
Pi—The Full Circle: Completion in All Things

13 Dec 2016

3:38 p.m

3:38 p.m 3:55 p.m C.C.H. C.E.E. 815 Face Book Friends… H.O.! O.H… An Orgasm…OH!.. H.A.O… O.A.H. Hello. SILENCE IS MORE POWERFUL THAN SOUND. Yesterday, I did not make a plea for Face Book Friends and the Public to help me personally get out of the Country… Nor did I make a Demand or seek to manipulate any person into sending any contribution… I made a suggestion based on the Evidence that this Play of Evolution has been an a offering […]

12 Dec 2016

From Ahmed Ajmar

From Ahmed Ajmar Transparency and Wine…. T.W… Full Circle… O.. T.W.O… Create E..ROSE..Lotus Santana….. Susan… :The Graceful Lily…it grows also in Clean clean water as well as in waste… Original Facebook Post: Click Here

11 Dec 2016

9;00 p.m.

9;00 p.m. I. OO. Evening the Score… The Music Score of Existence Manifest World.. M.W.. Metropolitan Woods… M.W… Linked and Aligned to Milky Way M.W 69… 99 66… M.W Nasa Classification M.W. 87…. M.W 78/87 Ashfak Ukkli Joelle Holly Hardin Inger Chase McWilliams . And on the 11th Yesterday… Louise Barbara Smith Jean Ann Dortch Bess Ray Dillon… Jack Baxter Suzi Sue Never Got to complete these codes… 10- 11-12 They were 8 and are now 7 who remain in […]

11 Dec 2016

8:03 p.m.

8:03 p.m. 83…. 11-12- 2016… 36… 9… K..L. T.P…. K.L…C.F. K.L…I. G.H.T….. 9 7 8 20…. See end of Part One…. 8 0 2..82… Double 00…OO… K.O.LO….. I.. Individuality.. is Pi.. Individuals always surprise us because they never repeat themselves… they say the same thig in an Infinite variety of Ways… Kolo means O Kolo.. Prince Manly Warrior Round Symmetrical Being (not body) Torus Sreenivasa Rao Boppana… S.R.B…. 12-11-2016… L.K..T.P… L.K…C.F… LO.O.K….I…. Infinity…. 8:10 p.m. Face Book Equation Play Complete […]

11 Dec 2016

From Jack Baxter. J.B. 007

From Jack Baxter. J.B. 007 For Poetry, Love and Death. When some one moved from Poet Gentleman Lover to Beautiful Assassin G. P.L. B.A It is not because He or She is Bi Polar Or Schizophrenic… Rather it is simply because it is time to be that.. A mother is loving but boy can they get pissed off when we push them too far intentionally Phew! Same thing Watch the Planet and All Creation and Their Creator pissed off I […]

11 Dec 2016

Sacred Portal 48

Sacred Portal 48 This one Herry S Lang I am registered DoB here as 1967 I was 48 officially when in room 3 A C 1. CA Bed 3002 I am of the West but of West Africa and the rest of this world too And 4-5 Dimension All points of View Twas him I was Describing To you Sword of Victory crowned with Laurels Larry Sax Staff of Truth Ofo Di Le Truth is the Husband of the Tongue […]

06 Dec 2016

Back From Death….

Back From Death…. A Dramatic Expression…? Well, lets look at the Evidence.. and what the Universal Simulation of Life- of which I appear to be its Prime Specimen and Guinea Pig… P.S. Before I could complete this post, I found myself responding to a test sent to me by Olisa Chukwuka… O.C.. Which took me back to what I did not wish to go back to… I have loathed this play of Talking through people, who are are not aware […]

06 Dec 2016

From Olisa Chukwuka…

From Olisa Chukwuka… I saw this text sent to me in my mail… I really do not have much interest in addressing the ‘Veiled meaning of why this post was sent to me, right after my response to Olisa’s comment on my page, and my response to his=her Expression that ‘My Work is Not Done… Despite 48 years, and 27 Years of Phenomenal Effort of being forced to sacrifice Everything, to live in Non Existence to bring forth Evidence and […]

05 Dec 2016

7:26 p.m.

7:26 p.m. Hi… So let get back to the Story of the End of the World as most of you knew it.. And one which never existed Ever, for people of my Ilk… This Story can only be fully understood in Hindsight.. Because it is still unraveling, but PLEASE my friends, lets make no mistake about it, it is a Story… A Romance, an Adventure, Thriller, Spy, Animation, Horror, Psychological, tale of Deception…. Perhaps, but you will not know until […]

03 Dec 2016

In an ambulance on the way to the Hospital

In an ambulance on the way to the Hospital My body exhaustion Original Facebook Post: Click Here