
Pi—The Full Circle: Completion in All Things

10 Jul 2014

From Fred Delshad…

From Fred Delshad… July 1O. 1 56…. Humm was that not the play we witnessed thru my experience which was meant to be the End of this play. But instead at May 6…codes 56 56 have Dawn Marie…spirit me away in perfect Harmony leading me to the Bean and eventually back here. Where we have moved up 11 F.B.F friends since then… To the current 1-67..76. 56/65 was this not proven as Emeka Fritz at Pelham Park in 2010 and […]

10 Jul 2014

The Creator is MAN. Espirit

The Creator is MAN. Espirit N-A.M. D.I. The Code is that I go home to my line of the family and Consciousness with all of them fully Awake- Memory (A.M) restored beyond Death and Birth D.B.B. Deer Boar Bird… *See the Post affirmed by A.S.UU.S.A and Banu B. Its a Humming Bird. H.B. I go to my Palace…My House and Home. no longer a Guest on a Quest I saw Bird code again and again before Edward Eceinco post. There […]

10 Jul 2014


Hello… Update…. TODAY WAS A SET UP TESTING THE E. The line of ET SUPERNATURAL ARE HERE!a Have landed Here my proof… Yesterday some one I have not seen in 15 years, whose initials form the code U.S.A. acknowledges me publicly with another friend liking it called Banu (Ban U). 15 makes O a Full Circle. I get 24 messages today on my phone which is how I see the days play, my phone is at 69 e mail, 136 […]

10 Jul 2014


Hello, A Movement to Escape… Aylin Sendemir Urkemez…A.S.U…U.S.A. and Banu B. Something is really off about this… are people going to simply watch me go through this, having no where to go, or even place my bags, even after proving the codes and humanities still having the inner vision planted in them along with the Harmony. Is this the play… since the code U.S.A proves we are still in a play.. not real life. Is this the play even after […]

09 Jul 2014

This is why we should speak out….

This is why we should speak out…. Okwu Chinenye…Meaning the Chi *See Edward Eceinco post on Bruce Lee… The Espirit- Chi gave Humanity a Voice for A REASON… Within it is a great power of O- The power of Energy Truth. the Consciousness in which Existence Energy E.E was created. The E.E.E.B…was created…. 555 2 Energy of Being, the human body H.B. The eternal 7 year cycle of re generation of human cells from nothing back into something… All it […]

09 Jul 2014

From Edward Eceinco…

From Edward Eceinco… A Beautiful Riddle… Which I answered… and he replied…I knew You would get! I smiled at his response… it was is the Literal Figurative story of my Life… A woman came to consult Ifa, the Awo cast Ifa, happiness, sorrow, silence, he told her to come back in one month he was confused on an Oracle that never had spoken in confusion, he cast Ifa again silence, happiness, sorrow, he told her to come back again in […]

07 Jul 2014

Just got on my lap top…

Just got on my lap top… So just saw that F.B.F at 166… So strange, that is of course me, and have not been able to get on my Black or Silver Lap top for a some days… Using my Gala XY phone… Just got on the Silver G4..74. All Gifts. Wanted to simply let people know, that there is nothing personal in this play, its all been an evolution of an Arithmetical Mathematical Equation… Using Experience Individual Memory, Collective […]

07 Jul 2014

July 7th

July 7th Still workin my ass off. O.K. E Chukwu… And so with my Bag and stuff here with no place to leave them, and.my Host still offering Time and Space… I can not get up.and leave as I intended today, this sick and twisted unatural play. My Host is the Ultimate Channel. This place is the ultimate portal Igbo Nri the last exixt from Brooklyn…Yeah the Movie..Yeah the County of Kings. Yeah the gate way to Mainland U.S.Alpha. Yes, […]

06 Jul 2014


Hello.. July 6. 76 Conversations with Espirits. We were the vessels, pawns who some ( few) became Aware that as a species were being spied upon, set up. And because they rebelled while at the same time investigsted, rose fr being mere pawns on a literal chess board… To become Rookies, Bishops (Guides) Knights in shinning Armour, Queens as Q, and Finally Kings…Fathers and Guardians of a species and of a Truth Beyond. They did not accept the roles given […]

04 Jul 2014

July 4th

July 4th Independence Day. I.D. A.m I.E… True or False. Real and a Lie. Actuality or Dellusional? I do believe that this testimonial and Court Hearing has fullfilled all your sacred prophecies. And has satisfied all modern scientific methodology which are now mainly theories. While I have laid bear all the Facts.. To those paying attention to my presentation… And it is not my problem if you were paying attention to the Evidence… I believe that it is also customary […]