
Pi—The Full Circle: Completion in All Things

05 Apr 2017

See the V

See the V And again the B but by hand hard to discern here 6:56 pm Full Circle. Original Facebook Post: Click Here

05 Apr 2017

See the Evidence

See the Evidence 6:30 pm 63 F.B The number 37 And then the O scribbled. At the B besides the Seal Now See the Code F 6 Serial Numbers J F. 78 0 32 5 14 B J F B John Fritz-Gerald Beauty… MW 78. O. Oe 32. Bed 3-002. Room 3A 2016 5 14 E N Emeka Nnamdi (Nenad.. Nnaemeka Ifennanna Ezeufonna Add B. And G. B E I N G. N…E S A Ob See Sacred Portal (Paul […]

04 Apr 2017
30 Mar 2017


THE TRUE STORY OF PI… Pi is the 16th letter in the Greek Alphabet… 16 Divided by Two is 8… Two Harmonies… 16 Is the Letter P… Planet Earth is 2 (8)… Land and Water… Two Harmonies of Land Fact…. Water- Flow… Particle and Wave, Solid and Liquid The Twins… The Human Body is made up of 73% Water… The Human Being is the merging of the Particle and Wave. The Merging of the Twins.. AH-Tom….1 8 Twins/ Mot. 3:45 […]

29 Mar 2017

From Karmina Marine K M.

From Karmina Marine K M. 11 13. Kolo Manifested Kolo means Round Circle Perfection R C Circumference Pi Symmetrical Perfection The First Time Round. I Q. S Imagination I B Original Facebook Post: Click Here

29 Mar 2017

11:49 PM

11:49 pm K D I / I D K At 975 Face Book Friends Piercing the Veil of Sound… Done A play just took place which most of my older face book friends are aware of in my Narration and Rage of that One Rep of Woman playing God who forgot that she was not real but the first creation Of The Simulation.. Ma Trix Ma Tricks She has been brought to this forum and Court and was given a […]

28 Mar 2017

10:08 PM

10:08 pm Nur means Light I knew a man, I loved him because I knew him At least his Espirit Line of my Bio Father he and the mother of his child Coco Were the the models I used in Sacred Portal 39 … Yes, Pi P I Peter Ibemneme. 10:11 pm He told me how it was extraordinary that my bio Father was still following after me… And that the Beings in me were joyous He was from Beirut, […]

27 Mar 2017

9:28 p.m.

9:28 p.m. Emeka… Leonardo… Lawrence… Ziefried… Siegfried. Micheal… This are the 5 people who remained here… and a conversation manifested.. And to my surprise I found myself briefly adding to the conversation Leo a Highly Advanced 17 year old a Skeptic and Larry a Pilot- Open mind were having… I said Everything is Sound which is Energy… That everything is a wave… and the wave is in Harmony just as I found a seat first near him then with Anika, […]

27 Mar 2017

5:26 p.m.

5:26 p.m. E.Z… 5-27-2017…37…10…1O. E.B.G.A.O.A ( E.A-A T…Q…C.G…J.B 1010 .A.O.A ) E.BE G.A.L.A.X.Y…1 O 11 C.I.Z…Alpha Omega… E.A…(5 1 *See Sacred Portal 5 and 1.. As well as 51) EA..AT Quantum Change… G Vision of Grace in Swift and Victorious Balance Alpha Omega…Ascension’ 27-5-10… A-Z-A…E. A.O.A… Resurrection Erection Rebuilding Erecting True Consciousness… Emeka’s Awareness Omega Alpha… This makes Total Sense, considering that my body is literally going crazy.. As I walked in to the cafe today, after adding and rearranging […]

27 Mar 2017

From Billy Perillo

From Billy Perillo Beautiful Pineal Gland to me would look and function a bit like this.. Sun Crown Chakra- Vision 3 Pine shaped cones-Cee Lotus Dharma – Law Flow Spinal Fluid Original Facebook Post: Click Here