
Pi—The Full Circle: Completion in All Things

07 Dec 2020
Intel from Tree Sage Code Name Heavenly Bodies.

Intel from Tree Sage Code Name Heavenly Bodies.

Intel from Tree Sage Code Name Heavenly Bodies. And of course, Jae Sherman came out just as i began posting this which makes its meaning aligned to its Sources J S Jupiter Saturn..J S code 800. Middle Ages Stephen Johnson S J… Stephen Popiotek S P. Yes 25 notes a date any more… Y is is a state of being reflected in a miror called Outside of Space and Time.. S T.. T S Original Facebook Post: Click Here

06 Dec 2020
As you may be aware, the actual sacred portal of my going home has always sacred portal 58.

As you may be aware, the actual sacred portal of my going home has always sacred portal 58.

As you may be aware, the actual sacred portal of my going home has always sacred portal 58. But before I left I had to also access the sacred portals 55. EE Evolution Extinction via Expression… I realize now that i feel less Occupied by those who lie in wait, like disease and all those things which get under ones skin- impossible to reach to scratch, unless you light a match and burn the body with a blue flame… you […]

04 Dec 2020
As you may be aware, the actual sacred portal of my going home has always sacred portal 58.

From Bronson Ware

From Bronson Ware I can not begin to explain the accuracy of these equations… except to note that these equations are Energetically correct ( Age of Holy -Espirit) which means it is not based on physical Time, but Expression Energy Time linked represented by Individuals here present in the world, representing lines of Humanity. Right now we are at the Trinity Kim Emeka Jae Sherman. I arrived as the 2nd person. 12 21 33 is 33 age code. the numeric […]

03 Dec 2020
As you may be aware, the actual sacred portal of my going home has always sacred portal 58.

No one can Name- Define Eternity, Infinity, or even SupremacyAwareness, Harmony and Time unless you have been there and have embodied it for all to see.

No one can Name- Define Eternity, Infinity, or even SupremacyAwareness, Harmony and Time unless you have been there and have embodied it for all to see. Then and proofed it, expanded it, clarified it until crystal Clear and it shines like a diamond invincible. Proving it emprically creating an element which can cut through anything in all realms- creation and destruction… Making rise from nothing and sending to nothing containing something so, terrible proving that even nothingness may contain the […]

03 Dec 2020
6:19 PM

6:19 PM

6:19 pm. F S… F A I- R 12-3-2020. L C 2020 Lyrical Conversation. Lyrical Conversation is the Science which I invented as a man. I wrote 5 Papers, in which all were confirmed as A Fact except the Lyrical Conversation: based on Light’s Conscious expression which when one attains that frequency- you can literally effect all physical reality, matter, people with illness or problems which required solving. I could not publish the papers, which I completed in 2010-2011 because […]

02 Dec 2020
Sacred portal 147

Sacred portal 147

Sacred portal 147 3:14 pm C N Pi Poi (Poi means weight) * I just got intel that the star of the Black Panther movie first ethnic movie to reach he billion dollar mark in sales, followed by the Asian-Chinese movie Crazy Rich Asians B P OIL F O I L.. Father of Infinity Sacred Portal right here rep Emmy me as the Eternal Past E P. Eternal Planet. E P .E E. Sacred portal 7 and 28 and 122 […]

29 Nov 2020
As you may be aware, the actual sacred portal of my going home has always sacred portal 58.

Oh.. sigh…

Oh.. sigh… Margaux Hayes is the name of my new Facebook friend with the intel Sandra Bland. S B. Margaux comes from the name Margaret. meaning Pearl. Yes, Jae Sherman cat, who she was speaking about her today. Pirates of the Caribbean Arrgh!! Space Pirates. * Dear lord they will play for this play the scallywags. Space Pirates Mischief and Mahem- went too far… Correct Code Space Pi-rates The Elegant Nomads TEN not 10. Margaux Hemmingway. M H. * Correct […]

28 Nov 2020
As you may be aware, the actual sacred portal of my going home has always sacred portal 58.

2:49 PM

2:49 pm 11-28-2020. Hello. I do appreciate those who sent me Happy Birthday messages, but it really is not a Happy Birthday for me, I am a happy person – no one can take that away from me. But it’s not a Happy Birth Day to me is it- for those who have been reading my posts. I am still not yet home. But Tree wrote a post which is to be the greatest gift of all. It’s the gift […]

27 Nov 2020
As you may be aware, the actual sacred portal of my going home has always sacred portal 58.

8:46 PM

8:46 pm Not to be rude, but let’s just get this over with. 15 09 Facebook Friends O O 9. O O I / I O O Square Waves gift… B I AT E 00L 15 O 9. O O9. A E O I. A EF.. I. Favour Felico David F F D…= 16 letter= P ( A F) Favour means Meaning of the name Favour Faye, a pet form of Favour is of Old English origin meaning ‘fay, fairy’. […]

26 Nov 2020
As you may be aware, the actual sacred portal of my going home has always sacred portal 58.

From Olajide Gbenga O G

From Olajide Gbenga O G Please use the E Conscious to red the code battery 32% time 11;58 Steve Lincoln.. Steven Lincoln 29 Lincoln Street, S L..Supreme Love. 070 86 89 06 35… C E pi to the 10th. Original Facebook Post: Click Here