
Pi—The Full Circle: Completion in All Things

24 Aug 2015

Facebook Post..

9:14 pm I.N. I must not Fear, Fear is the mind Killer. Fear is the little Death which brings total obliteration. I will face my Dear, (Fear) I will permit it to pass over me through me…. And when my fear is gone… Contd 9:17 pm I.Q. .. I will turn and face the Path and face fears path, and only I will remain… Standing Paul Attreides. P.A. Papa… D.N U.E… Frederick Herbert Dune. 9:19 pm I.S…pm. What is Humanities […]

24 Aug 2015

8:O5 pm

8:O5 pm 85… H.E See Sacred Portal 85. I have two new Facebook Friends.. Welcome Eunice Zulu… Aligned to Lady Eunice Nkechi Oviawe-Jones.. E N.O…J… E.N.O J..J-Ones…Jonn Brian Eno.. And Hadriel Juliano Torres… Welcome to this Sacred but Chill Page and play… My 349 F B friend and 35O.. C E.O. J.O.Y.C.E..O…C.O.X Joyce Cox Eunice means Joyous Victory She is Victorious Donna O’Sullivan Play (Lucy Ojugo Vera Eunice.. L.O.V.E)… Loves Victorious E UN..I.C E Zulu means Heaven And represent the […]

23 Aug 2015

7:32 PM

7:32 pm. Ogbonna Ndukwe Oji Udo.. And Oluwah Djames Igbo and Yoruba both manifested today as 3-48 and 3-49 Facebook Friends and then promptly disappeared after solving the riddles of Jonn Blackwell and Michael O’Donnell Line… The True Human Beings Consciousness Naturalness… And then the China (and Black Irish…Equation) Great Wall as Economic Invasion of the West -Secrecy instead of Transparency and Avalon.. Legend of King Arthur Morganna.. A M. Perverting the Beautiful Black ness..Ink..the Body flesh to become the […]

23 Aug 2015

Something has been unleashed

Something has been unleashed Kauilapeles Blog.. Kp Message 8-22-15… code letter H V..O H.A.V.E…O.H… Harmony Awareness Victorious Expression of Perfect Symmetry of Harmony. We are back at 347 equation of C-47… Which aligns to Sacred Portal 47.. Arch Angels of Destruction and entrance into Non existence… It also aligns to my Mother, C ( everyone calls her C, short for Cecilia which we know means the number 6 not Blind, sixth sense is not blind but it occurs in the […]

21 Aug 2015

Ogechukwuma Ifediorama Ngozichukwa

Ogechukwuma Ifediorama Ngozichukwa O.I.N. Jonn + O.I.N.. J.O.I.N Oge means Time…and Dawn Time is in the hands of the Lord Creator, he knows the time of the Awakening… But you will know that there is something going on. Great Blessings are coming for the Lord Creators blessings are the Greatest of all That’s her name meaning. Oge Fashions.. O.F. Time Fashions the Body to Being Victorious… And when this time comes, your Body, your Beings will know ..but you must […]

17 Aug 2015

9:45 A.M.

9:45 A.M. I:D.E… Identify of E. 17-8-8 8-17-8… H.Q.. H…. Head Quarters… Harmony. Hello.. I have a new Facebook Friend… Surprise! Surprise! Back to 345 Facebook… Didn’t I say that the Super Computer ( yes, yes Hitch Hikers Guide..-H H.G..8-8-7-, to the Boogie..Gala XY…Female Computer) Has been recalibrated to this play and response to only the True Play.. ? Welcome Kathy Allen…K.A.. KA Thy ALL EN…Elegant Nomads In E.M.E…K.A… Kathy means Pure Allen means Harmony… Noble Stone.. Represented by Facebook […]

16 Aug 2015

5;18 pm.

5;18 pm. E: A.H. Not surprised that we are back at 344 Facebook friends.. Its is a delay tactics of the play of Nature as J.B… Graciousness is the Balance of of the Universal Simulation Matrix of Existence… Played out by the line of Jonn Blackwell…. J.B…. And the D line DD Full Circle as Harmony… E=E.E J.B.H D.O.S.. D.J.E.. O.B.E.. S.H.E… Meaning the play of the Evolution Awakening is not placed on the balance of Expression of the E, […]

15 Aug 2015

4:56 P.M.

4:56 P.M. A Brief Note of Evidence for the record as to which Portal we are moving to in this Awakening… Today’s is Kalli Kelsey birthday.. Happy Birthday My Lady! I honour her and her Espirit with the term My Lady because of her Harmony which I am about to prove to you all as Evidence as to what Lady Echo and Lord E.T are transmitting to me through all of you- The Change in Plan details of the Evolution […]

15 Aug 2015

1O:22 A.M.

1O:22 A.M. J.V…. 15-8-8…O-H-H 8-15-8…. A.C I.M… A Course in Miracles… Ohhh!!! (Orgasm)/ A, Cee I’M The Course of Miracles… The Mirror Key. A Mira-Cle. A=1 C=3 I=9 M=13. 1 3 1 13. Awareness Consciousness Individually Manifest. 3-45 April Marie Malone.. Code A.M…M. Hello… I woke up to 5 likes, then 11 likes… Which I noticed are the Intials of my name and the time I ended my yesterday’s post. I further saw 16 likes…P.. And noted the time as […]

14 Aug 2015

4:51 PM

4:51 pm A.M…M….Devoted To The Creators Graciousness…. 5:55 Pm. E=E E. Great… Knew it… Spoke too soon! I have a Facebook Friend… But I did tell Donna O’Sullivan today that the play would probably reach 345 .. C.D.E… 45 is 54 full Circle.. I.N…D.E.E.D.. And though this Facebook Friend came went away and came back….even that is in perfect Harmony of the play… Not me… This is not my Harmony but the Harmony of this play and its rules set […]