
Pi—The Full Circle: Completion in All Things

21 Jan 2016
21 Jan 2016

12:O9 p.m.

12:O9 p.m. L.O.I…(Law in French)… 1-21-9… A.U.I…A. U.B.A..C.I…/ I..C.A.B…U..A 21-1-9…U.A.I….U.B.A..C…A.I../ I.A..C.A.B…U It is a simple code to translate, it does not even require imagination to read it.. And yes, as most of my older Face Book Friends have understood, *(whether they belief or not, is not really of my concern, since I am decoding expression from an other stimuli, who I recall who.. And, of course, to base no consciousness representing Universe as Harmony, and Expression from beyond can be […]

21 Jan 2016

From Ariane Oates

From Ariane Oates The Beautiful Weave.. Linking, threading, interfacing, Sol! A Needle Pulling Thread! (S.A…N..P.T) ..Which will bring us back to Door-e-mi.. And so I better get back to weaving myself.. I have two very pivotal new Face Book Friends which I must now Weave them into the D.n.a thread with is about to transform to D.n.e… And all the Line they represent, representing consciousness of the same thread… 12:O6 p.m Completion of Sixth Sense… 12 3;O6..7 p.m 36..37…C.F… I….C.G…..I […]

19 Jan 2016

4:4O pm.

4:4O pm. DD.O Doe a Dear… The Stage and the Deer..S.D… Code 19 +4= 23…B.C.W…B.C Double VV…Victory… 2+3=5.. Of the E- EE… V VV.. 555..15..Letter O Victory of The Full Circle of Sixth Sense manifested as Fact.. of the First Note Do.. Red.. Do-e…Read… This is the Crown Chakra true representation achieved by the Sixth Sense of the true Numbers -Animals, linked to Letters- Humans.. to finally created Letters AND/dna-Words- Songs Expressing Worlds. L.A.W.. S.E.W.. Sol! A Needle pulling Thread […]

19 Jan 2016

From Monica Karaba Huibers..

From Monica Karaba Huibers.. The Third Captain of the Star Fleet of Existence composing of Jonn Luc Picard… Jane Way…. And Rose-ie, O’ Donald (Meaning Ruler of the Skies of sixth Sense) J.J.R…1O1O18…AH! And Of course I. Commander, Lu.C.I. Fa.i.r.e Lucy..Luc Besson…5th Element Le Grand Blue Re Rah/ Er Earth… 4:39 p.m. Dimension C.I… G A La XY Z C.I 1O 11 See sacred portal 59.. Original Facebook Post: Click Here

19 Jan 2016

Fro Monica Karaba Huibers..

Fro Monica Karaba Huibers.. Truly a Lady by the intel her consciousness represented by her posts relay.. The Family of the E.H.F..5 86/68 5… Notice the 5th Energy point is Blue.. ROYGB…The Fifth Energy points is where we are moving to having finally satisfied the Green Point as well as the Violet 7th and the Face as Indigo I..And of course Aligned 5 to 8..Expression creates Harmony.. Above Below and All around.. Thus, not is only my portal home imminent, […]

19 Jan 2016

From Monica Karaba Huibers..

From Monica Karaba Huibers.. The Matrix Circuit Board.. Find your way out of the Maze By Mapping the Truth of the Beautiful Truth of the Human Heart… Original Facebook Post: Click Here

18 Jan 2016

5:55 p.m,

5:55 p.m, Code E:EE… 18-1-9…A.H.A!…I. E.K..F-act 1-18-9…A..A.H…I… We are 482 Face Book Friend..48 2..D.H.B…Divine Harmonious Beings.. See sacred Portal 48..Beautiful Death and the Explanation and Summation of the Beautiful True Consciousness of Existence presented to the Seen and Unseen worlds.. *Glenn Fries of the Eagles just passed away…reports Jonn Blackwell Code G.F…E.. 76..5…See sacred portal the awakening… Please note the passing of David Bowie, Alan Rickman…D.B.A.R..G.F..E.. Both 69 years of age Born 1947 and 46…194..76…(S.D..A=I.D.. 76 The Awakening..January 1Oth and […]

17 Jan 2016

3:O9 p.m.

3:O9 p.m. C..O.I.. C.I. Diamond White… Being the name of the brand of flowers Donna O’Sullivan just informed me she just purchased. C.I Diamond White… Would this not link to Ga La X.Y..Z…C.I. 1O 11 X (T.E.N) the Largest Universe currently revealed to Human Awareness classified through this current world consciousness as Galaxy I.C. 1O 11…X. C.I Diamond White.. A Voice manifested through my solving an Equation and Donna O’Sullivan expression just as I began to write this post.. E+D=I… […]

17 Jan 2016

From Sarbasish Choudhury

From Sarbasish Choudhury And She emerged from the blackest night… Draped in Orange Veils R.O..,,,Y G B I V… From the flames of what was perceived in the realm of those who can not see.. Gracefully the lady tread.. O-Range of God, and so she walked the Orange Lady, round a spiral stair way, O moved to Yellow then to Golden Green, to the Blue and Indigo and Violet the Cee, and from the Darkness transformed to light.. Lady Andromeda […]