
Pi—The Full Circle: Completion in All Things

14 Jul 2017

Egalitie Fraternite Liberte….

Egalitie Fraternite Liberte…. Equality Fraternity Liberty… E..F.L… E.M.E.K.A..K.O.L.O… Forte Lauderdale… E.F.L… 5 6 12….. 11 12..L.K… 23…W..Double V on both sides of the Atlantic… Atlantic City…Brenda Lisa.. Understanding Expression B.LU.E… 5th Color… V… D.V. 5 6 12… 5..18… E.R… 93.. Yesterdays Play… 9 3.. I.C. E.R.I.C.. A.M…E.R.I.C… 1000… 1.. A… Full Circle… A.M..E.R.I.C.A. 5 6 6= 12… E.L…5 12… 17…Q…Quantum… Tao Quantum… *See Share of My Face Book Memory by Anthony Bienke yesterday. 7-14-1 O…. 14-7- 1O… See Sacred Portal […]

13 Jul 2017

Sacred Portal 13

Sacred Portal 13 3:10.. 3:11 pm Alternating Current Infinite Stop yourself from going too far. I am Woman She Elf -that other one is not me. Powerful Libations to Truth Bring Powerful Vibrations Today is the 13th Lisa Natalie Johnson left today with Kelvin. No longer the Illusion of herself. Ms Brenda Boothe is sitting here besides me. I call her Royal Elf Q because She Is Concy Brenda. C B Laker Brenda Aaroyal. L A B A Royal Elf… […]

13 Jul 2017

And the last of the message from Michaël Trahé and his E-Spirit.

And the last of the message from Michaël Trahé and his E-Spirit. Honored forever as Ms Brenda Boothe, Flor Elena Elizabeth Clarizio Lisa Natalie Johnson…and all the lines who contributed to the Beautiful Truth… B’Eau De Vie Water of Life… Water For Life… W.F.L…. W Flor Lisa..B B E C… Jean Michel J.A.R..R.E… J M J… Full Circle… 10 13 10… 33… Original Facebook Post: Click Here

08 Jul 2017

8:20 p.m.

8:20 p.m. Yes …Flor Elena Me-Dina ( Dina Singh.. D.S.. 4 19.. 18… 23.. 22.. 5 4… 9… Completion… 1000.. 999.. 19… S.. Steven Bed 4-003.. Room 4.A.. We are at the End. Time now; 8:23 p.m… H.B.C… H.Double V… H.D.V… Harmony Debra Valerie… Valerie Freeman… V.F… 5 6…11 No Barrier of Glass or Mirrors.. No Tricks… There is only one true Wall which separates us..But which really connects us… Breath Air…Space Expression.. Laker Brenda Aaroyal… L.B.A…S.E… That is the […]

08 Jul 2017

The Post I was writing and just posted disappeared.

The Post I was writing and just posted disappeared. 7;23 p.m. Just to make you aware it began at 6:09 p.m.. 69… April 5th, 1969… Which is when Nnamdi was Born. 7;23 is G.W… Really G.Double V… VV.. Which now links to the yesterday, which was 7-7… And the release date of Spiderman, the Homecomming… 7 7 V V…. Deborah Valerie… Valerie Freeman… Friend of Lisa Natalie Johnson and the one who is the Mother who came back and stayed […]

06 Jul 2017

9 :13 p.m.

9 :13 p.m. I.M.. I.M.P. O..S.S..I.B…L.E… It only seems Impossible until it is Done.. Nelson Rolihlahla..Man-DE.L.A!… N.R.M….. Natures Room…. Evolved to E.N.R.M…. And to S.E.N..R.M…. S.A.O.H… H.O.A.S..E.N..R.I.M…P O S S I B L.E…. Irish Meaning: The name Nelson is an Irish baby name. In Irish the meaning of the name Nelson is: Son of the Champion. Famous Bearer: South African President Nelson Mandela (born 1918). e late Mr Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela is sometimes referred to by other names. Each name […]

06 Jul 2017

3:47 p.m.

3:47 p.m. D.C..G…. 7-6- 1 O… Clarity at the Speed of Light Beyond, G- Ode and the Sixth Sense, Awareness Alpha Omega in Perfect Symmetry. Sacred Portal 76… It reads.. The 123 Cock Sure of the First Dawn Awakening OO.. 76 22 ( V) NET. MET JET LET…LE BEST.. E.T…N.M.J.L…L.E..B.EST. 4:07 p.m. 47… 1947.. My Mother.. C.O…Larry Sax… @ 5:10 p.m… Code 51… Area 51…. E.A. Sent me the last Money Code,of 45 usd… 45…See Sacred Portal 45 Throne of […]

04 Jul 2017

It always seems Impossible until its is Done.

It always seems Impossible until its is Done. Nelson Mandela N.M. N N A M DI Nelson Mandela d Traveler 2016 23 17 565. This is what ABE (Rose) from Ethiopia had in his hands… 8:48 p.m. 8:49 p.m. When he came in and sat down besides me and began speaking about what he had read on my page. Which I had asked him to investigate. He did, and what he said was music to my ears, and then we […]

02 Jul 2017

Welcome Daniel Carter D.C… and Nicole Tayler Maxine N.T.M….

Welcome Daniel Carter D.C… and Nicole Tayler Maxine N.T.M…. D.C… 4 3… N.T…14 20…M…. / Manifestation of 2014…. 34… 7… The Journey after K.EW Gardens where I was sent back for the People… But there are no Peoples as witnessed there is only the E… D.C Alludes to Sacred Portal 43 .. And Energy E=CMe43… And Yes Washington D.C and the Entire World is under the Dominion Control of this Play… Which Is why my focus was not on African […]

01 Jul 2017

Facebook Post..

6:47 p.m. F: 47… 11 28… 39…. It is 8:55 p.m right now.. Ah no, 8:56 p.m. We are at 995 Face Book Friends once more, after a torturous descent down to 991 and then a terrible climb for me personally to get back to 995. I link the code expressed by both Lisa Natalie Johnson and Brenda… ( code Laker Brenda Aaroyal and Concy Brenda ) and the meaning of the name… to both expressing the code 24;99…Which moved […]