
Pi—The Full Circle: Completion in All Things

02 Dec 2016

Facebook Post..

8:46 p.m. H:D..F. 84 is Harmony Death as Transformation through 6th Sense and not the Death as starting the Cycle all over again. Hello…. Amazing, I have moved from 806 Face Book Friends to 805 Face Book friends in the Blink of an Eye…. Or more so, in a moment when I moved from Room 3A to Room 4B… a Four room Dorm, Bed 4016… B.R.C.. Room B bed 49 to Room A bed 007 Code From Room 5A…Bed 5019 […]

28 Nov 2016

9:39 PM

9:39 pm I.C.I Ici – meaning Here in French 9:40 pm I.D.O Identification O 68 F.H. Foresight. Hindsight. 86 H.F Hindsight For-Sight. I am the One Present. Emeka. E Nnamdi Was Is the Past I passed 9:43 pm E + N = 5 + 14= 19. S. 10. 1O A.O S.A.O. C Laude Montana Ha.Le Wholesome. Hearty Healthy Apart from some High Blood Pressure easily treated with one pill a day Reasonable Dosage of Star Dust Elemental Chemicals 11:43 pm […]

28 Nov 2016


11:28-9. Dear Lord… Is there any end to checking up on my Natural Expression- Harmony? I just picked up my phone and saw that it was 11:28…then 29. The Gap grows slimmer until what was a chasm becomes now a thin line. Link from an O of the Mouth of G.O.D @ Delta- the Mouth of the River, from which an outpouring of Song has poured forth, consistently a stream from a fountain of Beautiful Orgasmic Wisdom to make B.O […]

26 Nov 2016

10:12 PM

10:12 pm. J.L. A.O.L. There is evidence of fact… The whole point is, do wish to hide from it and see the Djinn… Wizards… Yes… Ascended Masters? Holy Ghosts? Supernatural Things… Of course what John saw was real. As real as you are. But as you, it is a riddle made real in this story…called Universal Simulation Awareness. This is real. But studying in University, is real, but it is not real life. Ask any undergraduate. And Graduate. And this […]

25 Nov 2016

Ah if only you could read this..

Ah if only you could read this.. But it requires a childs Consciousness Imagination And a Youths Reasoning and Logic… A Wise Child.. And this is the X factor . The 24 and 25 th day play completed. X Y…Why The X Factor.. Its the Creative E-Spirit from the 5 dimension.. It defeats every other Magic Art Science of this World and all Unseen Realms C.E. U.R…C.U.R.E. I know I am the Cure. I posted this 2 yrs ago… No […]

25 Nov 2016

The Silver container is Dead See Salt..

The Silver container is Dead See Salt.. Abrantepa Deadline.. The Body creme I just realized is called Red Fox… I was with Dewight Smith when I bought it… It is one of my code names in another dimension play.. The Spirit World of the Plains.. Original Facebook Post: Click Here

24 Nov 2016
22 Nov 2016
21 Nov 2016


Contd.. Welcome Kathleen Gonzalez Tiffany SD.. Welcome Shari Sissoko (Bella Fonte…) And English South Q Rapper… Kathleen Purity.. and or means From the Greek name ???ate???? (Aikaterine). The etymology is debated: it could derive from the earlier Greek name ‘??ate???? (Hekaterine), which came from ‘e?ate??? (hekateros) each of the two; it could derive from the name of the goddess HECATE; it could be related to Greek a???a (aikia) torture; or it could be from a Coptic name meaning my consecration […]

21 Nov 2016

5:35 p.m.

5:35 p.m. E.C.E…. Phew…! 21-11-2016..36…9…I.. U-K…T.P…C..F..I… United Kingdom- Universal Kolo True Point. Fact…I..E 11-21-9….. 2 (1)-3-9…. B.A…C.I. K.U-I.. KUI means… Kui (Chinese: ?; pinyin: kuí; Wade–Giles: k’uei) is a polysemous figure in ancient Chinese mythology. Classic texts use this name for the legendary musician Kui who invented music and dancing; for the one-legged mountain demon or rain-god Kui variously said to resemble a Chinese dragon, a drum, or a monkey with a human face; and for the Kuiniu wild yak […]