
Pi—The Full Circle: Completion in All Things

21 Nov 2016
21 Nov 2016
21 Nov 2016

From Sarah Nkem Blackstock.

From Sarah Nkem Blackstock. We Are I.E. 11:28 p.m. Is my birthday. I.E… Is my name Emeka Ikemefuna… I.E are the names of my family of Individuals…a.k.a. Snow Flakes.. Because each Exemplify a principle of Existence Harmonious. D.E.E are the last 3 numbers of my phone which I bought, once more Directed to that portal by Dewight Smith. D.S. Dewight is known and goes by the name D.E E. Dawn Piercy Sarah Nkem Blackstock Play today… First letters D.S. Dewight […]

20 Nov 2016


WE ARE E…! I found this on my way across the Bridge after and extraordinary play involving myself.. Nnaemeka Ifennanna Ezeufonna Dawn Piercy Sarah Nkem Blackstock Patrick Okolo… Dewight Smith. E. N. D. S. P. D.S. End Sacred Portal D.S. 4-19 Robert O Sullivan Emeka. R.OS.E. 4:00 p.m Does it not look like one of my drawings of The Beautiful Ones? Its my Lady My Core. Me. As Beautiful Pride…of Existence. Original Facebook Post: Click Here

19 Nov 2016

Ola Oladunjoye O.O.

Ola Oladunjoye O.O. Chiyuna Terry C.T. Kerwyn Vincent.. K.V Code…OO. C.T..K.V.. OOC.T.K.V… And Vertically, O.C.K… O.T.V.. Ola Oladunjoye is the Response from the Universe Supreme Awareness Matrix to the money post of 1O USD marked with Intel and Codes…Linked to 1 usd dollar left in my Wallet, linked to a conversation between Ezeufonna Ifennanna Nnaemeka and myself, which then linked to Eze-U.F.O..Nna Father finding 1 USD… And then to the confirmations with Kerwyn. 3 U.S.D he gave me for one […]

16 Nov 2016

3:58 p.m.

3:58 p.m. C.E.H… Notice we have moved from 800 Face Book friends, where we stayed at for almost a week or so… And now we are at 798… Which is Sacred Portal Diamond Hearing Now observe the code of the Ten Dollar Bill changed to Q Q G(G.7) Q G.M. 69 98 8 77 4 U F.R.A.N…(35 Is C.E Paul Bed 3005) And M.C 69…98 8 773 A.F.U.R. 6:00 p.m.Edit Please see sacred portal 98… Diamond Hearing… Beautiful Joy on […]

13 Nov 2016


800 8:47 p.m. Contd… Harmony after 4.7 Months on Face Book… And at A.G.E code 47 years… A Geographical Expression was not my mission.. Courtney Prince Panther already confirmed that by having moved with her line, aware as she traveled around the U.S..A and Globe of laying Ley lines of the Blue Print of Existence as Frequencies… Dante;s The Divine Comedy was is the play I was in… D…T..D.C…. Donald Trump D.C… Donald Trump at Washington D.C… Divine Comedy…. C.D.T…Delta… […]

13 Nov 2016

7:04 p.m.

7:04 p.m. G.O.D..p.m. 13-11-2016…. M.K..P.T… Mecca Kolo…T.P…G.I Joseph. I.G . (Code link to Isla Grant)… 10..Balance Justice. I Golden Dawn… Eternal Hero… H.E.R.T.Z…5;28… Zorro. Mecca means Paradise… Kolo means Prince Round Circle…Orb…the Planet… Globe…Global.. Earth.. The Full Circle… E Art H…Harmony Earth. Full Moon…F.M. Frequency from the Moon on the Water.. Wave Sine…. M.K..P.T…G..I… 7:43 p.m. Means That the Global Evolution and Awakening transforms the Earth back into Paradise, 7:47 p.m. By the Prince, the Eternal Hero of the Golden […]

12 Nov 2016

799 Face Book Friends…

799 Face Book Friends… G.I.I… M.W 69… Inverse.. M.W.66… 7 66…. 7:56 p.m. Code 79 Sacred Portal Blue Print of Existence… 9..=I. 7…(43-7) ..Sacred Portal 99…II=I… G.I..I.. How can there be forgiveness if there is not Contrition, none taking personal responsibility, Atonement or A-Tunning…? Just constant Challenge.. Con-Trite…. To Con the Source is Trite… Twisting the Intestines.. Jordan Colon..J.C…Large Intestines… Jose Clara For Adding Clarity to Existence… I am still in Delta Manor bed and it is a Full Moon… […]

12 Nov 2016

There are obviously many other reasons that I am sharing this post…

There are obviously many other reasons that I am sharing this post… From the Two Men to the Code N.D.T… Nature Donald Trump… To Ezeufonna Ifennanna Nnaemeka E.I.N…Who lives in the Netherlands.. (B.I.E.N) To the Song of my 3rd Volume of Journals, Talking to the Silence- set in Paris, beginning 1991, called the Eternal Dancer To Anthony Bienke.. B.I.E.N..K.E A.B… To the Code Universe Existence is LITERALLY a Song and Dance… S.A.D… Sad? No..SA! as in A.S.S.A..M’Pete!… Meaning of Astounding […]