
Pi—The Full Circle: Completion in All Things

21 Sep 2020

I found myself watching this movie yesterday.

I found myself watching this movie yesterday. I realized that it was Korean as I watched I could not help linking it to Beyond a young Korean woman I met in 2011 dec at Akil Apollo Davis place… And with the Korean woman whose expression of apology to Olu, was the perfect example of taking responsibility for ones expression. And as I watched it, I recognized my own journey. The play of Korea.. Tao.. Tzu, was all K O Rea.. […]

15 Sep 2020

3:31 p.m.

3:31 p.m. 9-15-2020. I O TT..O I… I O.N.E…T.W O… The Two as the One I. When I went out after posting yesterday..and the play… I did not need to buy anything really, and my body felt like bat wings… confirming to me that the transformation was imminent. But I felt a desperate will and desire to get out of the house no matter the truly insane way I was moving down the street- literally like an alien or an […]

13 Sep 2020

5:11 p.m.

5:11 p.m. E K. E A-A. 9-13-2020. I M TT. I Manifest the Portal and Gate Way Sacred Portal 39/ 93. Hello… Evolution Awakening is about to manifest Any Moment…right now. 5:56 p.m 5:58 p.m. I am doing it Alone in Human form but with the Aid of my Family who were rising through you, and has been whittled down from the perhaps thousands, of people I was led to meet and interact over the course of this life of […]

12 Sep 2020

18:56 Hundred Hours

18:56 Hundred Hours This was sent to me yesterday 9-11-2020 by Kamora Herrington See the codes Its the one she was denied- not given. The Corner stone which was rejected. I did not do this for Prestige I did it out of Grace.. Graciousness and Respect for that which sent me ( despite my Furious Rage.. F R. 6 18. T L E. 6 18.. AZ. Athena Sarah Kaizer Original Facebook Post: Click Here

07 Sep 2020
05 Sep 2020
01 Sep 2020

21:14 Hundred Hours

21:14 Hundred Hours U N 9:14 p.m I N And let me sieze the opportunity to introduce Aurelia Gemino to the World and this play.. and Leander. She is the one I Identified ( Correctly) as Aphoridite Kali Avatar Descendant Line energy frequency wave, in a past story incarnation as well as the new line of E.V.E in female form Yes Ancient Harmony revived. The whole Idea, of the End play represented in 5 Western children, linked to the West, […]

19 Aug 2020
19 Aug 2020

From Joanna Harmony Koukiotis

From Joanna Harmony Koukiotis J.H K. 3 In 1 Holy Spirit of Existence H S O E. 8 19. 8-19-2020 Electricity. Original Facebook Post: Click Here

16 Aug 2020

From Nnaemeka Ifennanna Ezeufonna

From Nnaemeka Ifennanna Ezeufonna Unfortunately most of us know this as the Truth Hence this play, which lasted an entire life time to find the Source Seed of Evil. Its source of Decomposition of the Nucleus The Family unit and the Self. Its where it all began The Individual we discovered as Natural Expression AHTOM could not be divided from its E. Eternal Nature. But the Illusion of the I Self .. Fractured Ego – Self Projections not aligned to […]