Brown Crowned Strength. The Dimension Story of D. David versus The Dimension New Story of E..E-Mecca. Had to prove that the Original David Doniysus was I.E not the one with many wives and He was Eri and he went back in time to the realm of illusiin Death Darkness to bring the light to the […]

18 Jan 2014
18 Jan 2014

Facebook Post..

And one more thing… The One who fell…The Fall of Man. Adam..I Fell in OINRI Igbo was Adama..in OINRI Igbo means First Daughter of Beauty..An Asteroid Filled with water which Fell on the Metorite Rock called Earth-Heart. Lucifer was is a Woman-Stone from Heaven. Mary Magdelene stoned. Yeah High. Son of the Morning Star. Energy Bright E Bright E.B Beauty. First daughter of Beauty. But Lu C.I. Fer Lu in French means Read (past tense) C.I. Fer (Iron in French). […]

18 Jan 2014

Goat O.

Goat O. 6-4-5-3-2-1 O 21 2345E We are currently at O Circle Of Consciousness Full See Eckhart…Circle of time Past present and future all aligned in the present… Go @ O. Go A.T. O…13..M A.C. Pass Go At Full Circle. I Fun Nnanya. But it still best to take me seriously..though lightly… E.K. I.E. Original Facebook Post: Click Here

12 Jan 2014

Conclusion part two.

Conclusion part two. Awakening and Evolution of Humans, the Planet and Universal Existence into one and what it means. The Unifying field of the full Circle is a U.F.O is a Flying Carpet within each Hueman being called Harmony Infinity. It does not occur outside of us but from within. The Great play of interfacing with the Unifying Field O was to Harmonize Unify Energetically (H.U.E) Man kind through social dymamics and to access by understanding the Energy consciousness which […]

11 Jan 2014

Facebook Post..

AT..M. A Personal note. I just wish to say that it was most extraordinarily difficult task to bring this information to your attention. Wether you value it or not. Though I do not believe in the Forces of Evil… But it felt as if there really was a literal power of evil beyond comprehension, and a curse so maleficient and malovent doing everything in its power to stop me from sharing this information. Physically mentally energetically socially financially the mostly […]