
Pi—The Full Circle: Completion in All Things

14 Oct 2014

August meaning : Inspiring Reverence, Supreme Dignity…Great Impressive Majestic..

August meaning : Inspiring Reverence, Supreme Dignity…Great Impressive Majestic.. Illustrious Respected renown hallowed emminent celebrated honored… August One of the Seven months containing 31 Days… 7 is G…31..C.A. It is the Julienne Gregorian Calender. In the Southeren Hemisphere it aligns with February…F.A..4th Note.. Joesph Al Nikoma…J.A.N.. January the First Month of.the year is an illusion… JANUS…Roman God of Gate ways a Door ways two.heads going in.opposite directions… All things Converge to.one point as it does with.the months below.. February means […]

14 Oct 2014


October 14 1O/N….A.D.. A-O…Nnamdi..After Death… (There is no such A Venue as After Life A.L) Augusto…. Rome. Could not sleep…the impulses, the urgency from within and somewhere else did not let.me rest. I knew what I was being asked to link. I could see all the pieces of the next phase of the puzzle all coming together as I fought to find forgetfulness in slumber. No dice. The codes and all the stimuli…Nnamdi in me forcing me to weave even […]

14 Oct 2014

Facebook Post..

1:47A.M… October 14… O.N.. 8…Infinity O.N. 1O/14….2O 14… 1=A-O…N..A.D….2=B…O.N..A.D Code…A..B….N.N…A.D. The Elemental Titans A I am not sure if anyone in this current world consciousness will.understand what I am about to write… But I am sure in hindsight it will all make sense.. I Have Been Set Up… Of Course, I had stated this many times in the past 3O months but I am aware that very few if any understood what I was alluding to. Alot of this is […]

13 Oct 2014

Damnnnn can not believe how far this has gone…

Damnnnn can not believe how far this has gone… Making me use words instead of symbols to manifest Evolution of the Cee of Harmony Choir… Blue Yellow Red…Brown Black Colored..E B.Y R..(.A.H )..B.B.C..E. Meaning Being of the Year.. I represent the year, Leap year, the month.the Day the Noon Mid day Evening Night. Dusk Daen twighlight Dream time Day Dream Shafe Light Hour Minutes seconds etc…All Time Time full stop. By R..A.H… Orange Al…Omega Alpha… Green Nikoma…G.N… Alain De Long…Me… […]

13 Oct 2014

… We are basically narrowing down the play from David Phillip Gill

… We are basically narrowing down the play from David Phillip Gill As Civilization Nikoma Rios as Nature A.S…as Space and New York Joesph Carey.. J.C.S. Joesph Stern rep the illusion of the Christ Story from Egypt Osirus-Jewish-Christian-Beat Poets.. as the J$=10…The One Zero as representing seem consciouness of Henry the 8th-meaning the home ruler. And myself as Existence E… We have already moved from the last F.B friend as Days Eye Alive… D.E.A…to R..as 18th AH… David Emeka Albert […]

13 Oct 2014


Hello… I have a new Face Book Friend… Who arrived the moment I completed the post below… Taneyha McWilliams… T.M…as my 2O6th F.B Friend… Twenty Six…26 Two Full Circles of 6… 26 8 12 3C…66…12 3C. 6X6…36..9…C.F.I…x18.A.H…1+8=9=I.. I checked her D.O.B code 68 Height 66… Taneyha has a middle name Lynn T.L ..M Code 2O 12..13… Code 2O+12+13…45… April 5th…Nnamdi. Passed Age 13… Aligned in perfection to my host Male Female..M.F. Taneyha is a version of Tanya.. Recall David Nnamdi […]

13 Oct 2014


1-13…7O… A.M…G.O… I have been told by AL that when I am working on the equations on these Android phones that I remind him.of Captain Kirk on Star Trek..Plotting a Navigational Course through space… I am not sure if he realizes just how accurate his statement is. But btw the Loki Character of mischievous nature and him.being an Avatar of Physical Nature of the Universe…one finds it hard to diffrenciate btw one and the other… But I have come to […]

13 Oct 2014

Facebook Post..

October 13… 1O-13… 1A…13=M…. True Nature of Huemanity C.D God A.M. G.O.D.E…The Harmonious Beings… We as Hue-mans Affect Physical Reality (P.R) through Expression. This was the Collective Responsibility which we had as a Species. This is what we had to.realize and take responsibility of. That we were being challenged not only by the Solar System, the Planet itself but also the cause and effect of human collective irregularities and irresponsible stories actions and expression. It rose up against us and […]

12 Oct 2014

P.S…Further Alignment…

P.S…Further Alignment… October is Autumn in the Northern Hemisphere but is Spring April in the Southern Hemisphere. Thus, Spring Street Alignment of.my.waiting at 😯 Balthazar for 13 years (M) -meaning I was waiting for not my own alignment but the planetary polarization and shift and thus aligns to the Northern Lights Alaska the 5Oth state E.O and this October to Norh South Hemisphere to Spring Street Spring..S.S..8 October April…Omega (8) Alpha…E.O.A North South aligned to One and East West East […]

12 Oct 2014

October 12….2O14…EJoy ENoniPromise

October 12….2O14…EJoy ENoniPromise ENnamdi..EI.K..E.T..E.O..E.C..E.M.E.U… Star Bucks… Spring Street.. 1O-12…+× 22 V…V.Era… 12O….L.O.V.E..Ra…I.O..CC..O. 1O=1A…JOY Links Existence Divine…J.L.E.D 1 O-A. 12..L 1O-12…2O14. 34 (C.D Chukwuemeka David) 7…G.O.D.E….7O54.. 1=A.12=L. 112 A.L (former Host Name) See Sacred Portal 112 Return of the Prodigy Son 1-A (Full Circle) 12 day +×….1+12=13…M A.M. 1X12…L @AL…A.M..L. E.V. .L.O.V.E…E. D.O.VE.. @D=4 E.V.O.LV.E…E.V. O.D.E. LA! Tired of this Evil play script forced each time to.descend to lowest Vibrations of rage.. Forced to.leave my home consciousness of Bliss Orgasm Extase […]