
Pi—The Full Circle: Completion in All Things

18 Feb 2016

From Richard Schooping

From Richard Schooping The Gravity of Grace Not only is this literally manifest correct and attuned with actuality.. it IS the expression of a Beautiful Mind Heart Being 6:5O p.m E Praise.. Original Facebook Post: Click Here

18 Feb 2016

From Shane Michael Robinson Sr.

From Shane Michael Robinson Sr. More from the realm of Elves Fairy’s and Fair-E’s. The Realm of the Magician… Infinity and his sister Harmony-Pan Door-AH… And Ohhh yes.. Spells if you are asleep but which have much less effect once you are aware that you in a play where you are about to come out from undercover.. Getting your Awareness Memory (A.M) back.. See sacred code in the meaning in my last Face Book friends name Alexandre Mamo… A.M.. Defender […]

18 Feb 2016

From Maryanne Savino…

From Maryanne Savino… Another Lotus Flower form… Flower Power.. Its Essence.. And great Intel adapting the body to Ascension for people beginning to sense the the Quintessential Quantum change going on in the Universe and Planet E Original Facebook Post: Click Here

18 Feb 2016

From Richard Schooping R.S..

From Richard Schooping R.S.. The Blue Gate.. B.G…27 C.I.. 3 9 12 27..B.G..Blue Green 5 4 Dimension Say E.D..Light…affirmed Blue Gate.. B.G.. 2 7…9..=I.E Original Facebook Post: Click Here

18 Feb 2016

From Aryana Luna Leone…

From Aryana Luna Leone… Power isn’t the Key for the likes of Us.. It is Skill and Training and Will In my Creation Story of the family of Ten.. J.J.J.J.. The 4th Dimension is linked to Noni Promise- Teacher of True Life.. 3:15 p.m. Code Zeina Hanna C.O… The Twin of Non the Teacher is Devi Devoted representing aspect 2.. 4-2/ 2-4… Noni is the Diva and Devi the Divine… True Power is Self Mastery.. Sensei… Original Facebook Post: Click […]

17 Feb 2016

Donna is just killing it today…

Donna is just killing it today… I am not sure if I need to decode and explain this.. Horse Bird.. H.B.. Hue-man Being… 82/28.. 1/1 1 3;4O p.m See sacred portal 34 play with Mehmet Mutaf linked to Donna Dawn code Dawn Marie… MM (268) DD..(44) M+D.. (DR/RD) 17…1717.. QQ.. 34.. See sacred portal 34.. C.D Marijuana… 3 4 .. 12.. 7.. 19 84.. 1O 3 (1OOO) 13..M.. D… On the meaning of Mehment Emine 1) Turkish Mehmet is -known […]

15 Feb 2016

Archimedes..meaning of the name..

Archimedes..meaning of the name.. Master Planner..To think and plan ahead – Foresight Hindsight..F.H..6 8/8 6..One Full Circle.. *Studied Planning Degree and Advanced Patter Cutting Dip. 1O Expanded from 1Ox1Ox1O..to 1OOO.. 1O to the power of Three… 1O C… 1OOO and One Nights… Sherazard With every Victory of a Principle, of the E line consciousness, the corresponding Victorious Discoverer Inventor Author of that principle, in this Time Lines Responds.. Archimedes represented the Science and Mathematics of calculation of the Circle and […]

15 Feb 2016

From Andrese Harris Burton

From Andrese Harris Burton 1:28 p.m From the Sands of Time.. -And the History of the World, Time Travelers can find the portal at the beginning of the World.. The Portal out of this Story, through praise and appreciation for gift of Grace and Favor, for the experience of being on Earth…School. And the Power of the Written, Spoken, and even Silent use of Words.. School of Expression.. Created by the E line O.H.. 1:35 p.m/ M.E A.C.E 1:36 p.m […]

15 Feb 2016

From Vilayhack Sydaphasavanh Sydascorporation

From Vilayhack Sydaphasavanh Sydascorporation …Two full circles of Existence, The Twins- The Music and the Song, riding the great winding river of Violet -Intuition …which leads them home..to the beginning of Existence the E line. 12:43 p.m Original Facebook Post: Click Here

14 Feb 2016

From Vilayhack Sydaphasavanh Sydascorporation..

From Vilayhack Sydaphasavanh Sydascorporation.. And then I.did it again through Sound and Noise.. Which then returned me to the Silence.. but this time it was different for in that Sixth Sense of Light called Silence.. Heard Harmony.. Music.. And through this way, I even have a name to add to who I am… M=D.. 13-1+3 (Y+I) =4..d.. M.I-D.. I Dance.. I.D.. And that is how I got my Unique Individual Identity.. I Dance to that music.. M.D..Q..H..M.. And as I […]