
Pi—The Full Circle: Completion in All Things

11 Nov 2020

16:00 Hundred Hours right now

16:00 Hundred Hours right now Baphomet Beauty. Pan Door Ah. I did say my code name is Beautiful Devil Santana Dharma Lu..C.I… Fer… Iron. B D Being Doing.. I was serious. As well as Black Diamond. Who else would be Alien Father Alpha Head of the Alien Council of Extra Terrestrial..called Babbies Toddlers and Children… E T. V E T B T ..C. E HI… The little devil’s, angels and demons.. mischief and mayhen.. A..Harmony. Their first sister. Peace. I […]

07 Nov 2020


0:9:22. O I V 11-7-2020 K G. A-A G. Hello. At last, the long prolonged play is over.. There is no where else to go to, no portal left after 64 moves and a chess game.. And the literal Queens Gambit, one last stance. Q is Quantum. Confirmed by the play which took place with Tree Sage confirmed as the last portal of a truly taxing play of endurance. Yesterday it was about the Hi Point and the Harmony established […]

03 Nov 2020

21:35 Hundred Hours right now

21:35 Hundred Hours right now U C E. B .Aware Of Energy. 9:35 p.m I C E 11-3-2020 K C … 20/20 Vision. Hello. Happy Birthday Benjamin C. Krajewski B K C Beyond the meaning of blessings to you and the line of True Supremacy of Man you represent. E K O K E .S. K E O Was the scene set up play of people who came here tday of this U S A Election day. T B Trump […]

31 Oct 2020

18:55 Hundred Hours right now

18:55 Hundred Hours right now R E E. AH EE 6:55..56 p.m F E E. F. E F From Liberty C Liscomb What if I told you that this is the way the Alien Council of Alien Father Alpha sent intel? Perhaps you might begin to comprehend my aggravated state. The 4th Dimension aa in South Whitney where I first met Jeron now born, is the color green. A Dimension I have been in Jan 2006. Every space actress I […]

31 Oct 2020

From Alicia Norris

From Alicia Norris Happy Birthday.. code E A And thank you for this, It just made my day.. I am constantly being provoked to ferocious anger and fury, and forced to contain it.. And not express it to the ppl around me who are rising with me. That I am still being compelled to post and listen to ungrateful, selfish expressions of the those not meant to be… You have no idea until you and the rest awaken at just […]

30 Oct 2020

The other sacred portal 19

The other sacred portal 19 Two Alien Father. E M F 149 ( 19) And here, 19 19 19. 38. 38 1. 39 C H C I Tree Sage Do you notice how one woman is holding him back.. dragging him down and the other is lifting him up.. Only the two E K. S and T Can tell which one in their own blue print was dragging them down and which was helping in their realease… 19 is letter […]

28 Oct 2020

20:54 Hundred Hours

20:54 Hundred Hours 8:54.. 55 pm This is she Naomi Simms Yes Simms Computer Program Game Building of Civil izations. Noahs Ark Just In Case. Kelsie Bissell Liberty C Liscomb Alicia Norris Anirbas Lem Kamora Herrington Tree Sage Stephen Johnson Do you see her..? Her higher self as I know her and knew her as I traveled in Space of the Celestial Heavens in my E M F and True Mind following the Rhythm Beating of my Heart. Radar Redah […]

27 Oct 2020

20:49 Hundred Hours

20:49 Hundred Hours 8:49 p.m See the codes and in Sacred Portal 204. 9. T D. Terrible Death is I. 20. 49. T D I 84. 9. H D I. Harmony Destruction Patrick Nmezi Patrick means Noble Patrician Aristocratic by Nature Connect to my interface mirror Patrick Okolo 1978 Jan we met when we moved to Nigeria Boarding School Esp. Beauty our conversation he remembered. 28 years later when we met again on 87th Street and 2nd Avenue and lived […]

27 Oct 2020

From Tree Sage

From Tree Sage Kim Arthur Hines Matrix Code Age 32 D.O.B. / B O D Y. 11-4-1987. 14-12-87 Chris Filgueira Alicia Norris A N 1 14 Please recall the play of the Beautiful expression of Alicia, from the Ancestors as Grandmother. The Door which closes till blackness No Escape. And Chiefy all the while at Heaven Space here in Connecticut drawing over a representations of the Imposter Game on the wall- he was painting the 1 Trinities frowning Face blocking […]

24 Oct 2020

3:56 p.m

3:56 p.m What was interesting is that not one person exceopt Eztabon Miguel Filgueira spoke up for me. I suppose it was a fitting end as I listened to the verbal abuse. I was nothing but a homeless man who had taken advantage, was doing spells which made there child, perfectly lucuid, rational but full of yoo much passion and drama ..and hurt at not being seen. But loved as people say and call love here. I was calm, because […]