
Pi—The Full Circle: Completion in All Things

16 Dec 2015
14 Dec 2015

From Nenad M. Djurdjevic

From Nenad M. Djurdjevic I See 4 V’s.. 2 Double V’s… V is the Symbol of Vie and the Number 5 in Roman Numerals… R.N…I.N.R.I…II..99..18..9..I. And One Who Links them All, the One in the Center.. V=22 letter.. X4..88…+1= 89..H.I…Harmony Infinity.. Double V…22 x2= 44..+1..45..DE WW=23+23=46…Chromosones…+1= 47..DG Three Equations on this M-E.N -O- R-A.H… 89…HI 45..D.E 47..D.G… HI DE DG… Hide Dog? JAKE…? Nope.. Hi Of Divine Grace… G.O.D.. Yeshua C.E.. Holy Espirit… H.E Anointed Sanctified. A.S ASSA Mpete! My […]

14 Dec 2015

From Richard Schooping

From Richard Schooping Extraordinary Art… Original Facebook Post: Click Here

13 Dec 2015

From Michael O’Donnell

From Michael O’Donnell Good God Man, where the Devil do you find these quotes.. Literal missing pieces of the puzzle of Expression.. It just goes to show that All Humanity have expressed the sum total of Knowledge required for this world together.. But someone had to find the silver lining in all expressions and weave It into a Tapestry… The Wu- Men… Beings of the 5th Dimension are weavers of Energized Expression.. Michael knows how to weave… He too is […]

10 Dec 2015
08 Dec 2015

4:52 p.m… D:E.B.

4:52 p.m… D:E.B. 8-12-8… 12-8-8….L-H.H… 3-8-8…C-H-H..Completion of the Two Harmonies… Hello… As many of my older face books are aware, I have been solving a riddle and putting together the pieces of a Jig Saw Puzzle, while proving the Existence of the true Origins of Man (And Wu-man) as from being from beyond. But who reside deep with the Humanity. I have been doing this by speaking to the world in the consciousness of that 5th dimension aligned to the […]

07 Dec 2015

From Nikolay Krusser

From Nikolay Krusser Perfect Timing and Perfect Harmony of my Cee.. and Nikolay Krusser posting.. This is a perfect Illustration of my 443 F.B posts And this play being delayed by the Under Cover War going on in the both the seen and Unseen realms… between the Conscious expressions of Man Woman…Mars Venus…M.W..Milky Way… M.V… 4th planet from the Sun and the 2nd… 4 2-24…66…6…12 3..C…36=9…Nikolai Tessla…3+6=9… 6 3 9…When it is so obvious that they are one… And instead […]

07 Dec 2015

11:32 pm..

11:32 pm.. 1 132…I Notice that Jonn Blackwell has 132 Face Book Friends Aligning to sacred portal 132.. We are back to 443 Face Book Friends…Reference sacred portal 43.. Sacred portal True Life which since I am still here, it has not been opened.. Or affirmed.. We took a little trip to the Future..444.. Three Dimensions of 4… 43…and 445..Sacred portal 44 the Goddess versus 4-45…For the Man as God Nature/Nature Grace.. Yes, one can read that it was a […]

04 Dec 2015

From Kristine Baluba

From Kristine Baluba And so Harmony Rises Having Absorbed into her Transparent B-Eau-Ti! Full Circle- the Nature of Nature and Of One and All… Lady Supreme Harmonious Expression.. All-Ah. Original Facebook Post: Click Here

02 Dec 2015


2-12-8 12-2-8.. 9:31 pm. Book Of Enoch…Knock Knock NOK Nenad M. Djurdjevic.. Keanu Reeves movie..KnocK Knock Knock.. Knoch Knock.. Whooose there? H- O.W.L… Boom! E Rang Cock A Doo Le Do… Hello would like to share some food for though.. some intel Lifted from Wikipedia (Bless them)… And also to complete my Equation Dissertation Proofs to the Unseen Realm – behind the Scenes- Veil-of this Play..The Harmonies Original and Supremes… Diana Rose…Lu Na Moon… I.Q…Intelligence AKH..Magically Effective One Intellegence aka- […]