
Pi—The Full Circle: Completion in All Things

07 Feb 2016

From Garrith Lamanov El Melchizedek…

From Garrith Lamanov El Melchizedek… A-lien Council…Of Harmony… Does anyone else see the Pink Hue’d Spider Portal.. And the Cob web toil Behind… 4 Lines on each Side.. 44 8 and two pillars-legs… Original Facebook Post: Click Here

07 Feb 2016

From Orien Laplante

From Orien Laplante You say S.B.S I Say D.M (Dark Matter) And Eve Of The Fire Mon-Key…AE O. T.F (2O-6..26.) Z…F.M Zeina Zorro Two Full Circle plus O.N.E Light and Kundalini… L.K…OO…LOOK O.N..E Awakening to Evanescent Luminous Expression…E.L.E…Light… Each choses which Event is their True Focus and Attention… My attention and sole focus,as Elvira- *Sacred Portal 88…(5 88), and Angelica Houston A.H..1-8…is on Awakening Dawn… Attention Houston… Angelic Message received.. A.M.Dawn…Quintessential Harmony Infinity Expression… 6:56 p.m. Original Facebook Post: Click […]

07 Feb 2016

From Conscious O’best

From Conscious O’best Code Red is the First color… White is the the sum total of all colors ..1-7…Evanescent White Light-Purity.. Pink is 1 and 7, Red and Evanescent Purity- White- merged together.. 1+7=8.. 8=H..Harmony Infinity… H.I. Conscious O’best..Consciousness OH..Best.. living up to his name… Message received from his 3 D, (Child Consciousness) Anchored Self and 5 D, (Eternal Self) Higher Self 3 5 (C.E) A.H. SS..8 3 5 (C.E) A.H..8… The three Sees Cees E rose… 1:34 p.m.. See […]

07 Feb 2016

From Sarbasish Choudhury

From Sarbasish Choudhury The Eternal you… the realm of the limitless.. is not an intellectual Construct.. it is a literal place which exists.. The place I call home of Man… But to get there One had to embody in a play, the that literal consciousness. by rising and rising through yes no yes no Until reaching the Mountain and Valleys of that consciousness energetically have understood first Energetically while deep undercover in an inversed play… And yet sustaining that Consciousness […]

29 Jan 2016

Judgment of the World…

Judgment of the World… Slavery -Racism… S.R. versus Supreme Respect..S.R Jealousy Betrayal…J.B. versus Justice Balance..J.B These are the cards pulled for me today, by a person of proven Harmony.. In a play seeking to find the root cause of Evil in the World, what brought this Superiority, Racism..Jealousy Betrayal which has been established after 14 years and 1O months of moving through the Homes of New Yorkers and Human portals. I was witnessing what I was being moved to do, […]

26 Jan 2016

From Deanne Earl

From Deanne Earl Yes, Its a Script… But the courses, lessons within is are relevant… Are they they True… no. Was it real within the context of the Script… yes.. Real and relevant,everything which manifested in the collective consciousness of the world. Meaning each idea or situation was Allowed to come into Existence within the Script… The question say for instance of Evolution- It is Garbage Garb- Age in a sense because All Creatures have already evolved the moment they […]

24 Jan 2016

From Michael O’Donnell

From Michael O’Donnell Julie Minton commented, Wow, if that be the case then Rome is microcosm of the (Modern) World I find that statement invariably true based on the evidence and trajectory of this play which linked O.I.NRI my maternal ancestral origins to the Yeshua Christ Story in which he was Crucified by Rome by instigation of the Sanhedrin, with the code I.N.R.I..Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum Meaning ‘Jesus the Nazarene, King of the Jews J.T.N..K.O.T.J Which Pontius Pliate PP had […]

24 Jan 2016

From Michael O’Donnell…

From Michael O’Donnell… And only then can we weave and link together, from this fabric of all the Diverse potentialities of True Nature, by only that which can exist is based on the foundation of Existence, which is not Nature, but rather it is Expression… Which reveals each potentiality to be based of on Love and that each moves natural to lightness, creating light.. And with these ingredients, create Harmony.. The Gift is the Ba! Which the Ancient Egyptians describe […]

23 Jan 2016

Facebook Post..

I just saw this in my posts, dated 12-1-2O14… Which is 2 years and 1O days ago… If you look at the alter art created by using Sixth Sense, on hindsight read…can you not notice that all these Elements translated are an exact replica of the play of the proceeding two years, and played out for that last two years… I created my own path way..? Yes, but whose will was directing my Sixth Sense, moving me, us, to create […]

21 Jan 2016

From Jonn Blackwell…

From Jonn Blackwell… 11-1-9… K.A.I. The code which affirms this as Truth is right there.. KA..I… Over Soul I.. One might say, that I know exactly who is moving through Jonn to indicate the News of the Dark See of the World as Death…. Now transforming to its true meaning…Transparency Water Oh.. T.W.O. Just as I am fully Aware who is rising in Donna O’Sullivan they all represent a Line of the 5th Dimension Harmonies… Jonns Harmony and role in […]