
Pi—The Full Circle: Completion in All Things

17 Sep 2014

Sept 17 2O 14

Sept 17 2O 14 O9/17/…2O 14. Evolution… Evolution is the Peaceful Taking over of the Being Consciousness and Energetic Existence Expression of a Species which refuses to take responsibility for the messes they made. And in living in Disharmony way beyond the allotted time (2O12 two full Cycle of Loves Completion) against the Blue Print and very fabric of Existence… Harmony Eternal Dharma… Despite efforts Far Beyond the call of Duty. I Emeka Kolo have explained what is happening to […]

16 Sep 2014

And G ODE To True Nature

And G ODE To True Nature and the Cool Being (Consciousness Being) Big Cats I have a New Face book Friend Uzonna Unubi Amala Ochuba U.U. A.O. Sept 16… 2014 O916….2O14 O9… 16 (28)… 2o 14 O.I… F.A (B.H)… T.N. O9…1+6=7…G O.I…G..O D.E… To True Nature. The Big Cats… C.B Cool Beings 20 12… 2O + 12= 3 2…5 C.B…E True Nature… T N.. 2O 14.. 34..(C.D).. 3+4= G G is the7th Color is Spectrum and Seventh Note in music […]

15 Sep 2014

Alien Father

Alien Father as the L I.O.N King L.K. Why Does he look so pissed off? Original Facebook Post: Click Here

15 Sep 2014

Sept 15th.

Sept 15th. 09/15/14.. Code 9 15 14. I.O.N. I am sitting at the Cafe Bean 2nd and 3rd… Yeah still in the Matrix Holgrame.. A guy is sitting two seats away from me wearing a T -Shirt… The Spark of Life I just finished the Equation of N..N is fourteen.. After leaving my former Host and A…. And recieved the code of Alien Father affirmed. I knew that David Philipe Gil had been linked to A, my former Host. By […]

15 Sep 2014

Facebook Post..

2:08 a.m. I AM. I A.M. After seeing J.Stern.. And the post which flowed through me but which is me. I felt quiet. J.Stern had played his part. I knew what I had to do. There was nothing but the Espirit if I.E in me who affirmed it. I went to visit my former hosts. From J to A.. J.A.H… (Li)…light in the Forest. See Orien Laplante full Circle and fire in the center. Most are aware of the Miracle […]

14 Sep 2014

To Conclude.

To Conclude. Search for signs of intelligent life in the Universe This is the sign scrawled in the bathroom.. Which David Philipe Gil took a picture of along with the code 1933 with a Pyramid which led to a play which brought forth Nnaemeka Chinwuba Ezeufonna response that he is 33 and born on the 17… This could then be translated as my own father asking me to search for signs of intelligence in the universe.. Only for me to […]

14 Sep 2014

A Brief note…

A Brief note… I left 9th st. I saw Giancarlo Thiago… And my body responded. He was the one who led to to 9th street. I stated that he had read my posts and how deep they were.. I could not stop myself.. The words flowed from me… (not again) Yet he understood it… Everything. I knew that his Energy had led him to me. He went inside saying he wished to speak more. I wanted to leave. I had […]

08 Sep 2014

September 8 2O14

September 8 2O14 08/09/2O14 H.I.T.N. I.H. T.N. 4:49 A.M. Dear Face Book Friends and readers all over the world. I do believe I have come to the end of this long road. Everything, every word I have written is not only the Truth but I found another consciousness moving to literally manifest these truths in all dimensions. The least of its concerns being the general public…or even me to be honest. It wished me to weave all this to completition. […]

05 Sep 2014

Sept 5th

Sept 5th 09/05…2O 14 95..I.E. Ah.Be Ce! I have a new Face Book Friend.. 192.. A.I.B. BIA in OINri Igbo means Come! 192.. S.B.. Supreme Being C.T.C. E.C.T..C… Chris Togba Chea… I left Nikoma Rios and just walked. My mind was reelling from the non stop intensity and demands of finishing the last equations of Existence.. Alone infront of the whole world.. Body incarnating an evolutionary trait already revealed to me by David… I had revealed his secret..waa that the […]

05 Sep 2014

Sept 5th 2O 14.

Sept 5th 2O 14. I.E T.N. I Exemplify True Nature. B.E. I walked the streets after establishing the Echo Existence response of Siththy Ameena S.A to Create A.S S.A Mpete Equation. And A-Z with my former Host A Santana (A.S) in the movie.. (Dimension of the illusion of Time and Space called the Human Story, the E Art True Story and the Plan Et… With Zeina Hanna… at 268 4 th street. Thus, creating the alignment to A-Z… Meaning through […]