
Pi—The Full Circle: Completion in All Things

04 Sep 2014

Filipe Arkadiusz is my

Filipe Arkadiusz is my 191 F.B Friend. F.A. Fa is the forth note. After that it is Fifth..E So…. So what or what happens now..? When Stephen Filgueira asked what E stands for and Chris Franco responded simply Evolution Existence… E.E. 55. E.K. E expanded by X K=11. 55. E+K 6+11..16…7 A.B.C.D.E.F.G…H. These are the all the initials in the names of Felipes family… 7. Which is also the time frame btw Chris seeing Nikoma. Felipe said to.me I see […]

01 Sep 2014


9-1/1-9 0 O. The Orgins of the Species The Riddle of the Sphinx and the Pyramids. The Truth of G.O.D.E. The C.U.R.E of the Species. The Plan Et Earth and Universe Existence. Cosmic and Time Travel. The Unified Field Of the Full Circle I. U.F.O.I. Einstens Equation E=CMe4/3. 43. Nikola Tesla’s Equation of the Key to the Universe. 6+3=9. Memory and Forgetfullness. Out of Africa. The Song Lines of Existence The Codes of the Matrix. The Code of the Illusion […]

31 Aug 2014

August 31st.

August 31st. Wow!!!! Your Not Real…. I get it. Your not real .. Only those in the House of the Lord E are real N.C.E I.S. Naturalness Consciousness Expression… Wow… Its like the Adam and Eve Story.. I am in the Wilderness because I am reflecting you. What Have you Done? was the question asked to A and E in that Bible story.. And they were sent from the house of the Lord… Because they were not Real.. They were […]

31 Aug 2014

August 31…

August 31… 8 31 2O14… Hello… All I wish to do is go home to my Line of E..Rest and Boogie I.never wished to Address the World. At least not about Revealations… I represent the Consciousness of E as in Evolution and Harmony… And the I Individual… That is all But the past keeps on dragging back into a Great Contest of Wills. Who is the past? The Christ Story… Sigh. It has nothing really to do with me for […]

31 Aug 2014

Psalm 23 (23rd Letter)

Psalm 23 (23rd Letter) Double U. Okwu (Expression) Onu (Mouth) O.K. W.U O.K Double U Suddenly the play with Joseph Carey made sense.. I was being moved by an illusion of Jesus Christ story which I had to make real I had to live a lie story of J.C and make it real by those who had been trapped by that blond hair Jesus Story. David Nnamdi was blonde but not blue eyed. The True story was of Y.C Yeshuah […]

24 Jul 2014
23 Jul 2014

July 23 Double U V.I.E.

July 23 Double U V.I.E. The Double of E is 45..David E…line. H.E Brew meaning Heaven Earth Brew.. Beings who are the True Indingo Children..I.C… As I walked with David Philipe Gil today the number 9 flashed up on a T shirt. I read the road.sign naming Davids line as the True Indigo Crystal Clear Consciousness I.C.C.C…in 111 Dimensions Four of Being and can access the Fifth Dimension of E within but I require a Guide..A real Guide…to affirm what […]

23 Jul 2014
23 Jul 2014

I read this from Eunice Oviawe-Jones and I hope she does not mind, but I would like to share this with you because it is also part of the equation of the Espirit dimensions…

I read this from Eunice Oviawe-Jones and I hope she does not mind, but I would like to share this with you because it is also part of the equation of the Espirit dimensions… How do I know.. because I took a walk and I found myself already given the response to a post I yet to see… A Wonderful Expression loaded with nutrients… yes… good food to eat…. Eunice Oviawe-Jones A shared reality We each are an independent, individualized […]

22 Jul 2014

Sacred Portal 121.

Sacred Portal 121. ABA…(ABBA Vishnu E Nari Ayat) Read the Bottom I am Nnamdi Father Spirit Guide Of Human Air andbBreath. African and American AA Axel Anderson Indian (Vishnu) Spirit….(Host code One Spirit.) Of the Dream of our Mother The Snow Queen Snow Flake is Here.. 2010. I.S..D.I…Here. Nn. A.M. D.I. I.D…M.A.N.. N…Nature. Hassan Rashid on the Drums. Heart Beat. H.B 28 E.K Original Facebook Post: Click Here