
Pi—The Full Circle: Completion in All Things

19 May 2017

3:22 PM

3:22 pm C V Code Anthony Malgren I was just remarking to myself yesterday that I must comment on how there are no more marked bills I do not know what made me look in my wallet after the last post ( streamed through me even as I was sitting here aware that this was a form of Possession but by whom? I always knew but it was also meant to be impossible.) See 90 is inked in Blue 90 […]

19 May 2017

Facebook Post..

E S. I A 3:03 pm 33 5-19-1. O E S. A O H I am sitting here with my Mouth wide open in a state of shock stunned disbelief I am still in the Scripted Play… Yesterday was part of it… The code is Italian Spanish American Indian I. S A I. D …This is my play not yours Eneka, Right ot Wrong, I have made you correct and write the Wrongs… Even at the Price and Cost of […]

18 May 2017

9:09 p.m.

9:09 p.m. 99 Sacred Portal 99… I and I… I have to go out, I just got a call said Jose Roque. And older Lady, a friend who I do work for called me crying, a neigbhor has been terrorizing her… She called me CRYING…Saying could I come help her… She is disabled…. He was cool calm, even comical as he hurriedly got dressed and showered.. 9:11 New York.. 2001… The real deal… Has the person done this before ? […]

16 May 2017
15 May 2017

4:03 PM

4:03 pm I got up at 2:00 pm today from my Nap 2… Two Frances President is 39 Emmanuel Macron E M C I I C Me 4/3 Which is what counts I See Me 4-3 I do not Need anyone to See Me I Do Which is what an Individual is He She Sees themselves Knows Themselves Knows Their own I D And What they have Done Merited Achieved D M A A M. Delta I never had any […]

14 May 2017


10:20.. 10-21 pm T.J Taun Jay T U Taun Universe Tu. You. See the meaning of the name Tuan- It is a vietnamese name. Intelligent The Universe is Intelligent, I met him with Jay, at the Swedish Restaurant. ( R S. The name of the model of a Black Mustang with the license plate 511 on my way here to Delta) The Collection in 1996 But it was only Tuan I saw once again when I stopped off in London […]

14 May 2017


Contd. 5:45-46 p.m. 987 Face Book Friends… 9 87… I.H.G…. H.U.G.H..H.U.G.E…H.U.E… 98 7… I.H… I Harmony Infinity Grace as Clarity… 9 4 87… I.D..Sacred Portal 87. 94…I.Delta.. Identity Of Harmony of the Seven Cees Continents. 5:50 p.m. This is my conclusion, All of the Above…’ A.O..T.A./ A.T..O. A… A.OE…T.A/ A.T. E.O. A…H The Panther is Gone… I woke up and felt that frequency present and forefront. He has been released, he has risen.. he is in me but now in […]

10 May 2017

So Today is 5:11…

So Today is 5:11… Though the Date is 5-10-1.O… Ah I see… 5-1O 1… 5-11… That is what Miguel B of bed 5-005 stated and was the first thing I heard him state 5-11… I could not figure it out that it was, is the date…. Area 51… 10-5-1 O…. 1 O-5-1 O… J.E.J… Jay E Jay… A O E A O…E 8:56 p.m. Harmony 56… In all aspects… 5-10-1… E J.A…. E…1O1…11 E.K… I.C…. 2:53PM B. E.C..K…H..A.M… E Hi […]

06 May 2017


88 HH Sacred Portal 88 The True X Factor.. 10:42 pm What is the Meaning of Existence 24 is X 66 Nenad M. Djurdjevic Lisa Natalie Johnson 46 Lisa came as I completed the post Right at S P A C E. K C R A F T As if she knew she was late for boarding She told me a story of herself at age 13 in Jamaica the Island… Hurricanes, Robbery at Gun Shot- Extraordinary. All the while […]

06 May 2017

10:37 PM

10:37 pm Sacred Portal 37 Complete at Will I.E Finally… Original Facebook Post: Click Here