
Pi—The Full Circle: Completion in All Things

29 Sep 2014

Hello Sept 29…

Hello Sept 29… 9 29… I am The Way… The way is through a Consciousness and the greatest acheivement greater than Nature greater than the greatest Civilizations is the retention of the greatest Treasure in all Existence and this treasure is the True Consciousness which formed Creation Existence and to which each person bron into this world was meant to guard…. That was IS, the point of Existence ( 1 47) to know that which is of value and that […]

23 Sep 2014

Facebook Post..

September 23… Hello… I Have a new Face Book Friend Henry Mowgli…. Henry means Home ruler… Power Rules from Home. Mowgli is the name given by Kipling to the character in the Jungle Book, I see we are back at 200 F.Book friends. The play script ends at 200, and here we are back at 200. Let me tell you what happened after the last post of Colors- That very day and moment I posted the last post a person […]

19 Sep 2014


9:19. Beyond The Call of Duty. Ending the Cycle of Death.. Screams the cover of the New….(North East West) Post… But not the South.. S.. Bia Fra. Emeka Supreme 9:19. A.I.D. A.S… Aid the Supreme one. Yes, they are Royals and will rise and shine… And clean up their messes.. By brothers from Energy Spirit and Physicality.. E S.P. For they did help, albeit it meagerly…with money while I worked on them tirelessy from the very begining 12 years ago […]

19 Sep 2014

Sept 9 2O 14..

Sept 9 2O 14.. 9:19…… T.N. 9=I 19=S. IS… True Nature. Light of the World. Sacred Portal 97 Returning the world to its senses and Sensies… Sacred Portal 87. Cde David..78. 87+ 1O is 97.. 87 +10 is 97. David and I proved the equation of 1O is I full circle… In Light as 1 But Nikoma Rios and I proved it also with the play of the 1 0 as Zero.. Ground Zero Black Hole.. Meaning that the play […]

18 Sep 2014


Sooo… AH is really John as in the brother of Jesus as the Eternal One Jesus spoke about as Half Brother… As Chibuzor Okolo.. And as Yeshue Ah Christ Yonathan Yohannes.. Did not trust I would be able to defeat this story.. But waa really in the wrong story or Dreaming. John was the Dreamer… And I was in his dream and John is David.. J.D/D.J. John as you may recall is the one whom I call my little brother […]

18 Sep 2014


A.H… On my way down from Pelham Park I found a book called the Conqueror… By Gert rude Frankline At he r ton G.F A (71) G .Filipe Arkadiusz Code 3O71. It is True Romantic story Alexander Hamilton. A.H. The Treasurer… Recall that Chris Togba Chea had spoken about going to visit his house up in Harlem the Night before he bumped into me on the Bowery and how he said the knowledge I was activating him was doing something […]

18 Sep 2014

Sept 18. True Nature

Sept 18. True Nature Ah!!! …So this was about proving into Existence the Originals.. True Nature… The First Family using Car bon Copies And the Cast of supporting Actors… The Naturals N line. The E line are those who Expressed Voiced Testified To Truth of E. The Line of E O Full Circle from E to Nnamdi to Onu.. E.N.O.. From Nwoke Nwanyi. N.N. M.F. Male Male to Male Female To Female Female to Z. Then the Evolution of One […]

17 Sep 2014

1st and 9th..

1st and 9th.. The B E.A..N 9 days on an Island. Karada Kar Ada (Ada means First Born Daughters) (Karada means Black) 9 yrs on an Island called Man Hat Tan The Tan Race. N.Y.U. U.S.A. Am Eric A. 9 H ours (Harmony Ours) 9 M-in-u-t-es Espirt Supreme Sacred Portal 9O) 9 sec sex.. Supreme Existence (Si.. 9 19 for coffee David Philipe Gil) I=I.S Chukwu Emeka I.EN G LA ND. I France…I.F..(96) I Africa….I.A. I.Russia.. I.R..A.H) I Europe..I.E. I […]

17 Sep 2014

Sept 9th 2O 14…

Sept 9th 2O 14… I got up asking a beautiful dark brown girl besides me to pls look out for my phone will I visited the bathroom.. Once again, I noticed the inscription on the wall You are not Forgotten but someone had added.. Pointing to the World… Don’t worry about the world thinks, worry about the World It was signed Mr W.. Code 78 on my former hosts micro wave.. MW87/78W. Double U.. N.D I (9=I).. I am N.D.I.E. […]

17 Sep 2014

Sept 17…2O 14.

Sept 17…2O 14. O9/17/ 2O 14.. O The Full Circle. 9th Street 17..From the Q Transformer of 2 O B.O. Being of the Full Circle O (Planet) 14..5 N A. D.E.I..U Met up with David Philipe Gil after posting the last equation of Evolution in the Past… The 4th St Rep Dimension of the past at A. I knew what I was solving and as I left to meet up with David after reminding that we had to finalize the […]