
Pi—The Full Circle: Completion in All Things

04 Jan 2017

6:33 p.m.

6:33 p.m. 4-1-2017…. D.A. T.Q… Delta AT Quantum. 1-4-2017…. A-D…. 37….C.G… A-D.C.G..A 6:37 p.m. There seems to be an embargo on people being able to grasp or accept what I am saying is really going in physically.. PHYSICALLY.. in my body… It is aligning it self, transforming so incrementally it feels like growing pain x 1 million… It takes everything in me to write to speak to move and concentrate on it not entangling… I feel each muscle stretch then […]

04 Jan 2017

In honor of my 845 Face Book Friend…

In honor of my 845 Face Book Friend… Hippolytus Ebisike H.E. (8.5) According to Ancient Greek Mythology Hippolytus is the son Theseus who with the aid of Ariadne went down into the maze constructed by Daedalus (whose son was Icarus.. Of the Wax Wings which melted when he flew to near to the Sun and plummeted to his Death… Daedalus Icarus D.I. ..E Sacred portal D= 4 I= 9… 49 49th State.. Alaska Nome.. The 4th Kind.) Anyway Theseus which […]

03 Jan 2017

Facebook Post..

From Vivian Lavey E.N…K.I…. Emeka Nnamdi Kolo Ikemefuna… Expression Naturalness Kosmos Infinity… My brother friend or whoever you are, tell me how did i choose that profile and that cover photo. I usually combine them, but this time i couldn’t make my mind up!! And i just left those without changing back. Normally i do not sleep until i find the right cover photo to equal my profile. And now i find this one??!! Vivian Lavey.. You are actually my […]

02 Jan 2017

8:39 PM

8:39 pm H C.I. 2-1-2017 2-1- 37 Hello…. A Brief comment. Remember the movie 6th Sense? I see the Energy…. Literally.e And Energy is Expression which is Consciousness Aware, set in motion which is called the Spirit World or Mind Thoughts realm which manifests the physical realm. 8:43 pm This is a blessing, or better still a sign of Human Evolution but in this world reality it has been made into the ultimate curse… But it is not. Many people […]

02 Jan 2017

2:01 AM

2:01 am 21 The Face Book friend who left the play was Solitary Electronic Angel S.E A Yes the Sea believing it represented the power to end all life Sea as Death Siren Star bucks… Only the Cee can bring Existential Death and the C is really A-C.. C B That had been a Long long time coming An Ancient primal battle of Titans Primordial Rolfe A O brought her R A O ..But no R R O A R.. […]

29 Dec 2016

11:31 PM

11:31 pm K C A. Its is quite extraordinary to be in my shoes… Not my position in this play of providing non stop evidence of Human Evolution from undercover…. Once more confirmed the Money Code Game of using money to send messages because it is this realities concept of Energy and Medium of Exchange.. While proving that Human Beings Are actually Mediums.. Living Energy meant to be of Infinity Harmony the Beautiful loop which form the base of the […]

27 Dec 2016

8 39 Face Book Friends…

8 39 Face Book Friends… H..C.I. 9:17 p.m I.Q. I.Q.u.e.. Harmony Consciousness Infinity…. I Quantum…. Welcome Anastasia Lfs A.L. Isaksson Hilel Diana..I.H.D Mitch Kaikai.. M.K. A.L.I.H.D.M…K Ali Mohsin Harmony Delta Manor Kolo… Ali means The Sublime the Lofty the Beautiful… Anastasia means… ‘The name Anastasia is a Greek baby name. In Greek the meaning of the name Anastasia is: Resurrection. One who will be reborn’ Isaksson.. Meaning Child of Laughter Behind the Name: Meaning, origin and history of the name […]

27 Dec 2016

Diction… Whatever you say. think express is recorded…

Diction… Whatever you say. think express is recorded… Everything carries a vibration and Frequency… That is why your Thoughts, Words, the full circle of your Expression come back and bite you in the ass… All know this, even when they pretend to not know why… Original Facebook Post: Click Here

27 Dec 2016

7:43…And so it became the Truth…

7:43…And so it became the Truth… The Warrior is of body but he fights in the Spirit Realms of Human Thought and Intention… T.I… Original Facebook Post: Click Here

25 Dec 2016

11:59 PM

11:59 pm I can not sleep… I DO NOT TRUST ANY ONE WHO IGNORES THE CONDITION GOING ON IN MY BODY. Especially those who believe they know what is going on without questioning me or examining or investigating it. And worse are those dismiss it.or offer diagnosis or tell me that I can control what is happening in an energetic process I have understood as the literal battle to evolve body through conscious Awareness of Being Conscious versus this consciousness. […]