
Pi—The Full Circle: Completion in All Things

15 Aug 2016

From Michael Prunty…M.P.

From Michael Prunty…M.P. Nice Shirt… And astounding Harmony. Code A.H. Tom True Man. 10:00 p.m. Awareness Harmony Twins T.W.O True Men.. Harry S Truman 33rd. 33..CC…6…F..9..I. See my Page 2011. A True Conversation between AHTom Energy… M.P. … M=13…1+3=4.D. P=16..1+6=7..G. 47… Erik Ebright…11 28… Code 347… E.B.T…code today.. 347. Energies Beautiful Truth. See sacred portal 34..7..C.D…Grace. 3..C… 47…11 28. C Sacred Portal 47… Linked to Erik Ebright…K-47. African Shirt. Boom Boom…! My brother born 5-20-73… E.T..G.C..E. 37 yrs old March […]

03 Aug 2016

9:50 p.m.

9:50 p.m. I.E.O Hello… Contd. We are back up to 726 Facebook friends… Bed number 006 was vacant. By the time I had completed my last post it has been occupied. 1/3 of the men should not be here… Because they are over 65… But there is Humanity here in both Eric Eposito and in Mike on bed 005…and others who take care of the older guys..it is graceful…and disgrace. But most of all it is an insult to Experience […]

02 Aug 2016

8:39 p.m.

8:39 p.m. H.C.I. 8-2-9…. H.B.I. Sigh… E.C.H.O….K.A..L..E.L… E.K.. Kal El is the name of Superman. C.K…CL-ARK..K.E.-N.T. Kal El means Voice of God in Hebrew. Hello Everyone No I have not changed my mind about Facebook or recording here. But yesterdays play with Anamla Qayin was the ECHO response from You… Thus, I was obliged to respond to what was an Echo…E.C.H.O…5 3 8O. Then yesterday, I received a new Facebook friend request… Which I could not ignore.. It was from […]

01 Aug 2016

From Anamla Qayin..

From Anamla Qayin.. And So I Death as Life Rise as the Meaning of Existence Expression… With the true expression of being pissed off.. I am Angry I am Mad.. I..A.M A.M… MAMA…I. 6:43 p.m. Whew this feels wonderful.. Letting of a 48 life times of Steam…and Rage.. Beautifully Justified. 6:45 p.m. Yes Nna.E. Original Facebook Post: Click Here

01 Aug 2016

The Response from You and the Q to my ENOUGH…

The Response from You and the Q to my ENOUGH… DMIC TP/K 115 AGE 1;57 p.m. O.G 8-1-9. H.A.I… HA!..I…Harmony Alpha Intelligence. *Please note the Date and Time Code above. Now please note the post of Enough I posted yesterday and the 7 and then 8 People who Liked the post… And the Four people who commented. Chibuzo Okolo Ogonna S Omo Crafts Andrese Harris Burton Nuno Ordens Miguel And here is the Text of the 8th persons to Like […]

31 Jul 2016


Hello.. Well if no one is ready to say it… I Will… Its Enough. I do believe I have contributed to the betterment of the species, decoded intel which aligns to all Humanities histories prophecies and intuitive and imaginative self… And proven not only the fact that Humanity is literally in a Matrix and stories created by belief systems which spin them in viscous cycles, causing diseased perception of their reality.. But also that the Humanity is evolving. And this […]

31 Jul 2016

Or perhaps there is a very simple reason why I can not seem to stop posting and talking to you all…

Or perhaps there is a very simple reason why I can not seem to stop posting and talking to you all… Maybe I am just waiting ( subconsciously of course), for some one out there to simply say Enough And give me a reason to stop posting…? I Understand. I.U. I. AM. Y.O U And that one action ushers in the Awakening… A simple Ping! Epiphany Original Facebook Post: Click Here

30 Jul 2016


Hello.. It is very early but I find myself brought to Facebook to answer a challenge written in the Script which I have been expecting.. I was given the choice between trusting People or the System. I chose the people… And the people led me through their homes for 15 years, each person directing me to the next… I did not begin this social experiment in a shelter..But at Columbia Harlem where I had been invited Chuck and asked to […]

28 Jul 2016

This is a long post…

This is a long post… It moves the Story of the West and East traditions and Creation stories backwards in conclusion of this play back to NRI-ERI…Creation Story of the OI,Nri Igbo peoples of South East Nigeria..(Biafra)…And to the Awaka Amawbia people who are next door neighbors to the O.INRI… And to the Oracle of Amawbia Awka.. and The Legend of the Beautiful Ones contained within the O.INRI version of Creation who recall coming down from another Dimension through the […]

25 Jul 2016

4:07 p.m.

4:07 p.m. For Those Who Would Listen… And have been following the Equation, Riddle, Weave…Unseen Script. Who is responding to me? Because after 4.4 years of making available my Conversation with the Silence to the general population. Garnering Facebook requests from the 4 corners of the World. And representatives of every culture and every consciousness… I began talking to the Silence and recording it in 1989… 27 years later… 4:26 p.m. I have passed in one year- a Quantum Leap […]