
Pi—The Full Circle: Completion in All Things

25 Feb 2017

First Contact is with the Infinite Being…

First Contact is with the Infinite Being… And it has been going on right before your very noses… and all the while most of the planet has chosen to Focus on Donald J Trump and their material Comforts…. 3:56 pm.. And that in itself was a Test… Which Wolf would you Feed…? And that in itself was a TDest…o Alert you and Persuade you to the Choose the right focal point of View… I have posted, evidence in every single […]

24 Feb 2017

Before I respond to the Energetic Stimuli from the E.T…

Before I respond to the Energetic Stimuli from the E.T… First Contact scenario.. This time from having risen in the E line through Anthony Bienke… I wish to share the the posts from my New Face Book Friends- Also messages from the E… From Sonya Jones.. S.J… 19…10… B.A..P.H…O.M..E.T…B’EAU..TE. I just used this wrote this new password through the Sacred Portal of 155-156… E N..A.G…I.C.. K.A.N.G.E.N… E.K. Enagic..Emagic.. E Magic… The Magician. 8 Kangen is a Japanese word best translated […]

22 Feb 2017

2:56 p.m

2:56 p.m This image literally popped on my phone just now! From Nenad M. Djurdjevic Representing in this my equation True Nature. N N A M. D I Father-Mother is Here Present Now please refer to Sacred Portal 121… 3:00 pm Its is Nnamdi hailing me Saying C our Mother is the Great American African Indian Spirit His Twin… Because he is the Father of Humanity As Flesh.. 3:02 pm 32 Which has nothing to do with me or my […]

21 Feb 2017

TU.E..S.DAY… Kill Tue means Kill in French… S.D.A..Y…Male Chromosome….

TU.E..S.DAY… Kill Tue means Kill in French… S.D.A..Y…Male Chromosome…. Begone.. they did try… Correct Equation… T U… T=20, Truh… U=21… Todays Dates… 41… D.A.. Understanding Universe… E… Da Enlightens… S.- 19… Nope the past… S is Splendor… Amit Dhawan.. see meaning… D.. Delta… A.. 5A.. 51… Y.. YES H.U.E.S..A.H! 2 F.E.B…Is B… 2017… T.B.Q…Particle Wave… 37… C.G/G.C…E…Class 82… 10…Jay Livesay Jay Reid 1 O.. Awareness S.P T…O TU.. YOU… E.S… E Spirit D.A..Y…E.E.. E… EEEEEEEEEEEE 3 parts and now in […]

20 Feb 2017

5:12 p.m.

5:12 p.m. E.L 5 3 5:24 p.m.. E.X.. 5 6 E.F 20-2-1 O…. T.B..A-O. Truth Beautiful Alpha Omega… Awareness is the Full Circle of Symmetrical Perfection. 907.. 906 907…909… 908…909… 97…96… 97…99…98…99… I.G…I.F…I.G….I I….I.H…I I… I Grace…I Fact…Infinite G-ode Individuality-Infinity, Infinite Harmony…Infinity I.A.M..E See Sacred Portals…each links to form a meaning. As do the the Face Book friends names and meanings… I am not sure how many times Amit Dhawan A.D has been my Face Book friend, not as many […]

19 Feb 2017

8;45 p.m.

8;45 p.m. H:D.E…I. I can not explain or post all which transpired today- so for the record the Future.. I am sharing the Text Conversation I had with Nenad M. Djurdjevic today- with his permission of course… This was after the resolution of a mis-understanding of language and expression. And recall we stopped at 907… 97… 906.. 96… Then 909… 99.. See the Sacred Portals 97 Light of the World.. A.H..etc, 96…The True Way the We Play.. The Being and […]

16 Feb 2017

Excerpt From The Elegant Nomad… T.E.N.

Excerpt From The Elegant Nomad… T.E.N. November 28th, 2001… Atlantic Bedford Shelter A.B.S.. But Written in the Library Forte Green Prospect Park… page 26…z.. 8:51 p,m ,,, Most of the people I had encountered in the seemed somehow quieter,wiser mores subdued than the people on the streets I had encountered.. As if by living in this Shelter System which seek to demean rather than protect, they, the people has slowly woven this blanket around them. To SHEILD themselves from the […]

16 Feb 2017
16 Feb 2017
15 Feb 2017

4:04 p.m.

4:04 p.m. 44… DD… Dean Dunkwu responded to a text I sent a few days ago… to say Hi.. He responded once more in perfect harmony and in Perfect Timing… Rob had sent 200:00… Only two others had done this… Dean… 200 x 4… 800 Patrick Okolo M.D. once 200… and total 510;00 USD 8…51… Its a code… the 2 Two’s… And Nenad M. Djurdjevic did a code of 50 50 100… But when that code came after weeks of […]