
Pi—The Full Circle: Completion in All Things

30 Jan 2014
Pyramids…Codes and steps to harmony and the four planes (sides) representing the Four sides (Dimension) N.E.W.S as the four Winds Expression of the Elementals Converging to the same point and conclusion.. E Existence the fifth Element is all points of view emanating and converging to the Four in One IIII=I=IIII.

Pyramids…Codes and steps to harmony and the four planes (sides) representing the Four sides (Dimension) N.E.W.S as the four Winds Expression of the Elementals Converging to the same point and conclusion.. E Existence the fifth Element is all points of view emanating and converging to the Four in One IIII=I=IIII.

Pyramids…Codes and steps to harmony and the four planes (sides) representing the Four sides (Dimension) N.E.W.S as the four Winds Expression of the Elementals Converging to the same point and conclusion.. E Existence the fifth Element is all points of view emanating and converging to the Four in One IIII=I=IIII. M.E.I. Emi e Ami e Mexico-Alignment. Egypt. Knowledge Indonesia..Temples of Beauty M.E.I. I.E.M Manifestion is Expression of the Individual. I.Energy Manifestation. Of Alignment of Knowledge of the Beautiful. Who came […]

29 Jan 2014
Pyramids…Codes and steps to harmony and the four planes (sides) representing the Four sides (Dimension) N.E.W.S as the four Winds Expression of the Elementals Converging to the same point and conclusion.. E Existence the fifth Element is all points of view emanating and converging to the Four in One IIII=I=IIII.

Facebook Post..

R-era.. Rare Air One of the names of Kimberly is Rare. My host name is A. And the personal friend of his, a he works with and who shares a similar consciousness and memory is called Robert. They have a mutual friend a brilliant theoritical physicists called Lisa… Who work speaks of the 11th dimensions. The last conversation my host told me he and his friend spoke of was how thier friend Lisa work speaks about how to measure Dark […]

24 Jan 2014
Pyramids…Codes and steps to harmony and the four planes (sides) representing the Four sides (Dimension) N.E.W.S as the four Winds Expression of the Elementals Converging to the same point and conclusion.. E Existence the fifth Element is all points of view emanating and converging to the Four in One IIII=I=IIII.

City of Ember.

City of Ember. C.O.E. C.E. Cause and Effect. Hello Everybody… The Unfied Field O full Circle is the space around us called Air Energy, Linking us all to Consciousness by the Air Breath Consciousness Da Vide (father of the Emptiness who filled it with O2C) Energy Full… A B C.D.E.F…which enables us to see G ODD Everywhere through H Harmony to I Infinity Full Circle O, that everything was created 1. I am very aware how confusing this concept of […]

24 Jan 2014
Pyramids…Codes and steps to harmony and the four planes (sides) representing the Four sides (Dimension) N.E.W.S as the four Winds Expression of the Elementals Converging to the same point and conclusion.. E Existence the fifth Element is all points of view emanating and converging to the Four in One IIII=I=IIII.


Thus… Nature is Potential. Naturalness is Being. P.B P=16…B=2 162. Peggy Echoed Emeka P.E. Perry Evan. Through EckHeart. Emeka Chukwuemeka Heart. That this is the Full Circle Completion of Time. All in the Present. Just as Lady Seble testified and said Y.E.S. Act ion!. And because we are potential made Kinetic through ACT ion Momentum…A.M We are Nature Naturalness Body in Being Energy Expressing Rainbow Spectrum…Light Life. We are beings of E. The Fifth Element sent to align with the […]

23 Jan 2014
Pyramids…Codes and steps to harmony and the four planes (sides) representing the Four sides (Dimension) N.E.W.S as the four Winds Expression of the Elementals Converging to the same point and conclusion.. E Existence the fifth Element is all points of view emanating and converging to the Four in One IIII=I=IIII.

Inra Red the Measurer of Time is Lava turned to Ember then to Earth.

Inra Red the Measurer of Time is Lava turned to Ember then to Earth. Which is the ground beneath our feet..The Present Royal Blue is The Transparency Air Atomospere Sky Blue water Blue. The Future Prssent. Breath Air/Atomospere Water Wind Energy Expression. Be A.W.E. Red plus blue.. makes Ultra Violet..Purple. Space as Cosmos Universe…the Past .S. My Host put on two films yesterday. One The King was about a groupier Ex con turned into a Teacher of Chess to Children […]

23 Jan 2014
Pyramids…Codes and steps to harmony and the four planes (sides) representing the Four sides (Dimension) N.E.W.S as the four Winds Expression of the Elementals Converging to the same point and conclusion.. E Existence the fifth Element is all points of view emanating and converging to the Four in One IIII=I=IIII.

Conclusion 15.

Conclusion 15. of the Full Circle. Challenge Competition Covetous Criticize. Duel Duality Distort Demand Discord. No matter how much love,patience Devotion evidence Beauty Manners Charm transparency of Pure Intention.. The Call to Act and Activate the Act Ion has failed completely to move people to action. Despite testimonial to Truth. Which leads us to conclude that only way to activate humanity to motion and response is not love as they suggest but Fear and Consequences.. As Mirrored in Osho Book […]

23 Jan 2014
Pyramids…Codes and steps to harmony and the four planes (sides) representing the Four sides (Dimension) N.E.W.S as the four Winds Expression of the Elementals Converging to the same point and conclusion.. E Existence the fifth Element is all points of view emanating and converging to the Four in One IIII=I=IIII.

Bia Afra…

Bia Afra… Bia Afro dite Bia Aphro dite. *See Saint Afra third century B.C. Feast Day August 5th. 8-5. 8 is H 5 is E. 13 is M. AH18 R. R is Respect Pagan 3rd century prositute dedicated to Venus. Who helped Bishop Narcissus *See Legend og Narcsisus and Echo…Looking at his reflection in the magic looking glass. Acts of Afra. Acts of Sebles affirmation Well Done. E.T.. Our Consciousness weave… we Link the truth AND/DNA.. See question from Jasper […]

22 Jan 2014
Pyramids…Codes and steps to harmony and the four planes (sides) representing the Four sides (Dimension) N.E.W.S as the four Winds Expression of the Elementals Converging to the same point and conclusion.. E Existence the fifth Element is all points of view emanating and converging to the Four in One IIII=I=IIII.

My Host made a comment to me just now..

My Host made a comment to me just now.. He paused in a sudden epipjany, and said.. You see God in everything He knows I don’t believe in God as defined by religion .so I understood what he meant. He said that I see Logos-order in all things and from this Logos I see meaning and understanding in all things. He is right…I do see Godd in all things but Logos (Order) is not Godd to me… Harmony is. And […]

22 Jan 2014
Pyramids…Codes and steps to harmony and the four planes (sides) representing the Four sides (Dimension) N.E.W.S as the four Winds Expression of the Elementals Converging to the same point and conclusion.. E Existence the fifth Element is all points of view emanating and converging to the Four in One IIII=I=IIII.

21-22. U.V.

21-22. U.V. Ultra Violet. C Ultra V.I. O L.E.T. B.E. *See definition of Ultra Violet sees things only seen by Insects (dinosaurs -aliens) and Birds (Harmonious Beings). Spectrum. Creative force abd destructive force at the molecular level. *see weapon of movie Enders Game. January 21st 22nd. A.C.T.S 21-22 40 U.V.D.O. Enders Game. Pacific Prime and the New Laws of Existence. I am not sure if most are aware but a great battle was going on the invisible realm. A realm […]

21 Jan 2014
Pyramids…Codes and steps to harmony and the four planes (sides) representing the Four sides (Dimension) N.E.W.S as the four Winds Expression of the Elementals Converging to the same point and conclusion.. E Existence the fifth Element is all points of view emanating and converging to the Four in One IIII=I=IIII.

Facebook Post..

Hello….Its me again (sigh). Its the 20th Martin Luther King Day. M.L.K add I and I in one I. Milk… Milky Way of Dragons Breath. The Milky Way. Fire of Ire to Gentleness soft touch of Dew…To give all who played their part in this play from the last story of No Ah’s Arch to New Ah’s Arch (past all present)..their due. Lisa Le Vine put a posted recently a quote from Dr Martin Luther King in which he is […]